I need at least 2 more stash tabs

I agree, stash is not a priority and is much better than it was. But at some point it should be increased. My point was against people saying “vendor all your items or go play poe”.

I adopt the same method as you :rofl:. Especially one with the blank tab which I called it “Sorting House”.

to the people that say “go play poe” if i(and others) want more storage space in D4 can you please post your stash tabs (in poe)? I will if you will, also, I have many storage mules, because it is a free to play game.

I do think they are being missleading, but my guess is it’s related to anti-duping measures.

There was a thread the other day on this, and I was trying to come up with an extreme case where an item took 1kb, we got 500 extra slots, and there were 30 million players all using those slots. That would be 15 TBs. Really not much.

People will say double it or more for redundancy, still 30TBs not really much.

The thing is that there are not 30 million players, its closer to 4.25 million, items likely wouldn’t take 1kb.

Another argument is it would lead to more network traffic reading all those entries though.

While that is true its not all one server. Network traffic would be spread around the world or at least your service area.

All this is to say the server space/cost concerns aren’t the bottleneck.

I have about 50 x too many leagues. Standard is a place I dare not tread.

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The stifling limits on stash and character slots are the oddest design decision in Diablo 4.


oh yeah absolutely they arent the bottle neck, but to maximize profit you have to cut every single fing corners there is, this could very well be one of them lol


I preordered the new ultimate edition of the expansion and i see many others have (in game) as well. they(blizzard) can afford it.
I don’t think i’ve played standard in at least 8 years
and preordered the ultimate edition before the game release too lol

I don’t play standard, was just making a joke about how many remove only tabs I have there. Would never want to deal with it all.

Would more stash tabs be a QoL thing? Yeah, more space isn’t ever exactly a “bad” thing.

Are they needed? No, and I hoard quite a bit of stuff. 1 of each unique for each class, a couple of the decent uniques worth saving, gear to possibly roll, boss mats, potions, etc.

I’ve got space left. IMO the argument for “omg I need more space” died when the codex update dropped, and people need to learn to let go of a couple more items.

Complaints about the stash won’t really add up to much until the day that Blizz pulls the trigger on making them a microtransaction item; THEN the discussion will have some teeth.

one of the last times I went to standard, this was before the chaos orb currency change, i looked at some of the junk and just logged off. I do remember being a little perturbed about maps but can’t remember exactly why. it’s been awhile.

oh they absolutely can afford it, but daddy needs his 17th yacht!

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Probably because at one point they changed them so new maps wouldn’t fit into the older map tabs unless you took out all the old maps first.

yeah that sounds right, or they had to be converted to new maps…something along those lines or it converted them when taken out of the tabs etc etc

If Last Epoch can afford to give you 200 free stash tabs without the game servers melting down, I am sure there is a way to provide more storage in Diablo IV, quite easily.


How can your item affix knowledge be so weak in such an easy game? At this point, no amount of storage will be enough.

If I can like this post more I will :smiley:!!! I really need more stash tabs and character slots due to my propensity to collect choice items; I’m at the point where all the items in all of my mules have 1, 2 or 3 GAs with very nice affixes and rolls on them already.

If more stash tabs and/or char slots are not possible atm, perhaps they can at least add 2 more columns per stash tab coz I would really like to have all of my summoning materials all in one row; it would just look nicer and neater that way :slightly_smiling_face:

Just buy another account.

Because main stat basically creates virtually the same gear load across str int dex and willpower.

I expect to have 1 account per stat. At 2 now, haven’t touched dex or int really, and I wouldn’t need more than 2 if I didn’t need the search function which makes muling bad. So it’s just better to poney up the cash for the QOL for the search.

Uniques and uber uniques take up 2 pages for me.

If you play every class and have 4 builds per class, push / nm100 / helltides / pvp, you will need probably 3 accounts. Until you are no longer holding upgrade pieces for these builds (which is unlikely) until you hit all breakpoints.

We need more like 8 to 10 more stash tabs.

Blizzard will take years to fix this.

Solution buy another account or become a great 3rd party seller/buyer and use the general trade pool as a virtual bank/ pawn shop.

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this but yeah, it’s almost time.

Yeah man, I get we shouldn’t necessarily pay for this but - “it is what it is”.

And we all need to understand blizzard, diablo and their track records on this.

So, if you need a fix now, buy an account and augment space and trade with yourself through multiple instances or another computer / laptop. Or pass items through a friend you trust.

Precedence is already set in D3. D4 has same basic problem. Fix will take some time as they figure out the memory and what can be removed. The very fact they got rid of a ton of affixes might free up some of this if they can scale the items in a way that aren’t a ton of unique id’s.

oh, it’s not new to me as I was a multiboxer at one point(D3) it’s just kind of meh