I hate to be THAT guy but… helltide is too dense lol

I never though I’d say this but helltide is just too overflowing of mobs… strictly from a “I need a moment to check my map and see where I wanna go” or “check my inventory real quick” standpoint.

It’s awesome blasting away stockpiling my cinders and stuff but eventually you get enough of them you wanna spend them so I check my map to see which chest I wanna open and where it is but I hardly have a second to safely look before another wave of monsters ambush me and I have to exit out of my inventory or map so I don’t die and lose my cinders.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s felt this “anxiety” but rather them tone down the density I think they should implement a “safe zone” scattered throughout. In this safe zone you can’t attack and can’t be attacked. The whole point we do helltides is for the cinders for the chests but if you can’t pinpoint where you wanna go to spend them it kinda defeats the purpose especially if you die doing that.

Don’t be too harsh on me now lol


It’s called town. :slight_smile:


Blood Maiden is too much, my friends are very tired and bored of doing Helltides because its the best place for loot.

Too many mobs on Blood Maiden event, you cant seee anything…

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helltide is too dense lol

Like your mom! LoL!

I’m showing myself out…


Town doesnt work when the mobs keep coming even after youve killed them all. A couple taps and your windup to port ends.
My necro has minions that can keep them occupied and my sorc has flameshield for partial immunity, but I can see how its an issue for other builds. Its also a problem when trying to open chests. They could easily speed up the time it takes to open chrsts and town port.

And Im not interested in anyone replying with " But PVP…" F PVP.


I think its not dense enough. They deffinetly have room to improve this and add more.

Its hell tide not yawn fest.

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There is always a point you can tp. I’ve even tp’d during a blood maiden fight. Duck behind a rock or something and go. I have never not been able to tp when I want to. Just have to do it quickly after killing the mob(s).

I really hope they don’t nerf the helltides.


Thats what u want is a lot of enemies. This almost sounds like i should giv a “get good” response. But i do feel like you may be stopping or meandering around in the wrong places or at the wrong times. Feel it out a bit more. I think u will like all the enemies soon and retract this statement.

Facts! I definitely dont want helltides to ever go back to pre s4 states lol

i can see what he saying but my greef is in the Pit…its not a density thing just a too many mobs (alive and dead) cover stuns and one shot mechanics that will cause you to die.

I dont want them to nerf the helltides either. Im fine with the mob density. Just offering an alternative. What is the point of the long time to port and chest openings anyway? My character has done it hundreds of times. He should be an expert by now.

sometimes i cant see s. of what is happening haha

It’s when they come running from off screen when the screen is empty so you’re checking something. Reduce their off screen player detection(I made that term up)

Let me open chests even if 50 monsters are attacking me. I do not care. Just let me take damage and open a chest at the same time. If I die I am a chest opening buffoon. It’s bad enough when chest opening gets interupted by 1 puny monster scratching you or a slow moving projectile that beat the chest timer.

Let me town portal interupted as well. Otherwise mobs keep spawning on top of you and you can not leave.

Keep monster density including with profane mindcage as is just stop the interuptions that happen because of said mob density.

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Bloodmaiden is awesome when 2 or 3 people also get the fury proc mobs and you get all those spawns at the same time too.

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To me Beast in the Ice NMD is too dense. I’m level 100 just trying to get some mats and sometimes I’m forced to stop and fight to clear the way. Minions help but wow there is a lot. At least with helltide, its a wide open area to run around in.

I disagree. In fact it could use some more density. Lost Ark chaos dungeon density should be the goal imo. But I like your idea of little eddies you can chill in.

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Nah, once you got enough masterworked gear and so forth then you can afk in helltide with potion going and they won’t even hurt you and you can play with the map all you want and helltides becomes so easy that it’s like fighting level 10 mobs when you’re level 100. I think they need to increase helltide difficulty but that’s a topic for another time.

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“Uhm, 'scuse me demon hordes from the pits of hell. Can I ask you to do me a solid and not attack me when I’m not looking at you? Please? Thanksomuch y’all’s the best”

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This gets me on the volcanic NM dungeons once in awhile. Open the map to see where I’m going and by the time I close it I’m dead from volcanic eruptions. Got to laugh. I could kill 70,000 demons but looking at the map killed me. :rofl:

thumbs down this post. this game needs MORE of this feeling… the risk to leave town should be there, and even more so present in helltides