I can't get things done. Too much waiting. Too much walking

It adds value to us. You are just whiny. Helltide, Blood Harvest, World Bosses, World Event, Dungeons, Tree of Life Games, Altars of Lilith, Strongholds, Herbs, Crafting Materials, Quests scattered all over the map… we call it the World. That’s Diablo 4. Are you on a wrong game?

Everything of this could have easily been implemented in every other diablo game. Nothing is open world exclusive.

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i especially hate loading screen for in and out dungeons.

Do you have the horse? It takes literally seconds to transverse a zone. If the loads times are that bad maybe get a new PC.

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this is a troll post. gotta be.

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Don’t y’all have phones… I mean horses?

I just wanted to say, I don’t have any issue with having to ride a mount anywhere in this game. There are waypoints everywhere, mount boosts so it doesn’t take more than 1 min to travel anywhere from a waypoint, upcoming event warnings and timers and minimap notifications.

When I miss an event, it’s bc I waited too long in prev activity before leaving. I plan my runs accordingly if I know something is coming up I don’t wanna miss. Just like I don’t think I gotta be at work in 10 mins so I have 10 mins to go to the store and then get mad I gotta wait in line, checkout, walk back to car, deal with traffic, etc etc the issue isnt not having instant teleporting to everything and everywhere.

On the other hand, the load screens, afaik, are there bc the game is loading. When you walk places, the game is pre-loading in the background but it doesn’t have to load in as much so there won’t be loading screens. That’s normal for most games nowadays… That’s why it takes longer to load if you’re porting to different regions or dungeons than if you port somewhere rly close.

Or were you complaining about the like 2-3 second TP cast bar? That should only be if you’re in a combat area and it’s to make it so you have to plan your teleporting accordingly and can’t use it to just escape combat. More relevant for HC for sure, but still… I don’t have any issue with the current casting time to summon the TP.

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My point is, I think all of these things they have in the game either have valid reasons for their existence or they add meaningful value and weight to decision making in the game which ultimately makes the game more dynamic and interesting than just a mindless dopamine feedback loop – don’t get me wrong, it’s still definitely got that going for it, but at least it requires minimal effort.

They never should of made it so you teleport to the dungeons. Another idiotic cave to the masses by blizz futher dumbing down the game into a slot machine. This was the first step to the ruin of WoW.

What do you want? To instantly port to legion events without a loading screen?

Bologna. Running NMs over and over and over to level glyphs and you somehow think it would be elite to have to ride your horse to every single one of them? That would increase the time taken like 50% flat just riding to the dungeons. Whats next? You think they should increase the proc time on the lightning storm affix by 100% too?

again, you just want a slot machine.

And you want to waste time for the sake of wasting time? What is 1 valid reason that riding to a NM is better than fast traveling to one? And it isn’t even a slot machine, there is no good loot in NMs just glyph XP.

Things load extremely fast for me. I did just upgrade my pc to an i9 14900k, 64gig ddr5 ram and a new Asus ROQ mb and since then loading from zone to zone I wait maybe 3 secs or so. I also mount to the events not walk so my mount I get there fast since I don’t use all 3 sprints right off the bat and able to almost always maintain 1 to keep the speed going.

D4 definitely requires a lot more power from your computer than previous Diablo games. I will say though, even before I upgraded the loading screens didn’t seem to take too long for me. Definitely longer was longer than what I have now but still didn’t seem that long before.

As for teleporting, mine pops up right away and back to where it takes me in a couple secs also.

Peeps might think of it as a waste of time, but not insta-teleporting around makes the actual “mmo” aspects have some immersion and opportunities for the social elements arise. Everyone just wants click-dopamine these days. A complete loss of perspective imo.

Focus should of been on fixing that horse and making traversal more entertaining/rearding than just CLICK-DUNGEON … CLICK-VENDOR … CLICK-TIK-TOK …

When you are looping NM dungeons to level glyphs the overworld is beyond pointless. It might as well be empty with the power you have over the mobs. There is additionally no transient content to engage in. You are just imagining an environment where things you want to occur can occur, and unfortunately for you they can’t. This isn’t an MMO. There is no point whatsoever to ride to a dungeon versus fast traveling there. To turn around and to attack the people that think the mechanic of fast traveling to NMs is good by saying they just want a “slot machine” based on some perceived world state that you have made up and that doesn’t currently exist is weird at best. It sounds like you should go play an actual MMO.


this is true, if you made the outside world compelling to play in , people would not want to fast travel over it lol

-I have played games in which load screens, travel, etc was too long for my taste. D4 is not one of them. Load screens are very brief for me, a few seconds of mount galloping doesn’t bother me. Probably because it’s the only time I see my mount and stop for events and such along the way.

-Either my machine is much better than yours or my tolerance isn’t nearly as low as yours or a combination of the two.

-That being said, if they let you port right to bosses, etc because riding your mount for a few seconds is just too much, I guess I wouldn’t care. Fine.

You kids these days want everything handed to you. Back in my day we had to turn a hand crank for 3 hours to get the internet tubes on battlenet warmed up if we wanted to play Diablo II. While we waited we stared at the sun until our eyes were scorched, AND WE LIKED IT!!


Yes. The wait is roughly same or longer (since this is now 2023 vs. 2013 …) as D3.
V long load, transition time, cellar, dungeon, teleport to party members, etc.
A Cruel Joke