I spent 30+ hours only on Rogue, Killed the butcher in 10 seconds, and here's my take

First off the withdrawal symptoms are real, had a blast playing the past weekend and can’t wait for the full launch.

I played 30+ hours of just Rogue the past weekend trying to see what actual build potentials there are, not that many people tried to min-max since its only level 25 content and its getting wiped, but I still did it in hopes that it will give me a brief understanding of what the true end game will look like, and it did!

To me the itemization in D4 is walking that fine line of less being too bland like D3 and more being too much like POE, this is with Uniques in level 50+ content kept in mind of course. Sure, at a glance the “green arrow = better” may be the case since it literally tells you that its more powerful, but in reality the stat rolls actually do make a difference, imprinting legendary powers also requires some strategic juggling between different slots(2h weapon gives 100% increase, 50% increase for amulets). While elemental resistances and armor do not matter that much currently since its level 25 content, seeing how the world bosses’ poison instantly melts 3-5 hp pots per hit, eventually the resistance rolls will matter in the late game.

Surely there will be a BEST BUILD on paper in the true end game, but that will be a true end game grind to get there, and along the way, we will have to juggle between attack rolls, defensive rolls, and legendary power imprints. And then throwing the super rare Unique drops that will instantly take a gear slot into the mix, we are talking about entirely different player experiences in achieving the true end game.

I think this game deserves more than a brief glance and being called bad.

And finally, I wanted to share with you my results for the time-limited min-maxing, hope you enjoyed this game as much as I did: Diablo 4 Open Beta Rogue in a nutshell - YouTube