I’m UBER Unlucky…

I have ran over 200 solo Duriel runs this season and I have found ZERO Uber Uniques. I have ran about 100 2-4 player Duriel runs this season and I have found ZERO Uber Uniques… I just wanted one Uber for season 3 and now that season 4 has a masterwork crafting system that gigabuffs our weapons better than Ubers it was really all for nothing…

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If you had fun it was all for entertainment. If you didn’t have fun, well you may want to rethink your choices going into S4, that’s all I’m saying.


I had fun playing the game with the wife but I had higher expectations of finding special loot.


Its all a gamble. Everytime you do Duriel, it is a flat 2% shot. And the odds dont increase the more you play. You arent supposed to win this one. Its sort like an end game in itself.

If it makes youl feel any better, i probably got 12 ubers in s2 (mostly due to the holiday uber drop rate increase of 4%). In total i did around 1200+ runs in s2. In s3 i did maybe 300 and got 0.0.

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well… yea that can happen sadly. lets hope you are past the bad luck streak now.

In the future, why not do group duriels? (just to increase your odds) ^^

my uber unique luck was kinda meh this season as well. While i got both uber tuning stones, i ended up with only the melted heart of selig, which i cant really use ^^

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Never run solo, 2, or 3, always 4, be patient, just type in Trade or Local chat that you’re LFG (looking for group) Duriel rota (rotation), you’ll find in a very short time players willing to team-up, and never ever ever run less than 4 players, unless one of your teammates are willing to share more than 1x run.

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Originally Uber Uniques would be found once every Halley’s Comet sighting. Now they’ve given Uber Duriel (and soon Uber Andariel) a better chance to see them drop. ~2% drop rate according to the number crunchers. Although keep in mind it’s still RNG and just because you’ve killed Uber Duriel hundreds of times doesn’t mean you are guaranteed an Uber Unique.

I’d suggest not trying to farm them personally, and just enjoying the game instead. Unless you enjoy the grind, then by all means. I personally never go out of my way to farm them. If one happens to drop while I’m gearing out and doing runs with friends, cool, but I just don’t have the time to be farming hundreds of mats for hundreds of runs. To each their own though. As long as you’re enjoying yourself that’s all that matters.


Exactly this.

Just have fun and play the game. It can be a grind and that is somewhat part of the fun, just don’t turn it into a job; it will suck the joy right out of any game.

Out of all the bosses I’ve killed I think I’ve only received a single uncommon unique (oculus); the rest being all common. The best item being on PTR the Hellhammer with triple greater affixes (it only has 3) and I gave it away a few moments later.


That’s how it goes sometimes. I will do about 50 Duriel solo runs every season. If I don’t get a uber unique that I want, then I will simply try again next season. We can beat the whole game without any uber uniques just fine, so that’s not a concern. Better luck in S4 :slight_smile:


They really should increase the rate depending on how many Duriel kills you have but cap it off at a low percentage still. If it’s 2% but you’ve killed the dude 100 times, maybe throw the player a bone and bump it to 5%. Cap it at 7.5% or something.

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2% for a Uber… maybe 5% for a Spark, drop chance additional (but not both at once).

D4 is good at all but Uber Unique farming. I already had same experience, no Uber for over first 180+ Duriel…then a “Melted heart of selig” dropped…OMG!

No need Uber Unique to win this game but Uber Unique grinding loop make players boring after long time farming and got nothing. That’s related to bad game experience D4 giving for what I paid. Someone calls it unlucky and “OK” in ARPG…so dumb reason!

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What you proposed is called Pseudo Random Generator which every failure will increase the success chance of next attempt. Most content in D4 is true RNG which 2% means 2 Uber Unique in 100 Duriels run or 20 Uber Uniques after 980 Duriel runs.

Some streamer claimed the Construct cache from Alchemist use PRNG which by put all cache in your inventory and open one by one will increase the chance to acquire the upgrade you need if you are not getting them in earlier cache. If this is true, hope this PRNG will be applied to Uber Duriel and other content.

Currently the best way to get more drop is wait till the season almost end and see whether Blizzard will increase the drop rate from 2% to 4% like last season.

that math is absolutely off just saying.

i mean the discussions about probabilities have been discussed back and forth by now.

How the math is off? Care to share the mathematic formula to enlighten us?

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im not a math expert myself of course, but yea, its been discussed numerous times anyway ^^

Me and my wife in S3 have probably done around 50+ Duriel runs. Neither of us seen an uber until I got lucky a few nights ago getting both Grandfather sword and Starless ring on separate kills. She still hasn’t gotten one however. We still have fun one way or another. But for those with nothing left to do beside uber hunting, then I can understand frustration with uber drops.


There are many formulas in probability, this is also covered in Statistics which needs an entire book to describe. I would not comment further until it narrow down to the formula related to our topic.