I can't get things done. Too much waiting. Too much walking

Why not just have us teleport right into the bosses chamber, heaven forbid we need to walk to it from the entry. I will play anyway the game is set up. I stuck with D3 and experienced how easy they made every thing over the years, the same will happen with D4. Why did they create an open world if people just complain about it.

4 years ago they said that everyone would die fighting the world boss. The other day we killed it in 34 seconds.

You sure are fighting a strange battle on a hill nobody cares about but u.

Difficulty of the game has nothing to do with being able to port to a legion event.
Watering down the game has nothing to do with being able to port to a legion event.

I feel like you are just here to try and make a fight so I am done on this one.


After all the hard work they did giving us 395 Stashes per major city, 1 in each WP zone, moved Curio Vendors…and forgot: Increased :carousel_horse: speed, reduced remount cdr etc.

Don’t Walk, RIDE! :horse_racing:
10-15 seconds tops to ride to a Legion.

Just wondering - HDD or SSD?
Yes the load screens are tiresome, but it’s the nature of the persistent shards. I sometimes TP town to sell/salv and return - all within 20-30 seconds - and I’m placed in a new shard.

Test it out.
Find a City or an area with some AFKers standing about in town.
Walk out PAST the borders of the town and back - are they still there?
Walk out past the borders and TP back - are they still there?

When you exit a City - you ARE Loading, it’s just a more fluid transition.
ie. Going to said Legion or a World Boss - you could be riding next to 3 other people BUT when you hit the “invisible line” separating the “Overworld” to the Event - those people will disappear and then reappear - or not. Sometimes they’re gone and all different people are there.
Yes, I pay attention to minute minutia like this.

Anyway, Is what it is.
Moral of the story - there’s constant loading - some we notice and some we don’t.
If TP load screens are an issue when close to town - ride/walk back.
I assure you though that there will have been changes while you were gone for that lengthy 25-30 seconds though.

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if you click the waypoint in town you can port without a cast time

Kinda sucks I have to waste 2 full minutes just to get to a world boss from town. That’s like 10 tiktok videos I could be watching.

How long does it take for you guys to load? May I recommend a helpful utility? Winzip has excellent free system tools that can optimize your system. I seriously use it, lol. I liked it so much I bought the license when it went on sale. Your load times should only be 2-3 seconds.

If someone has the game installed on an HDD it doesnt meet the minimum requirements of the game and load times can be 30 seconds to 2 min.

The only way OP is having to wait that long is using a HDD. So if hes not meeting minimum requirements thats not exactly blizzards fault as its clearly posted on the website

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That one is a bit weird. I figure it has to do with the way they handle sharding. If you turn around and walk back in you are going to the one you just left, but if you TP back in you are loading a new shard with new people. This is just a guess.

yeah guys, do yourselves a favor, don’t cheapskate your storage solutions.

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5-10 seconds? Good luck with that. Casting town portal takes 3 seconds by itself. Please invest in a stop watch and stop eating potatoes.

I like the games of early 2000, just double click the exe file, click “New Game,” and I’m playing the game!

Now, it’s:

  1. open battle.net launcher
  2. wait for battle.net to be given time to check for launcher updates
  3. view blizzard’s pop up ad about black friday sale. Then wait for bnet to check for game updates
  4. click launch and wait for game to load.
  5. after game launches, they need you to login again. Even though this is automated if you’ve logged in through the launcher, you still need to wait for it to login again. You may be placed on a queue and need to wait.
  6. select character. Then you may be placed on a queue again to load into the game. Game needs to load again. You have to wait.

Now we’re in the game. Let’s assume I want to attend the world boss event. We have to:

  1. cast town portal to the nearest town. The casting itself takes 3 seconds if it is not interrupted.
  2. Now we have to wait for the game to load to the next town. Why did we just have to wait for town portal to be cast?
  3. walk to the world boss event.
  4. Wait for boss to spawn. Everyone knows that you need to be there early for the world boss or you will miss it.

