I need at least 2 more stash tabs

If I can like this post more I will :smiley:!!! I really need more stash tabs and character slots due to my propensity to collect choice items; I’m at the point where all the items in all of my mules have 1, 2 or 3 GAs with very nice affixes and rolls on them already.

If more stash tabs and/or char slots are not possible atm, perhaps they can at least add 2 more columns per stash tab coz I would really like to have all of my summoning materials all in one row; it would just look nicer and neater that way :slightly_smiling_face:

Just buy another account.

Because main stat basically creates virtually the same gear load across str int dex and willpower.

I expect to have 1 account per stat. At 2 now, haven’t touched dex or int really, and I wouldn’t need more than 2 if I didn’t need the search function which makes muling bad. So it’s just better to poney up the cash for the QOL for the search.

Uniques and uber uniques take up 2 pages for me.

If you play every class and have 4 builds per class, push / nm100 / helltides / pvp, you will need probably 3 accounts. Until you are no longer holding upgrade pieces for these builds (which is unlikely) until you hit all breakpoints.

We need more like 8 to 10 more stash tabs.

Blizzard will take years to fix this.

Solution buy another account or become a great 3rd party seller/buyer and use the general trade pool as a virtual bank/ pawn shop.

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this but yeah, it’s almost time.

Yeah man, I get we shouldn’t necessarily pay for this but - “it is what it is”.

And we all need to understand blizzard, diablo and their track records on this.

So, if you need a fix now, buy an account and augment space and trade with yourself through multiple instances or another computer / laptop. Or pass items through a friend you trust.

Precedence is already set in D3. D4 has same basic problem. Fix will take some time as they figure out the memory and what can be removed. The very fact they got rid of a ton of affixes might free up some of this if they can scale the items in a way that aren’t a ton of unique id’s.

oh, it’s not new to me as I was a multiboxer at one point(D3) it’s just kind of meh

Oh right, yes, I multiboxed also, now I ghettobox, just move my characters manual and have them sit in dungeons. Can’t do helltides. Doing nm’s kinda suck since you have to basically clear it twice, lol if you want the drops in the dungeon - important in the beginning since you need tempers on the other account.

I have 1 of every class and have zero space issues.

Salvage some stuff my dude. Your characters should have ample space to hold their elixiers and summon mats on their person. If they dont - use them?

/edited and removed, I’m sure you know.

Sorry, I play eternal so my gear actually accumates over time.

Druid main with 4 level 100 druids with more than 4 builds I’m supporting, I’ve salvaged all non GA stuff weeks ago, I am no salvaging my single GA stuff out, and I’m not about to trash my duals and triples that are useful.

My druid load alone fills my main account stash.

I have Pulv / Subterr / Nado / Daddy / Lightning right now, I am getting ready to work on that trample slide.

Am I against more space? Of course not, but we have to work within the constraints we are given.

I’d love to be able to toss everything I ever found and thought I might use someday on some build into my stash, but we dont have the luxury of doing that.

Adapt my dude. There’s plenty of space if you are smart about it and not lazy.

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agreed. i have made 9 seasonal softcore chars now this season and i still have 2 empty tabs

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Constraints are not appropriate however.

The same should have been developed to cover all basic types of players through hardcore eternal that arguably has the highest gear load.

There are minimalist that will never need the space, you still have to cover your general playing population.

I know they don’t care much about eternal and maybe eternal is less than 5% of the player base, so it will almost never have priority fixes needed.

Reality is Blizzard won’t fix it anytime soon.

Reality is Blizzard should have accounted for this - there was clear precedence of same stash problems in D3.

No excuses - they screwed up. I accept it. I Adapted. I bought another account. :slight_smile:

Every game has constraints. You as the player need to solve that.

There’s nothing to fix. There will always be hoarders on eternal realm who cant part with their precious pixels and lament over their first character that they just cant delete. That’s a problem for the hoarder not the devs.

Mission accomplished by Blizz :wink:

Donmartin, hoarding is natural.

i think you’re confusing this with pathological hoarding.

You might be a minimalist can’t understand. I get it.

Move on. We categorically stand across each other on this we won’t come to terms.

D3 added stash tabs til we had 13 and SAID they wanted to give us more actually 5 more I believe but couldn’t. I’m sure D4 will follow suit, but D3 took over 4-5 years to get the space to the players.

Solution is buy another account.

And a Barb buff. Never forget to bundle a Barb buff… :wink:

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We should have 10 base tabs… Plus 2 more tabs (character locked) for each character on the account.

I’d settle for every hero having a personal tab that is separate from the rest of the stash.

If you played the game more than you played the forums you would know this is an actual issue. Even their biggest streamers have no space like Rob. He is literally giving away his GA items because he has no more room for anything else.

For people looking to avoid reading comments like this from people that don’t play the game and hide their profile.

Profile >> Preferences >> Users >> Click the + Add… under “ignored” >> Copy their exact name into there (it should pop up). Voila~ No more having to read nonsense takes from people that don’t play the game.


Do you need a handkerchief :sob:

No, just 40 bucks for the next sale.