I am one of those "casual" dad playing the game, my observation about the new patch

2 100s and casual, impressive


That changes nothing I said at all. Been through hundreds of nerfs in POE Ill be through huindreds here

You can get a scroll now that drops that will refund for free. Its a bandaid till they change the code

exactly this. what are they doing from 9-5? dont they have teams of people?

i mean… typing numbers in a tool that goes system wide shouldnt be what… 30-- 40 minutes of work? i mean surely typing out that last patch note took someone like an hour? maybe 2?

my point is. like seriously WHAT are they doing? i dont understand. i… almost have to see the progress they are making so i can tell them to scrap the entire friggen project. cuz son, this aint it.

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i’m not a dad and not a casual and it’s not any better from this POV if it makes you feel any better :wink:

i think they are aiming at nobody at this point.


These changes are not 2 lines of code, Its that easy of an explanation. Season 1 was already made when the game released, Season 2 is right behind it and after 1 releases they will work on 3 same pattern as POE

Well when the game losses close to 75 percent of the player base including the 1s that was going to leave anyways. Trust me they will lose alot of players. I was planning on playing season 1 but not after they said we do t keep any of the seasonalnitems besides cosmetics. I am like whats the sense to get all the items and not able to use them when they go to your eternal slots


So you put in enough time to be half way done with a bachelors degree to come to the decision the game is garbage? LOL, you people are nuts.

No some of us are legit angry. We put a lot of our spare time into the game and many of us who were enjoying ourselves before feel lost and aren’t enjoying ourselves anymore. “It’s garbage” is an understatement.


Oh, I do.
Coz there is no endgame, so extending leveling to eternity gives us “more to do”.
Painfully slowly…

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Good…so much whining from casuals

It’s fine you’re angry, but my comment was mostly a joke on the trope of the disapproving parent talking to the child in line with OP’s “I’m a casual Dad.”

thats the problem. i think they need to delay season 2.

honestly delay it. get the game and quality to where it should be before you start pumping out new crap. like holy hell.


They changed values on gear, and they touched old gear.

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Yup quit 2 weeks ago and was looking forward to s1. Not anymore. Screw blizz and their unwanted nerfs.

Um newsflash if your not mad your probly the actual casual .


liusss, I suspect that the nostalgia of D1 or D2 is to also think in terms of hotmail email system storage space of that era instead of Gmail near unlimited storage. Maybe that’s a feature and not a bug for them. Lol.

Seriously though, on your item rolls, I have noticed that some items have been re-rolled in addition to the max range changes. Some items do look super funny on my character now too.

Same feelings for me.
I’d like to add something: for casual players it’s important to have clear goals. This game doesn’t allow us that, mainly because the items are totally random. In D2 you could set goals and achieve: cows for runes, Mephisto to equip, etc. D4 may have a more expanded “end game”, but it’s so generic that it loses its objectivity.
They wanted to make a mix of ARPG and MMO. I am in favor of the evolution of ARPGs, but D4 failed in this regard and lost its identity.


It took you this long to come to that conclusion? It should’ve been obvious since the beginning

Yhea I killed Lilith early and leveled early, but I consider myself casual. I have a job, family etc. I could live with the game as it was and wait for the QoL things.

Now making the game like it is feels super hardcore, everything is harder, everything is glass cannon no defense stuff … I don’t enjoy this. So I quit it.

I just don’t understand Blizzard who claim this game is for casual and even console players … why would they do this. It literaly makes ZERO sense.