I hate to be THAT guy but… helltide is too dense lol

No, please do not tune down the density.
The new Helltides is very FUN as it is right now. :smiley:

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I already came up with a solution to this, which is “elixir of gtfo” i.e. “can’t be interrupted when using town portal in Helltide”, 500 obols a pop. (Alternatively a unique or an enchantment, for general use.)

As for opening chests… I’m neutral there. I’d be ok with a tiny zone around the chest where the aggro mobs don’t spawn on you while the chest is being interacted with I guess (but tough doodoo if they spawn before the interaction). But only bc the novelty wears off, and it would improve the flow. Then again, we’re farming almost more cinders than we can use, and Helltide is effectively permanent, so… mehhhhh.

Do not kill the density. Do. Not.

I can’t see where the chests are in town silly Willy.


Yes, depending on the class it is an entirely different experience. With my penshot rogue it was unpleasant - i would sometimes miss a mob, the mob wouldnt die and there wouldnt be a chain explosion or I would stumble into the terrain elevation and invisible walls bug. With my CL sorc I just look at the stupid amounts of loot on the ground.

I can see them most times. Once you’ve been in the helltide the chests show up on the map most times. Sometimes they don’t show up even when your out hunting them for some reason. I know sometimes it can be a mess trying to look on the map but still I’ve always been able to look, not leisurely mind you but but long enough to pin one and head to it even in the helltide.

when you get enough power, become as barren as before.

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if i could dislike this post a million times i would

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90% of the mobs you see are necro minions/pets :rofl: