How were the Eligible Twitch streamers chosen?

How were the Eligible Twitch streamers chosen?
EDIT 2: Blizzard readded list (still full of seemingly random people), made a twitter announcement about this subject, and that’s it.
EDIT: As of a few minutes after posting this, Blizzard removed the link to the list of eligible streamers and changed it to: “TO BE UPDATED” So apparently I made a valid point.

There are so many broken names, channels that have the bare minimum follower counts and have been inactive for years, meme names, etc. On top of that, several of the larger Diablo and ARPG streamers are missing from the list. There are partners from twitch who’ve never played a game on twitch whose channels are just Hot tub/Just chatting. It’s just wild. My personal favorite is on page 99: “I’m an affiliate // twitchDOTtv/I’m an affiliate”

Why not just make it how many games do and just allow anyone streaming Diablo 4 that’s affiliate or partner eligible? I think that’d be more supportive than this grab bag list.

List here from Blizzards post:
bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd DOT net/cms/page_media/7t/7TRV1R6NIQAH1685040022802.pdf

Taken from:
news.blizzard DOT com/en-us/diablo4/23954936/diablo-iv-launch-twitch-drops-earn-the-primal-instinct-mount

Pretty sure they haven’t announced the streamers involved yet and that link looks sus so I ain’t checking it.

I dont understand that too. I’m watching a german steamer who makes Diablo Kontent for years with mostly 100 vievers and he is not on the list. His Name is BobiversumTV

It’s the link in the official post, where they announced the list of eligible streamers, but ok

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You mean where it says
“Visit here for a complete list of eligible channels to gift Twitch subscriptions to. (TO BE UPDATED)”

Lol, so apparently i made a thing happen, because 15 minutes ago it was a link to the pdf above. Great transparency blizzard

You aren’t just chosen. Blizzard does not know you (referring to the streamer). You had to apply manually and if you did not, you weren’t chosen.

From what I saw after scanning through twitter, is that it was an opt-in system. The people who checked their notifications got it.

Curious how some of the folks on the list were chosen then as they have multiple year old inactive accounts. Seems random at best. Do you have a link to a post where they spoke about sign-ups?

interesting theory on opt-in, but how does that account for people who have inactive accounts, accounts like 'I’m an affiliate" and such like that that were obviously not from internal tools

I’m a streamer, not in my box.

You could not pay me to watch MrL, Q69 or Assgold. I really mean it I have money. I would rather be playing.


I’m not a streamer so I have no idea. As I said, it’s just what I saw scanning through twitter. Maybe people who had a certain amount of stream time for Blizzard games or Diablo 2/3

Preach my friend, this is more about the weird list they released than about big names, it just struck me as bizarre how many fortnite/inactive/hottub/troll accounts were listed.

They wanting PC, huge following streams…

Not us PS5 only, couch streamers…

I’d have to see the list to have an actual opinion

They’ve released a new list on the same blog post, its only 92 pages instead of 113, but still has a large amount of troll/inactive/non-diablo streamers

Gotta love a vague-post instead of a reply, thanks for the link

I do have a link, but you’ll do wise not to question people giving you facts. Deadline was May 19th. We’re beyond that now. Giving you a link or not giving you a link, makes no difference. But I’m feeling generous today:

Well, if a marketing person believes marketing $$$ should be spent on advertising to streamers already doing Diablo content… :rofl: I mean, the net effect is near 0 sense all those people 1) Know about the game 2) Have made up their minds already.