I can't get things done. Too much waiting. Too much walking

Has anyone tried doing a quick run before heading out, but couldn’t do it in time because there’s too much waiting/loading involved?

I want to go to the legion event. I’m in town. I have to tp to the town that is closest to the legion event. After clicking on the nearest town, I have to wait a few seconds for it to cast the skill, then I wait again while it loads the game. Then I have to spend more time to walk to the legion event.

The loading part is somewhat understandable. I get that the game needs to load data. Why make us wait to tp from town to another town? The loading screen is already a wait time. The walk to the event is already a time sink.

Also, other things that don’t make sense is that if I take 1 step out of town and press “t” to go back to town, it needs to load, but it doesn’t need to load when I walk back there.


I want it and I want it now is the mantra of the new generation of gamers.


Lol what?

Eleven Char.

Because you would need to load the whole outside world.

Being complacent is also the new generation of gamers. Gj with that one.


They let us port right into dungeons now so what he is asking is just as convenient as that. Just let us port right to the legion events and bosses!

Well, if you ever get a stop watch, perhaps one on your phone. Take note of the time it takes for you to launch the game and finally get some action…

Also, it’s not the new generation of gamers. I don’t know where you got that from. It’s just you having mental issues. I’ve played d1, d2, and d3. So I wouldn’t say I’m part of the new generation of gamers at all…


J.G. Legionworth.

Its my Xp and I need it now.


I logged in today, 5 minutes before a world boss. It took me literally 2 minutes to load, port, and run to the boss. Maybe 1.5mins as I had over 3mins left when I got there.

Then there are games like Lost Ark that take me close to 5 minutes to login.

D4 isn’t bad, and I can port and run on my mount to any legion event within 1 min, so I really think this isn’t a D4 problem but a YOU problem.

Maybe get better hardware or internet pathing. Trying a gaming booster if your ISP is the problem.


Good, what do you do after world boss? Do you need to town to sell/salvage? Do you need to load and walk to the next objective? How long does it take for you to finally attack another mob? Try calculating that.

Next, think about how much of that loading, walking, waiting is actually necessary?

A lot of people have very poor awareness.


Port to the tree, all you need is there, and its instant, no walking/running really.

From the tree, I do one of 3 things: blood event, helltides or NMD. All of those pretty fast to get into from the tree.

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WRONG! Porting to the tree is NOT instant. First, you have to wait to cast the town portal skill. Next you have to load to next town. Finally, you have to walk past a narrow path that has lots of obstacles that stop you if you stand too close to a wall.

Do you remember seeing this when you tp? imgur com/OhQTsuk.png
I’m probably asking the wrong person, but what reason is there for that to exist?

Awareness is a good skill to have.

Not moronic. WE already have the same function for dungeons. Moronic is calling him out for something that would improve your experience and save you time.

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we need this as a standard reply option here haha :smiley:


For me its more about the map, and the pathing needed just to get around town. Waypoints should be the main hub of a town, with the service providers in close proximity to it.

instead I feel like I have to walk, then turn around and walk back the way I came, to take a corner that exists “cuz reasons” that apparently consist solely of a task "Does this make the player take more time to get from point a to point b in town, where no action is necessary? Yes? GREAT IDEA! Implement immediately! What?? It doesn’t? It makes it easier to get around town? FIRE THIS FOOL!

That’s how it feels.

There should be at least 4 cardinal direction exits from any and all map zones, period. It’s not that hard to do a mountain pass etc. But having to turn my horse around, and ride 5 freakin minutes around a hookback, for no damn reason… gets old. Fast.

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Complete exaggeration. He isnt asking for game to play itself here. This is just a small improvement in time savings. The same we get in dungeons now. Were you against that change as well? Why are players against improving the game??

Are you telling me if this was implemented you would port to nearest city and mount to it instead of going direct? IF your answer is no you would go direct then its a hypocritical view.

Answer this question. Do you warp right into dungeons or do you warp to nearest city and run to it. This is all he is asking for in legions and you are trying to make it sound like he is asking for you to break your leg off and give it to him.

This is watering the game down? Are you kidding me? I think you need to look up that word.

What does this have to do with flying across screen and 3 shotting enemies? Does your town portal have permenent Artillery or something. Call tech support on that.

No one is asking for that, do not take the argument and run it to the limits of incredulity just for absurdness sake. There’s no point.

The frustrations some are having are quite real… It is beyond annoying the way the map design is in a lot of areas. The town portion is separate from the general map:

Town: This is repetitive action area central. You will repeatedly have to cycle through the towns, repeatedly, over and over, again and again. I don’t want to have to memorize the road map of 20 different towns in a GAME just so i can save myself FIVE MINUTES OF LIFE I WON’T GET BACK if I took a wrong turn trying to get to the blacksmith. It’s beyond ridiculous, it’s aggravating, and it makes one angry after the third or fourth time. Elimination of this is a 100% quality of life improvement with NO CHANGE TO GAMEPLAY AT ALL. Except to speed up the repetitive monotonous upkeep tasks of your character.

World Map: On one hand I love the huge world environment, on the other hand, I hate that back alley/box canyon/dead end zone. All it would take is one simple trail/cut through/mountain pass/ferry/rope bridge anything that would immediately open up the world map to continuous travel, instead of excessive backtrack travel.

That’s all I’m asking for. You’ll note I said not one word about attacking/spin to win etc. Because those are not the issue. The seemingly pointless timesink of the mapping is what is at issue.

Stay on topic, don’t conflate and exaggerate.

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No because I dont have a potato, games running on an SSD and I have a good ISP. Each loading sceen is 5-10 seconds at most. Sometimes faster.