I don't trust Rod Fergusson or the current development team at Diablo and never will

I really don’t think anyone on this dev team actually plays this game.

There’s just no way. It is flawed in so many aspects and not fun. I just cannot fathom any of them getting together and meaningfully engaging in a binge play session talking about how awesome XYZ is. Because XYZ^10000 in this “product” is all trash.


D3 was a terrible diablo game but a pretty good game by itself. It just needed another name, and not occupy the diablo franchise.


Are you high or just stupid?

D3’s playerbase has been less then 10k for 10 years…

If it was so great why did it not get another expansion or a remaster?

Oyea D2 got the remaster, because it’s the better game obviously…


Oh no! It’s the end of the world as we know it. Lucky for us we can travel to other planets in Starfield and escape!

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Any game that is released by a big publisher will sale a high amount of copies.
It doesn’t mean that they are popular or any good.
Diablo 3 havent had much success, and barely can manage more than a few thousand for a ladder reset, less than the predecessor D2 can.

D3 was very hyped because how successful D2 was, sadly dumbing games down for “casuals” or half brained people doesn’t seem to gather a big crowd. We can surely see by the numbers that keeps playing these games, D3, D4 meanwhile PoE manage to gather 600k for ladder reset every 3 month, and D2 probably still close to 100k.


D3 was far more successful. Almost 10 times more so than D1 or D2.
D3 is still being played by many while if you go to the D2R lobbies… tumbleweeds.
So much hype over D2 (which honestly was not that good) and yet nobody is touching D2R.


Gaming is more casual and approachable than ever.

  1. More popular than ever, so median skill and investment has come down while aggregate time and buying is up.

  2. The archetypal player is much different now than D2 era; the STEM oriented shut in with infinite time has become “gamer dad” with limited time

A mass market game, which Diablo aspires to be, must cater to casuals. D3 happened in an inflection point but if you objectively look at how it ended up, it actually does a great job having things for everyone. The whole game is accessible, generally, but there’s also a pinnacle for the hardcore players to aspire to / work towards.

D4 forgot how to hit the entire dist’n of players, but make no mistake, it has to focus on the median player.

This is a moot point because digital purchasing wasn’t a thing when D1 and D2 were released.

And thanks to the proliferation of Internet users…games are so much more accessible now than when they were in 2000.

This comparison is like when Drake bragged that he outsold the Beatles. Like yes.

Man click button buy thing from couch ooga.


And then please explain D2R then?

We have seen their casuals. Spam basic attack on a controller and die in tier 1 dungeon while having uniques that aren’t available until tier 3.


Do you huff paint?

D1 and D2 are being discussed in that post, then now suddenly you’re throwing D2R when talking about sales numbers?

D2R was released 21 years later.

Go get some air.


No need to be rude bud. Specially when you can’t make the obvious connection as to why I brought up D2R as a response to your point about digital availability.
But feel free to think whatever you need. It has absolutely no bearing on me.

D4 messed up, don’t get me wrong. I am more emphasizing the days of a AAA ultra hardcore game are probably dead.


MS is in this for COD, D4 is an afterthought.

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What a wrong and boring opinion.

Lol, ok. Numbers are opinions. Got it.

Edit: Feel free to look it up or stick your head in the sand. Whatever you decide won’t change the truth.

This is misleading based on number of available gamers when the respective titles were released, and the fact that D1 and 2 were on PC only. Consoles opens up a whole new set of numbers. Mobile even more so, which is why DI exists.


Not really. You have to account for how big the gaming market was in each case. Pretty much every single gamer had D2. If Diablo 3 had that, it would have sold many more copies than what it did by far. The gaming market grew insanely larger in those 12 years. So to not mention that is completely dishonest, and simply exploiting the fact that the gaming market grew at an incredible rate.

It’s like calling Standard Oil unsuccessful because their market cap in 1945 didn’t come close to Snapchat today.


What? When did Diablo 3 ever lead the ARPG genre?

Path of Exile is miles ahead of Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 (except for the visiuals). That is a fact.

What next you tell me? That the Heroes of the Storm lead the MOBA genre? :smiley:


That is what another was trying to say but then what about D2R?
It’s current and digital and supposedly the best Diablo game (what I get repeatedly told on these forums at least) but the lobby for that game is like a ghost town though it did sell 5 million copies which was 1 million more than the original D2 but still nowhere near D3’s 30 million.