I can't get things done. Too much waiting. Too much walking

That is the problem, with our hardware it should be under 3s of loading. Problem for D4 mindset is time sinking, too many deliberate time sinks that isn’t gameplay oriented. It isn’t the same when a uber boss takes 20 mins to kill oppose to 20s where blacksmith in some towns takes 10s to get to oppose 2s. We don’t want easy cheesy dumb to 0 skill battle contents but please respect our time. Each added second in vendor time is crucial in efficiency, i d rather they allow more efficient gaming rather than dumb down the game by sheding HP of monsters & purposely placing accidentally wrong coded broken op builds in each season so handicapped players doesn’t feel discriminated from normal gamers in the name of casual friendly but actually removed the purpose of skilled gaming.

Technically mine is 3-4 seconds minus the animation time
If your complaing load times are prob 2 min from playing on a potato.

It’s the architecture and deliberate time sink philosophy, not hardware.

I run Samsun 990 Pro M.2 with up to 7000 MB read/write with core i9 24 core cpu and max ram. Sure its not the best PC around but other AAA games loads way smoother than D4.

Mate, you’re arguing with the most moronic white knights on the internet.
Just ignore them.

We don’t like succu’s. It worked. You’re welcome.

New? It’s been like that for a few generations now.

It literally takes less than a minute to portal to the nearest location, mount up, and ride there. Unless you haven’t bothered to get all the way points, which doesn’t take that long, including plowing through strongholds.