I need at least 2 more stash tabs

I think at this point, it’s clear we need a little more stash space, even with the new codex changes. Most of my problems stem from Tempering, however. I tend to keep 3 of the same type of item and temper all 3 at the same time for a higher chance at getting an item I can use. Because of this, I usually fill up at least one stash tab for each class. I’ve got one tab reserved for uniques, and another for various items like sigils, boss summoning mats, elixirs, etc. And I tend to keep one tab completely empty that I use for farming items - I blast blast blast, and once that tab fills up, I go through that loot until it’s empty again.

With this method, I’m only able to do 3 classes as it stands. With pending changes likely coming to tempering, I can see that helping, but I still don’t think it’ll be a complete resolution to my problem. Especially with loadouts likely coming soon as well.


Here we go again. :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


I think more space is in order as well.


Best I can do is more space for your potions, a boost to an affix you don’t even use, and movement speed on your boots.


Calling all forum trolls… “you need to stop hoarding … blah, blah, blah”. Even Maxroll can’t get it right, they keep changing their builds up as if tempering those affixes on GA’s are so EZ-pz.

And after I salvaged GA Flay pants only to not see them roll GA anymore, I’m inclined to save other GA skill pants.


Agreed, and I hope Blizz stops loading our stuff so they can just give us as many as we want / can afford to purchase.


I do not use those sites but I do save gear multiples before I roll them.

Nice, were you able to stick to just a minimal set of gear for your build? I’ve been going through a lot and kept some in case I wanted to respec back, then there are those tease pieces where u get a GG item for a different build, and so wait to see if RNGsus throws more build-related items ur way (thorns, but not sure I want to go that way)

I generally build full sets before I even begin rolling. I also salvage items that are/were masterworked. I do not count bricked items or save them, they get insta-salvaged or vendored.
brick = insta garbage. not even going to dwell on it or think of a build.


Yea, had to do stash management last night and some uniques are tough to figure out which is better, cuz so many stats and some wield some powers only understood through Blizz maff, and they always roll such that 1 has a high roll in this stat, another has a high roll on that, … . In the end, I just picked one and mass salvaged the rest - heck, if any were that much better than what I have, I’d have noticed


Agree. With everything tradable I need more space to be a better seller

Why is there so many horders in gaming. Literally not a game I have ever played there was not stash whiners. They get more and STILL cry.
I have played d4 for 1200+ hours and have literally never filled my stash once. Why you keeping 1000 pulls of grigore in your stash? You going to run him that much? VENDOR THEM!!!


Agreed. More stash tabs please. Don’t tell me that I have to manage my stash better! I want to keep what I want to keep and 6 tabs is not enough

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Everybody plays differently. I’m happy for you, but some of us want more stash space to do what we like to do

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I’m 99% sure that’s a cap.

They are just making that up so they don’t have to pay for more server for data storage…well that’d be my guess.

Yeah I got a 1ga razorplate so I was like ok maybe I’ll keep it just in case…

I have about 70% of a thorn set now lol

And? Everyone wants something. With everything wrong and broken in d4 stash space is about the 1000th thing that should be worried about.
You want stash space go play PoE and spend a hundred dollars on stash tabs. Give you more stash space you will just squirrel away more of that garbage till it full again anyway. Quit keeping vendor garbage.

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I have 6 characters and I don’t need Stash Tabs at all. Most my tabs are empty other then
A Gagillion STEEL MATS, and a few odds and ends of other things.

But it’s w/e at this point, if people want more sure why not. Might as well make it infinite stash tabs at this point so people can stop complaining about it all the time.

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No. I’ll play the way I want to play on the game I want to play and express my opinions when I want to.


Well of course you can express your desire to request more Tabs in this situation.

But even I agree that I believe Blizzard would have More important/bigger things then to worry about Stash Tabs. I’d like them to focus on other things that would have a bigger impact on the game itself,

while I believe the player (when it comes to stash tabs) can try to manage their own inventory better.

The way things are NOW are certainly better then it was for season 1 2 and 3, so for now this was Blizzards way of fixing the Stash Problem. *In season 4

Let them work on other things then come back to this, because if we got more stash, people will just fill it all up again and again and Again, where will it end??

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