I can't do this anymore

just thinking about the time i wasted looking through gear and aspects cause there was no search function makes me mad

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Don’t worry. In season 7 they will add full search and functioning search filters and by season 10 they will give us 1 extra stash tab.

You ignored this part at the cost of half of the base game.

I’m must be very old. Not “old school”, just old. I know this because I don’t feel any anger towards “skins” “cosmetics” etc costing money. I suppose if you want to be able to inspect yourself or have others inspect you to see who has spent the most money that’s your prerogative. I personally don’t get it as while you play the game you are a little figure with some color to it on a screen. When I get new gear and try it on I feel very little towards the outfit, there is plenty of choices in game.
If people see the need to spend the money for this, I say why not charge them. I just buy the game once and I’m pretty good. Too bad I am now bored as hell of it. I’m old, but I ain’t dead.

People like you are the reason we have this problem…

lol hes being sarcastic obvi

This is just such a short sighted take. Yeah on it’s face the cosmetics aren’t hurting anybody but their existence does have a major impact on gameplay. The problem is what they suggest about Blizzards current development philosophy.

Because of this cosmetic cash shop, we will never (likely) be able to actually loot items that look amazing and have unique visual effects and so on. The current class uniques we have, as far as I can tell, just borrow the look of one of that class’ standard armor pieces… How boring. Of course unique itemization is in shambles across the board but that’s for another thread.

So although you can just avoid buying cosmetics, Blizzards anti-player philosophy has forced a situation where we will always look super boring and basic because otherwise they would be hurting their bottom line. That being the case is quite a big deal I would say… It will always gnaw at you as long as you play making it impossible to simply ignore.


D4 is boring anyone who disagrees is in deep denial
when I have to fight with myself to try and want to play D4
and then force myself to log in and play I think there is a problem
I played and still do play D2 for over 20 years with no burnout.
IMO the developers of D4 just had zero passion in making this game
to my understanding D4 was developed by committee and it shows
D4 is STALE and DULL DULL DULL I wish I could get my money back


yea its really boring and you can tell the people who made the game think that all we wanna do is click on monsters and buy cosmetics - they forgot what made people play video games in the first place. Steve Jobs has a great video about how when a company becomes successful, the business and sales people take over and drive products into the ground, because they don’t know the difference between a good product and a bad one, and they drove out all the people who did.

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Got to love that the actual unique items in the game don’t have unique skins and that there are soon more unique looking gear in the store than in the game.

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Free market, supply, demand, etc. are fallacies designed by the rich to remove the responsibilities of the rich. Nobody begged them to sell cosmetics. Humans are visual creatures, they know it and they manipulate the mind of people with it. The deeper you know about the ‘‘seller strategies’’, the more obvious it is. There are literally expertises in creating false needs. Credit cards, one of the most successful scam ever made is just a tool to process the sells faster and extort money from the workers in need of something to cope for the slavery system we are in.

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Your $70 is what you’re playing right now. Do you want more stuffs? Then pay more.

Cash shop gets them income. Just design cool looking items and they get money. Blizz wont get them money from QoL you wish to have. Pay more and you would have it.

This is not a subscription-base game like World of WarCraft. You are expected to see new content to explore on new patches on such game.

Battlepasses is just for more cosmetics. Maybe ask Blizz to change D4 into subscription-base game and we will have more stuffs to explore.

Its ok OP, this game is still hot garbage

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Dumps can be really fun.

You talking about pulling up into a dump at night quietly and then turning on the car lights suddenly to see the rats scurry around? That is fun.

I used to throw those 2 pronged forks at them… fun fun fun.

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I bought every cosmetic. Love it.

that’s sad, all those cosmetics and nobody to show them off to

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People still play. Just not you.