I like that it will have mercenaries


Is it not better to wander with a friend by your side? Never fight alone as Mercenaries can join you on your quest to battle side by side with you in the dense undergrowth of Nahantu and beyond. These powerful allies grow in power as they progress, and each are equipped with unique abilities to help you in combat.

hopefully they’re voiced and have stories, the BEST lore of D3 was the mercenaries and their stories in ROS as well as their banter during fights and between acts

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So they’re essentially the season 3 seneschal with potentially more customization.

Sounds fine to me though I’m curious about 3 things:

  • How many can we have?
  • Do players and active mercenaries share skill points?
  • Will end-game content be difficult to the point where they’re essentially required?

Why does every one have to be so weird and ugly? Seriously, is this a woke thing because Blizzard seems to have no problem making a cute non-human pet.

The thread is about mercenaries not pets.

Im curious how they will function! I always enjoyed the Mercenary in the games 2 and 3. These I am eager for.

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I hope they tell us what they can and cannot do in July. Please do not let it be like D2 in which most people just used the same one. The D3 followers never really did much damage at higher levels but they did offered some good buffs after the revamp.

I’m torn about them. On the one hand, I really enjoyed gearing up my mercs in D2 and the early days of D3, and I also loved the random stuff they said in D3.

On the other hand, I really don’t like how they tend to hyper-specialize builds by covering a class’s weaknesses too easily. I hope they can get the balance to where merc choices are actually a thing, rather than everyone using the same merc, or even everyone of a specific class using the same one. I’d at least want each class to have a build for each merc, but it would also be cool if there were variants of builds that used a different merc. So like, a FO build that uses the shield guy vs one that uses the archer vs one that uses granny barb and you take different support skills/aspects depending on which you choose.

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Homie, either your monitor went blank, or your webcam is on, but both can be fixed, and neither have anything to do with mercs in game. Go play D2; they weren’t exactly the waifu pillow material you crave then either, nor should they be.

As for the actual topic; I just hope they’re useful and/or interesting without being just another stat stick like they were in previous games. Essentially doubling a character’s gear slots just adds more trivial fluff, not real content.

I agree. Mercenaries in Diablo III were easily the most memorable element of the game.

Apart from that, I’m not sure what purpose they should serve in Diablo IV. Game is already too easy.

1 active at a time. No. No.

I like the idea of mercenaries, I love the idea of a rebalancing of the classes first though so that we dont end up feeling like we “need” the mercenaries, Especially sorcerer

I’m honestly not a fan of it. I don’t want to micro manage other stuffs. I guess I’ll have to get used to it.