I am one of those "casual" dad playing the game, my observation about the new patch

The irony is so unreal. One day you will look back at thinking that was a " pointless statement " and laugh at your self. Welcome to the ARPG world little guy. The nerfs are going to keep coming and they are never going to stop. Get used to it. I can tell by your comment you are a brand new green little seedling about to start your new journey into the ARPG cycle. I’m jealous actually. Its SO CUTE! Remember these words okay bud? They will help you on your new journey into ARPG gaming! Every season from this one until the last there will be a long list of nerfs and balance changes at the beginning of every season okay? Its not going to stop. Ever. The power floor was way too high and they needed to knock everyone down to make room for seasonal power increases. You dont understand this now but you will eventually. Good luck out there lil bro =)

Why can’t i take season stuff into eternal once it’s over? Didn’t d2 port over rune words like 20 years ago? It just seems like they never played it.

That is a good question, but the devs have already come out saying they will not bring season items to eternal realm. They did say they may decide to allow some season items/mechanics at some point in the future.

In other words “We want to keep as much as possible exclusive to Seasons so people are forced to play them (and spend more cash), but if that really backfires hard and gets bad publicity, we will throw Eternal players enough of a bone to maybe stop them quitting so they might join Seasons later (and spend more cash)”.


I suppose, but if you make the game less fun over all, I doubt people will care if it is in the season realm or eternal realm. They just won’t want to play it. The whole idea that they need to push people to play the seasons by making the eternal realm feel worse seems a$$ backwards to me. If the game is fun and you add something interesting and fun into the season then people will go check it out. You then also have the battlepass in the seasons as well to draw people since 1 version of it is always free. My guess is Blizzard is praying that they paid battlepass is where they are going to make all the money off the game, but maybe if the game store cosmetics were better or maybe a little cheaper they would easily out do the battlepasses anyways. Just my thoughts on it.

They should add global chat channels so people can make lfg channels.

I would agree, but the success of games with predatory monetisation and retention models like, oh, Diablows:Immoral, proves that modern gamers have a massive capacity for paying for poop, getting poop and still asking for more.

Well ill kind of agree. Whenever an arpg or mmo is balanced and made for casual gamers it always seem to loose interrest pretty fast for the more hardcore fan who grinds for hundreds or even thousands of hours. However with D4 i get the feeling that this is not the case. Now im talking as an old D2 and PoE fan and have over 14k hours played in PoE and probably several thousands of hours in D2. D4 had me playing for 2 weeks before i realised that the game has no real endgame, the itemization was boring and the challenge stayed pretty much the same from lvl 60-100 and the dungeons felt even more repetitive than D2 ever was. Now i dont mind the grind but when the loot is boring and there doesnt seem to be any reward for doing so the game is dead to me. Itemization and exciting drops is a huge part of the reason why people put thousands of hours into a game just look at D2. D2 has survived for over 20 years despite the fact that it dont have 100+ dungeons ( feels more like 5-10 in D4 rest is copy paste) and do u know why? Its mainly because the itemization is interresting and how they can interact with ur build same with PoE + the fact that they are not class specific and can be traded. This and the fact that in these games u can actually feel the difference in challenge when u got to a harder area is why i kept playing. D4 has nothing to offer when it comes to this. By the time i hit lvl 70 i already had my items and found multiple tempest roar and temerity for my druid so i was left with no reason to go on since there was nothing left to do and trading is not possible i D4. Whats the point in grinding for nothing?? every rare item in D4 is pretty generic and looks and feels just like the last 50 i found, no identity just the same meaningless 4 stats that i can slap on whatever aspect i want. But anyway it was fun for a week or 2 but thats about it :slight_smile: game is uninstalled too casual for me and not worth the grind with or without this patch

You mean those uber rares that maybe one in million get?

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sorry to hear that. still having a great time here.

Man, where is the dad with kids gamer group over 35 discord, or Slack? or IRC for those old enough?

Also, can this group have a short straw draw where the losing draw watches all the other kids of the group?


Yes, that’s it. Tedious, because somehow that solves the problem with the very vocal addicts.

Hahaha, love love love

Playing with the wife. I took a while to convince her that she wouldn’t die if she didn’t play necro (she loves the minion cannon fodder) and we restarted with alts, but skipped the campaign. Doing all the side quests and strongholds and we are quite enjoying it.

Post lvl 50 is boring.

Problem with moving the goalposts that I saw w my gear was this:
For REDUCTIONS all checks out!
Low roll item = low roll item
mid = mid
High = high

For ceiling ADDITIONS though…
My Perf rolls = short of perf now. Not quite mid - they’re high, but no longer perfect. Sadge.

Maybe he meant 180 credit hours :smiley:

Stash for what? 99% of the gear is junk and always be. You only need to keep the best version of a unique. You don’t need to save gems. There is nothing that should be taking up your stash space. Everything that drops is truly meaningless.

As a 40yr old father of 3, my time is limited. My attention is pulled randomly away from the game.

I stopped playing altogether around the first of August. The game grew stale, real fast. I don’t ever see uniques, I don’t waste my time rerolling rares anymore.

People have picked apart my posts because I didn’t “Put the time in” or some such nonsense. Apparently if you haven’t grinded all the way to lvl 100 and NMD 100, then you aren’t allowed to complain you haven’t seen uniques you were after.

I don’t have time for it, it got boring. With my limited time, I’d rather play something that is entertaining. So I stopped playing. I uninstalled. I still drop by too check on the overall games progress, because I’m a foolish 40yr old that played DII before it was LOD. I played D1 when it was on console AND PC. I am locked in a time when Blizzard made stellar games.

I read this article about live service games. About how developers are flocking to them. But it’s a mistake. Because every player has only so much time in a day. They’ll play just 1 live service game. Not 2, not 3. They won’t play the one getting a bad review. They’ll play the ones that are getting good reviews. D4 isn’t on the good side of that category.

Destiny 2 is live service. With a reported 44 million player base. That’s just one out of the top 8 of 2023. D4 isn’t in the top 8. Probably not even the top 20. (I didn’t check for sure)

With 44 million players already pulled too Destiny 2, D4 has zero hope. That’s 44 million players that won’t ever come to D4.

Gamer’s are a fickle bunch. Even more so in the last 2 decades. The chance to make something of D4 is past and only time will prove my point.

Marketing and bringing back value to the overall game.

Kids/teenagers think of words COOL and Iconic, grownups think of Sexy and Bad A$*s, I think of “Friends and being Social”. These are key features for cosmetics, season journey/battle pass balance incentive opportunities.

Graphic stimulations: Enhancing red, blue, and green colors within combination skills. Cosmetics: People want to look like X-men, Avengers, Lord of the rings, Disney movies, DC comics.
People want to be social and talk about items they found, show off how they look, and do things/play together:
Helltide (Item drop focus), Nightmare dungeon (Experience focus), and World boss with more damage (Unique Items and Bonus Exp).
Maybe, casting skills in town without hurting other players such as in D2 and D3, my reaction was “that’s COOL”.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

I work 50-60 hours a week and my kids are 19 and 16.

We still want quality and this game has none.

Glad you made it here.