I Am Not Convinced

100% positive the druid loot table is not fixed. I am no longer seeing unique barb weps, But I am still finding the same legendary items, and same unique gear. I am almost level 91. I spend about 4 hours a day just running NM dungeons. Within those 4 hour I normally find between 2 to 4 Vasily’s Prayer.
The other day I found 7 within those 4 hours post barb “fix”. Correct me with I am wrong, as far as I know it is all RNG. So if the numbers roll a helm, then roll unique, How does Vasily’s Prayer always drop?
If I do not find Tempest Roar by the weekend, I am afraid I will no longer be interested in the game. I cannot speak for most people, but I know of a few that are like myself who were extremely hyped to see the druid class back in the game.
But the druid feels lack luster in build choices for a diablo experience in my opinion. We are pretty much required to play pulverize until we find the unfindable tempest roar. Yes we can play storm druid. But I feel that most players are pulled to druid because we want to shape shift into a werewolf, or werebear, and kill hordes of monsters.
Here is were we run into the problems. I am at end game, and have to play pulverize to continue to do the content I am running. Yes I can make some type of werewolf build, but it won’t be good enough to continue to do the end game content that I am currently clearing, because werewolf poison damage is junk, and druid relys to heavy on leggo/unique items to be any good.
I am very bored of pulverize just like many other druids. It feels like we have no choice in what build we run. Idk about you guys, but I am normally 1 of many werebears I see at the world bosses lol. It would be cool to be able to play werewolf without tempest roar. So there is some druid diversity in the game.
Also after the “Fix” sometimes when I complete a NM dungeon. The bubble never pops up, and I don’t receive any rewarded items for completion. I am assuming that happens when Tempest Roar is going to drop for me.
Any other druids out there about ready to throw in the towel on finding this helmet? Or feel stuck playing werebear? Or any of you know of any werewolf builds that don’t require Tempest Roar that can clear 45 and up NM dungeons? -sincerely , a super burned out defeated druid that just wants to have fun with his class/game.

100% positive the druid loot table is not fixed. I am no longer seeing unique barb weps, But I am still finding the same legendary items, and same unique gear. I am almost level 91. I spend about 4 hours a day just running NM dungeons. Within those 4 hour I normally find between 2 to 4 Vasily’s Prayer.
The other day I found 7 within those 4 hours post barb “fix”. Correct me with I am wrong, as far as I know it is all RNG. So if the numbers roll a helm, then roll unique, How does Vasily’s Prayer always drop?
If I do not find Tempest Roar by the weekend, I am afraid I will no longer be interested in the game. I cannot speak for most people, but I know of a few that are like myself who were extremely hyped to see the druid class back in the game.

Loot table seems pretty fixed to me. No more barb legendaries and that was the fix and according to what you’ve said… you haven’t got any barb unique.

If I do not find Tempest Roar by the weekend, I am afraid I will no longer be interested in the game. I cannot speak for most people, but I know of a few that are like myself who were extremely hyped to see the druid class back in the game

Welp, I guess ARPGs aren’t for you then. It’s not abnormal to spend a whole season without find specific items in a ARPG. I can see a problem with build variety in Diablo 4 but not getting an item has nothing to do with it.

Here is were we run into the problems. I am at end game, and have to play pulverize to continue to do the content I am running. Yes I can make some type of werewolf build, but it won’t be good enough to continue to do the end game content that I am currently clearing, because werewolf poison damage is junk, and druid relys to heavy on leggo/unique items to be any good.

The reason you feel like you “have” to play Pulverize is time invested into making it as powerful as it is in the current state and if you swap now, unless you completely rebuild your character, it wont perform as well as the one your using. Including finding proper gear to make the new one work. It’s part of the game. I played pulverize until I got ALL necessary items to swap to what I wanted to play and then rebuilt everything from scratch. It’s ok.

I get that but hey… it’s a really strong and reliably easy way to build a character that can farm stronger contents. The harder the content, the less options you’ll have to progress. At least at the current state of the game. Like… a month old game.

I have a stash full of uniques and the only one I’ve only found once was the Tempest Roar. But there are other options that are not Pulverize. You can go magey Druid with lightning. You can go poison vines focused build… yada yada…

Anyways, the impression you have that there aren’t as many build options is also related to how conditioned we as players are to following a popular streamer guide that has a build totally designed to performing at very end-game (after level 85/NM 50+) So ye, the options will be very limited. Specially for a build with potential to go to 100s.

Unfortunately, with ARPGs, we have to work with what RNG gives us. Keep on grinding and you’ll eventually get there.

I have no problems with arpgs. I have played Diablo since Diablo 1 on ps1 Diablo 2 lod everyday when I was a kid on those awesome summer night bnet all-nighters. Then the occasional open bnet cheating😂 I even played the expansion to Diablo 1.
What I have a problem with is locking one of the two Druid forms we have behind one item that doesn’t drop at all. I have 4 stash tabs of nothing but ancestral leggos/uniques. All I’m seeing is to run a poison build with werewolf, but the poison ability’s werewolf has is pretty weak. Either make changes to the werewolf poison ability’s or make tempest roar drop as much as vasilys. So we can run werewolf without waiting till level 100 to try werewolf out.

As a necromancer, I have had occasionally rarely seen a few other class only drops.
Not sure if that’s intended, or a loot table issue.

And what I mean with class only drops is affixes that are for a different class. Can still equip the actual gear.

Yeap… that feeling seeing unique ancestral helm and without hovering over , one would know it is vasily prayer.