I think diablo 4 will be a bad game

just read up rod fergusson latest re-tweet vs @thesagayoutube and thank me later

It is being run by an absolutely terrible company that exists purely by coasting on former glory and name recognition, afterall, so it wouldn’t at all shock me if D4 ends up being “meh” at best.

I suppose we’ll know for sure soon enough, but I’m still looking forward to it for now.


What tweet are you talking about?

I looked but didn’t see anything? Also not really a Twitter person so there is that

Any links to tweets?

there are none, it’s just your weekly before release whiners


Care to post the content of that tweet?

fixed : just read up rod fergusson latest re-tweet vs @thesagayoutube and thank me later

can you post a direct link? what are you talking about?

So don’t buy it then.

It was just posted in your Shako thread and I posted it in a HC race thread intially.

Guess i’ll do it here.
It was a question about the 100 Race.
You can see the responses.
Here’s the Ratio at the time of my linking it earlier.

255.5K views, 98 Likes. This speaks to me…(that was pointed out by @DreamWalker)

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So what, a dev answer the same thing a lot of us said here too and just for that D4 will be a bad game? :yawning_face:

Guess what? My views count but I have no account to post likes. I’ll guarantee you most of the views are from non account holders viewing it from a forum link like this.

That tweet and blizzard action to delete the progress of reviewers and give them same early access as other players is a sound decision, I don’t know what OP is on about.

I linked it 36 minutes ago so… and the ratio was noted within minutes.
Aslo I have no Tweetbird account.

@Balder777 - I seriously cannot imagine ANYONE thinking the progress would not be wiped for an “early review access” - to even think that it wouldn’t blows my mind.
I know he said that as a “Disclaimer” - but it should be obvious.
And frankly - it’s besides the point. Knowledge is power in most any endeavor.

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Damn, ppl are really getting sour over this?!
Quit being pathetic.



*****No one cares.

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I feel like its a better game than D3 was already. So… I’m ready to play and have some fun!!

The race does affect the in game world at all. Most people are not going to play hardcore let alone race in hardcore. The ones who win this will have to no life the game and gimp their own experience. Take your time in D4 and touch some grass.

Looks like it’s time to avoid the forums already :joy: thought we would have at least until the 30th

Really? With it still being open, im surprised it was as good as it was (not saying much) for as long as it was. Its def going downhill quick fast and in a hurry though.