I think diablo 4 will be a bad game

I mean other than a few here and there it was alright until last night. :joy: now itā€™s worse than Reddit :laughing:

I have a k-3 school close to my houseā€¦ out doing yardwork or whatever I can hear the kids convos on their ways home passing by, and I kid you not, 80% of those are better crafted and more intelligent than 99% of whats posted here.

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Sadly I donā€™t doubt it. Itā€™s usually once they hit high school where it all goes down hill.

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Pretty much. The amount of whining over nothing is becoming ridiculous.

So because of a pathetic outside competition that 90% of the players wont care about the game is suddenly bad?

if it does turn out to be a bad game, what can ya do about it? :person_shrugging:

I am surprised we have not seen this yet: :point_down:

ā€œI paid money so I could be ahead of others but now that others might be ahead of me, I want a refund.ā€ :rage:

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There was a comment like that on Reddit earlier lol


Can we just ship out everyone in the West under 30 and start over? Try again? The sound of whineing on the boat would be both deafening and wonderful as it fades into the distance.

Just send it out viking style, push it into the Pacific and send a flaming arrow its way. Start a new, stronger generation and remind them what happend to the one that crys over general existence.

Thank you ? What a tool

The fact that d2r not even an old game and they did NOTHING to combat cheat. Every ladder die within days. Arent yall concerned???

I feel like i am gonna play this game 1-2 months cause I donā€™t getting bored most likely and they most likely not gonna screw this game for these 1-2 months. And i just feel that i want bit more dose of this game. I actually almost deleted this acc but decided to cancel

Seriously. Boggles my mind how noisy people get over the smallest complaints possible.

I agree that it would be better if we didnā€™t have in depth guides on game mechanics releasing before the game launches, but it isnā€™t going to make Diablo IV a bad game.

Concerned about PvE competition? Not even a little bit. Couldnt care less about that, i am playing the game for me only.

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The guides have been around for about a year now. I was looking at early builds of the paragon board like 6 months ago. OP is talking nonsense.

Is this about the Hardcore 100 Statue thing?

If so, this is meaningless FOMO drivel.

Yeah but thereā€™s a difference between looking at paragon boards and putting builds to the test at end game content, right? I donā€™t know it doesnā€™t matter that much but I still think its a negative.

They got 10 days. A season is 3 months.

Not to mention the content creators wonā€™t have any kind of data on the first seasonal content which could come with class balancing just for a start.

You have an entire 6 weeks before the first season even launches. If you havenā€™t learnt everything there is to know about the game in that 6 weeks then you were probably never that interested.

Besides, I thought the gold expense at end game was so vast that we wouldnā€™t be able to respec constantly, so how much ā€˜testingā€™ have they really done? Wujido is one of the best content creators around for Diablo and he didnā€™t even hit max levelā€¦

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Yo, Iā€™m not worried about the players advantage or head start like everyone else. I just think itā€™s in poor taste to allow reviews and guides on unreleased content, before the players that purchased early access have been able to play the content. I donā€™t care that they get a head start playing, I just think games are more fun when the community has to come together in discovery, to share what they have learned, instead. These content creators are spoiling that discovery process. Itā€™s just an opinion I have on the best way to start a game as a community. Not the end of the world.