I am one of those "casual" dad playing the game, my observation about the new patch

Not sure of any interest, but as I keep reading their audience target are people in their 30s with kids who used to play Diablo, I wanted to share my thoughts on this patch.

It’s garbage.

I managed to put 90 hours into the game and got to level 85, I was quite happy with my build and gear but honestly started suffering logging in lately for doing NM only as my time is quite limited and did not find much enjoyment in spamming those dungeons considering the quality of the drop was awful.

From this morning, I should keep doing the same with a special bonus xp reduced by 82% (a decrease from 25% to 4,5% is 82%!) and or having to face 10 levels higher mobs (still 40% less special xp) taking it probably twice as much to finish a dungeon. (82x2 160% reduction?)

Also, my gear rolls look much worse than before now, not sure why…

What should make me log in now?
Having to spam the same dungeons for much less exp than before for the same trash items?

I just wanted more stash space from this game, a filtering system for searching aspects/gears and a LFG option like Immortal for dungeons…didn’t get any of this.


Some of the stats (like Vulnerability) were globally reduced.

If you had a perfect roll, then the new values will be a perfect roll on the new scale.
If you had a mid roll, then the new values will be a mid roll on the new scale.

Me too.

I hope, with the S1 (like the did on Diablo 3) they gave additional storage space upon completion of some activities.

IMHO a LFG queuing system should be included too. While I get many want to play solo, and most of the time I do also, but sometimes finding like minded people to accompany me would be most welcomed.

I agree, casuals are getting hit the hardest. For an ARPG looter, starting over during a season with these nerfs will just take even more time and effort to level and clear content than it takes in a full blown MMORPG.


I am also at a loss.

When devs go into your inventory to edit items, whats the point of even finding loot in this game?


Thats all we asked for…They’re so out of touch, if Blizzard would be a DJ they would surely play “Aqua- Barbie Girl” and the whole Backstreet Boys album @ an Techno event. :sweat_smile: :man_facepalming:


op same. I’m 33, 2 kids. I already hated the seasons idea because it means levelling up again, but just lmao at this patch totally killing what little interest i had in trying the new season


Yeah I really don’t get why devs don’t want us to reach 100 because the 70-100 experience is very bad right now. At least buff the exp for thoses who are actively taking part into battle, if the issue is that some people can rush for others.
And they did buff the xp given at the beginning, which was abysmal, and now they go back on that.

Nerfs happen. There will be hundreds more.


I can answer that.
If you have vulnerability, crit damage (and god, i think im missing another one), they messed it up with it. Not only nerfed the affix, but also in doing it, changed the rolls you had in the item. For example: If you had a perfect rolled vulnerability in your weapon, they rerolled it and you could have get a min roll or something in the middle.

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Hit them harder so they can eventually monetize the game more cause of the profit loss lol

Seasons are not for all. Like ladders before them. But like in POE many will ne in standard. Least in D4 new Items get in the game when season launches other games you have to wait till end of the season for anything

that should be illegal lol!
Give me the same % range roll at least…if my item was 80% of the cap, give me 80% of the new cap…

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yeah but im already done with the non-seasonal game. I finished the campaign and did some NM dungeons. That’s all the content exhausted, I don’t really want to hang around trying to farm the 1 new unique item for my class for 0 reason


At this point im starting to believe they don’t even know how to do it without breaking another thing. So they simply did.

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I use seasons to level alts with the new Mechanics. If your done your done though. GL on next game.

Obviously, “It’s garbage.” I agree

What a pointless statement.

Maybe you dont enjoy build optimisation. But it is core to a Diablo game.

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Let’s have them focus on core itemization and see what’s happening starting here. Balance patchs will happen. If the cost was not as heavy for the respec (especially the enchanting part), I’m pretty sure people would adapt.

Blizzard, we’re not angry. We’re just disappointed.


thanks for sharing your opinions my dude.
im also a dad, reached 100 tho on 2 toons and is till steamroll all content, so im in the other camp - i wish they did even more, sooner. it was a tod late to do these changes now but they where nessery. it changed my mind from not playing S1 to actually take a few days of to play it. It felt more fair with the lvl caps and no-boosting mechanics (more of those please!).

Now i can actually enjoy the content form 1 to 100 for a longer period of time, being more causius and mindfull when it comes to gear. (unfortinatly they unlocked the gear so trades will be bananas on discord servers). but hey, maybe thats the funpart to grind in s1.