Also, hardware is irrelevant. There is unnecessary waiting involved and lots of inefficiencies in their code. As mentioned above, one example of inefficient coding is that if you take 1 step out of town and town portal back to the same town, you need to load the game! You don’t need to load if you walk back to town…

Dude raxxanterax is not playing the game anymore, you’re probably not going to get much support for this from anyone who’s still playing the game.

Missed the boat kid, its way over there, see it?

If you say hardware is irrelevant it means that you likely dont have the hardware to run it. Hardware is everything.

Ok i was just talking loading screen so if we want to add portal time 8-13 seconds a lot of times faster.


Edit. I just timed it

  1. 3 seconds for the portal
  2. 4 seconds for the loading screen
  3. 1 second to walk out of the portal

8 seconds.

IF it takes 2 min to load and do all this then you are playing on an etch a sketch!


No, you do not understand how programs work. Hardware is not the only deciding factor on how fast your game loads. Please take a course on software analysis and design before giving people false information.

To be back on topic, I’ve mentioned numerous times that there are unnecessary waiting times and no matter how good or bad my hardware is, it doesn’t affect that casting town portal still takes 3 seconds. What reason is there for there to be a casting time?

a finely crafted 2 ton sculpture, with all the best most efficient techniques, still requires more than a cart and pony to move it promptly. Your argument is invalid because it is trumped by hardware limitations and bottlenecks, that have been known about, since the 80’s.

Get a book.

Yes you DO. You just don’t notice it.
There’s a transition point.
Trust me and others if they point this out - During times of lag, server issues, transits of Venus etc - when one tries to leave town or TP anywhere - they’re locked in place. One cannot go anywhere.
They hit the proverbial Invisible Wall of Doom.
THAT is a “Loading” transition.
TPs are just lump sum loading transitions - what the server is doing is - “Are there 12 in Town? If yes check next shard. Next shard - are there 12? if Yes check next shard” and so on.
Remember there’s only a 12 Player Capacity per shard.
It’s not like some MMO hub where it’s irrelevant how many people are present in any given area.

Keep in mind the most important thing: It’s all about the Stash. That’s the lag and load times - Teh Staesh. Blaem teh Staeshes. haha

It’s 2023, nobody reads books. Nowadays, we use e-books, online tutorials, or watching online videos.

Please educate yourself on infinite loops. Perhaps, you’d also get a chance to learn big-o notation. When you understand that part, you’ll get a better idea of why employers prefer programmers who have a college degree over someone who is self-taught. Ofcourse, you will also understand how a program is optimized to run faster. You’d also understand that there are some programs that will need to run for over 100 years before it finds the answer. When you understand all of that, you will understand how code can affect the amount of time it takes for a program to load.

If you don’t still understand that, look up denial of service attacks and see how getting better hardware will help with that. Good luck.

Yes you DO. You just don’t notice it.
There’s a transition point.

What I was referring to is the loading screen. Ofcourse, our computers are constantly downloading data from blizz’s servers to get the location of monsters, remaining hp, map, and other stuff. Whenever there’s lag, everything takes longer… Under normal conditions, there is no noticeable loading time which is why I’m not raising an issue with that.

Ok so let me get this st8. First your complaining your load times are like 2 min likely not meeting hardware requirements but your stuck on 3 seconds?

If you meet the hardware requirements you dont notice load screens or anything. Its the same amount of time to take 8 seconds to drink some water or coffee.

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Imagine the shenanigans people can get into with no casting times. Take a couple classes in game design 101 after your programming credits are taken care of. :wink:

Please quote where I complained about my loading times are like 2 minutes. I don’t ever recall mentioning how long it takes my game to load because that is not the issue. As mentioned before, this post has nothing to do with hardware. It’s all about the unnecessary waiting and walking. It’s even written on the title. I will no longer respond to you since you do not understand that.