I don't trust Rod Fergusson or the current development team at Diablo and never will

Diablo I, II and III lead the genre, Diablo IV adopted predatory monetization models from free to play games and charged us $70 to $100 for it.

I bought Diablo IV expecting a fully featured game, all ARPGs should have iconic loot and pretty set items, Diablo IV doesn’t have any of that because like a free to play game it was designed to be so unrewarding you’d be desperate enough to get your dopamine fix from paid cosmetics and I doubt that’ll ever change.

Activision Blizzard is handing Microsoft over crippled franchises and they’re inheriting Activision Blizzard’s public distrust. There’s only one way to fix this and you’ll get banned by Blizzard for suggesting what Microsoft should do to return trust to these franchises.


Agree with everything except D3 was not in the same realm as D1/D2


Correct. It was far superior


man, D3 never lead the genre.

It all started with D3, they just developed more D3 things in D4.

And their attitude to the fans was formed precisely from d3. The whole problem of the whole series was and is in d3, Diablo died with d3, d4 only confirmed this fact.


I think D3 was/is pretty good. Maybe not launch D3, but definitely down the line.


If you think that MS buying blizzard will change things tomorrow, you believe in fairy tails


yeah and fun fact that it will change nothing at all if MS considers d4 as a commercial success


You are right. D3 has sold over 30 million copies to date. About 10 times more than D2 or D1.
It truly is in a league of its own. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


D3 was a silly action game for casuals. If you liked d3 you like action games and not arpgs.


Yup, d3 unfortunately ruined the franchise. D3/D4 is basically the Candy Crush of the “arpg” genre. Shallow, easy to pick up and play and marketed towards casuals to maximize sales.


I think you might actually be right

In three years time when there’s actually a playable endgame and content worth doing, we’ll look at D4’s launch the exact same as D3’s initial launch: an unmitigated disaster


I don’t see Diablo IV having the same come back as Diablo III. Diablo IV was Activision Blizzard’s final cash-in before the Microsoft deal closed. Public distrust in Activision Blizzard is worse than it’s ever been. You could get banned from this community for suggesting what options Microsoft should take to earn back public trust in these franchises.


I think people need to stop qualifying Diablo 3 as “having a come back” and not bring it up. I think we shouldn’t want what happened in D3 at all. D3 never “came back” to anything, because it was never a great game to begin with. If anything, it was fixed to a decent state, where it managed to stabilize and find a comfy spot of having just enough minimal engagement.

It was never “great”, in order to think of it as “falling from greatness” and then “coming back to greatness”.


That’s a fair and good point.


Trust in Rod, he won’t give you the shaft :thinking:


That rod guy kinda sucks and you can tell he doesn’t play the game and dgaf


in my opinion, the problem of today’s Blizzard is that they cannot do good game design and this problem has been more than 10 years old.

See why everyone thought blizzard was good again after d2r? They didn’t touch anything in it. It was an old game with new graphics, nothing has been changed.

And Blizzard can draw a beautiful picture, no one doubts that. D4 has incredible art, excellent graphics, but the problem of the game does not lie in this, it is completely in other things that Blizzard has already forgotten how to do.

I don’t think this will change, the problem is not in the game, but in game designers and it’s very difficult to find them now, I’m not sure that MS has them.


“Diablo IV adopted predatory monetization models from free to play games and charged us $70-$100 for it.”

Rod Ferguson’s only contribution to the game was making it into the trash it is now.


Time for you to move on then to another game and let the diabolo devs deliver high quality updates!