I am one of those "casual" dad playing the game, my observation about the new patch

180 hours for a Bachelors degree? Where are you from my friend? I want to move there and get at least 10 degrees in one year.


Not necessarily true. Some people are getting their rerolls rolled. I had a perfect roll on one of my pieces and it was reduced to near minimum after the patch.

You’re one of those guys that laughs at funerals aren’t you?

He was referring to the patch when he said “It’s garbage”. Not the game. He obviously hasn’t had 90 hours with the patch… You might be the one who is nuts here.


I wonder why they didn’t fix inventory space for the patch? My least favorite part about this game is the loot. The longer I look at my items that I thought were good, the more items I toss out. Basically all of them. I can’t stand them taking up space. It is anxiety inducing.

I used to enjoy loot in games but those games had inventory space. I hope Diablo hasn’t ruined Star Trek Online for me. I never had this problem in D3 or 2. Barely remember 1, but I know I had fun.

Yep. In the same boat.

Was playing a sorc…now I feel like continuing is a waste of time with a character in the mid-70s.

Two weeks until BG3.


Tell us how you really feel.

While I think the XP reduction from +3 lvl enemies is misguided, the XP reduction is 16%. Significant, but also not that crazy.

Because Blizzard are apparently incompetent and rerolled the gear.
With all the outrage on the forum I dont understand this isnt talked about more, as it is kinda is the only major issue. A bug like that should NEVER happen in a loot heavy game like D4. They need to ensure people that it wont happen the next time they make a patch.

That is how it should be. Certainly didnt seem to be how it was though. Unless they have fixed it?

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LOL @ casual with a level 85. My wife is a true casual, only just at mid 50s. She struggles to get much done. Takes her time, and her drops have been truly horrible. Trying to finish campaign still and I hate to think how she’ll go with Lilith. This game and every other game that blizzard put their brand of RNG on RNG on RNG… etc etc… is a farce.

Pro tip blizzard, RNG only works if you understand mathematics :). Try a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer.

They have said the season items don’t carry over, so they won’t even have those. This patch seemed very brain dead heading into the 1st season of their game. Sure some nerfs were expected but global nerfs to broken aspects of the game do not fix the broken aspects of the game; they just make them worse. I would love to see the devs roll back at least a little of the damage they have done but I have little to no faith in Blizzard at this point.

The problem isnt Season 1 though. The problem is the massive across the board nerfs the implemented before Season 1. Those were not already planned. They were decisions made over the past 6 weeks based upon … well, apparently a different game than most of us have been playing.

Im fine with the damage scaling nerfs, if they felt that damage was too high. However, any high school graduate should have been able to predict that putting stats, crit damage, and vulnerable into their own individual multiplicative bucket and litterally everything else addative into one shared bucket would make stats, crit damage, and vuln exponentially better. Yet thats how they designed the game and somehow were “surprised” that players were prioritizing them. Either way, nerfing damage is something that happens all the time in games, so its acceptable.

The problem I have is they made it take longer for us to kill the mobs, but also made it EASIER for the mobs to kill us. Effectivly making every build a “glass-cannon” but with weaker ammunition.

Then, to add insult to injury, they made it much harder to reach level 100 when over half the existing player base couldn’t do it in “Season 0”. If you want the pinnacle challenge of tour game to be NM100 or Uber bosses that require level 100, but then make it impossible for the majority of your target player base to ever get there, you are clearly out of touch.

Do these changes make the game imposaible to play? No. Do they make it “no longer worth playing”? Well thats for each person to decide on their own. Do theae changes make the game less accessible and “fun” for its core audience? Absolutely!!


If the guy killed my friend, sure!

I feel you, brother. Been playing Diablo since D1 and am too old (34) and busy now to put 100s of hours into a game every season, especially if it is hardly entertaining.

Oh, well.


I am with you, except I only got my main Barbarian to level 60 because I wanted to try Sorceror, which I got to 45.

Then, as season 1 was announced, I took a break because it felt like wasting time knowing that most players would shift to season 1, so I started to play D2R.

Had I known about a huge leveling nerf, I would have put all my time in Barbarian.

Does the level scaling nerf affect eternal realms or just season 1?

Anyway, I like D4 but it’s starting to lose it’s “Funfactor” for me.

I am at the age where video games need to supply a level of Instant Gratification. Diablo 1 and 2, Path of Exile, and Elden Ring do this. If a game is built entirely around deferred gratification then it isn’t for me because that’s a job, without pay, and it’s not fun for me.

In any event, if you haven’t tried Path of Exile or Elden Ring, I highly recommend both. As far as Path of Exile is concernef, it’s the gold standard of ARPGs, but I’ve played it for years and wanted to see what else is out there.

For a casual dad, D2R, Elden Ring and Path of Exile are the way to go.

If you like fantasy turn base strategy, I would say check out Age of Wonders 4, it came out in May and is simply amazing.

I sincerely doubt D4 is going to be changed in a meaningful way anytime soon. We’ll likely have to wait until a large expansion content update, with new Classes, before the game feels like a quality product.

I don’t think it’s designed for casual play outside of the campaign.


The problem is they made the game “Tedious” instead of “Difficult”.
In souls (ER) game you can have so many way to overcome the obstacle and provide you with that Endorphins kick.

With this patch it felt like the devs want us to be handicapped to tackle the difficulty by saying you can only play it one handed instead providing creative ways around your build to do it.


You must be joking or paid by Blizzard.

The irony is so unreal. One day you will look back at thinking that was a " pointless statement " and laugh at your self. Welcome to the ARPG world little guy. The nerfs are going to keep coming and they are never going to stop. Get used to it. I can tell by your comment you are a brand new green little seedling about to start your new journey into the ARPG cycle. I’m jealous actually. Its SO CUTE! Remember these words okay bud? They will help you on your new journey into ARPG gaming! Every season from this one until the last there will be a long list of nerfs and balance changes at the beginning of every season okay? Its not going to stop. Ever. The power floor was way too high and they needed to knock everyone down to make room for seasonal power increases. You dont understand this now but you will eventually. Good luck out there lil bro =)

Why can’t i take season stuff into eternal once it’s over? Didn’t d2 port over rune words like 20 years ago? It just seems like they never played it.

That is a good question, but the devs have already come out saying they will not bring season items to eternal realm. They did say they may decide to allow some season items/mechanics at some point in the future.

In other words “We want to keep as much as possible exclusive to Seasons so people are forced to play them (and spend more cash), but if that really backfires hard and gets bad publicity, we will throw Eternal players enough of a bone to maybe stop them quitting so they might join Seasons later (and spend more cash)”.


I suppose, but if you make the game less fun over all, I doubt people will care if it is in the season realm or eternal realm. They just won’t want to play it. The whole idea that they need to push people to play the seasons by making the eternal realm feel worse seems a$$ backwards to me. If the game is fun and you add something interesting and fun into the season then people will go check it out. You then also have the battlepass in the seasons as well to draw people since 1 version of it is always free. My guess is Blizzard is praying that they paid battlepass is where they are going to make all the money off the game, but maybe if the game store cosmetics were better or maybe a little cheaper they would easily out do the battlepasses anyways. Just my thoughts on it.