I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

Im hitting this wall at 83 basicly same thing. I clear t40 no problem t50 1 shot by almost everything. Cant get the unique pants and my damage reduction ones havnot helped. Tried Hota hate the playstyle. Woder if i shoulda just played sorc nec or Rogue. That nerf they did really hurt barb, 2 least played class. Imo it was too extream. Even in pvp hota can still get 1 shot by necs and rogues.

I could not agree more tbh

I don’t understand how people can read my post and then say things like “OP says Sorcs are overpowered” and “OP wants 100 mil crits on WW”. I want WW to be capable of completing the games toughest challenges. I acknowledged that the infinite scaling bug needed to be fixed. The probably is, they panic spam nerfed the barb before they even realized infinite scaling was occurring, and those nerfs are proving to be excessive now that the biggest issue has been fixed. If it’s even possible, I cant imagine Uber Lilith taking less than 20-30 minutes to kill with WW right now. In a fight filled with one shot mechanics with sketchy hotboxes, that’s pretty ridiculous.


I think the issue is more in how you’re approaching the game. In that you’re picking one class, deciding that’s the only class you want to play. Picking one sole build (WW barb). And deciding that’s the only build you want to play. Of course that is a very stale way to play a video-game which gives you more options.

Try making up your own builds and playstyles and pick up different classes as well. The game is just for entertainment purposes. It is not a job or a competition.

To a large extent, yes. It’s funny; I identified and wrote about every problem we are having now within 30 hours in the first beta. Everything I wrote is 100% true of how I feel now, only doubly confirmed.
All of these problems are tolerable if D4 had interesting repeatable bosses and proper PvP modes- but D4 has neither.
Blizzard’s response to things like “gem tab by season 2” makes me suspect that we won’t see those 2 crucial foundations of replayability for years, if ever

Yeah i really really hope WT5 is intended for say level 110 characters but opens at level 90 or something…But even then its going to be rough if it is with resistances not working untill season 2…

Idk what you expect it’s a diablo game. You kill the same monsters again and again to get some gear and levels then wait for next reset. You either like it or not

Jokes on you. There is a character limit on battletag names. I had to leave out a letter.

What’s wrong with an un-original battle tag…

LOL yeah that’s exactly what he wants. Clearly that’s what you can decipher from this post.

I think he’s saying the nerfs ruined the damage so much it’s turned into a speed farm build instead of anything near pushing NM tiers anymore. If the damage is too low and doesn’t scale when you’re fighting level 125+ monsters because of these nerfs and them not knowing how it effects NM tier pushing, this is the point he’s making. As a WW barb or any melee class for that matter, having to stand around and try and kill things slowly is how you die over and over in higher tiers. If the damage can’t do enough to hurt them, the affixes will eventually just kill you. Especially with All Resistances bugged and not going to be fixed by Season 2.

You can’t even make a constructive criticism post on it without you white knights coming in thinking you’ve solved OPs thoughts and problems by saying, “all you want is this or that.” You aren’t putting any thought into it. That’s fine, we know all the people who comment on these posts clearly put 2 hours a day in and are satisfied thinking they’re frying everything in tier 40 and lower. That’s fine. That’s not OP though. He wants there to be a tangible way to push higher NM tiers on WW barb, but that’s no longer possible because they nerfed everything on June 2nd before they finally figured out those two aspects were the cause of infinitely scaling WW damage weeks later and refuse to fix the original nerfs that weren’t needed to fix the WW barb :slight_smile:

I think you responded to the wrong person

Here you go Do NOT play BARB or SORC | DSC#3

PS: so many blizzard bots in this post, shoo shoo go away.

Barbs need a rework. I play as WW on my Barb and it is night and day difference when on my Rogue. Majority are HOTA or 3 shout/spender. D4 is a good game but becomes very boring quickly.


I really despise WW barbs. It’s almost an irrational thing for me. It’s so braindead and lazy and OP at endgame. You literally just spend the whole time spinning and throwing up shouts when they come off cd. It’s so stupid and I actually disrespect WW barb players.

I’m playing a Flay/Rend/Rupture barb if you’re wondering.

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"How dare you press only 1 button in this game!??!

You must press 2 or more buttons or you are softcore.

I press 3 buttons noob, get on my level."

This forum is a treasure trove… :clown_face:


^ Truth, I mean 6 buttons is a skill factor…

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I can tell

Braindead, maybe I’ll give you that. OP at endgame? Definitely not.

  • Uber Lilith: hasn’t been done yet
  • NM 100: yes, if you get perfect sigil rolls and skip all elites
  • Tanky: only during our shouts, which are NOT up all the time
  • NM 50-70: Yep, actually good here. If you want to speedrun NM 70 make a whirlwind barb. Or… you know, tornado druid, bone spear necro… the actual OP builds.

Yep, what’s wrong with that again?


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I’m not going to play D4 anymore until another character comes out. Paladin hopefully. I like none of the current bunch and never really played them in D, D2 or D3. Barbs kind of suck as I was with another level 100 sorceress that was tons better than my barb. Level 100 and can’t stay alive nor kill anything in the dungeons with decent stuff. Tried different builds and it makes no difference, it is just a weak character currently. Going to play Starfield and D3 some but D4 is a huge disappointment not unless it changes.

thank you very much for letting us know, and reviving this thread

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The original OP was really ahead of his time. One of the original quitters that thought anyone cared what he was doing. Way back in June. What an OG quitter/whiner.