How were the Eligible Twitch streamers chosen?

^good point though, but why have it reliant on people streaming diablo games in last 6 months to begin with

“The program had an overabundance of sign-ups and we inserted the maximum amount we could based off of platform limitations. This does mean not everyone who opted-in made it, in but we made sure to do removals at random and not via any requirement beyond the above.”

would suck if a dedicated d4 streamer gets replaced by someone whos never going to stream it.

No we weren’t, I streamed 8 hrs worth of Beta, 6 hours of Slam…

So here we are, Blizz already fibbing right out the gate…

I think in this case any streamer could sign up to be an Eligible streamer.

I don’t approve of how Bliz is getting their customers to pay for their advertising by encouraging streaming of D4 through increased subs - I think Bliz should instead be doing sponsored streams and thus paying the streamers themselves.

However, this is better than what they did with OW2. When they did the same thing for OW2, they only allowed a select group of highly popular streamers to participate, whereas here at least any small-time streamer can get in on it.

You are not worthy, but people like Q69 who talks :poop: about Diablo and Blizzard will be invited. Assgold will also be included because he has a large following of dimwits. MrL “but it’s not D2” will also be in on the gravy train now.

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Funny thing is, if I’m streaming/playing when do I get the free stuff, cuz I’m not going to stop playing, go find a pc, and turn it on watching so goof play for an item…

I think what most people are going to do is have a browser tab open on a stream in the background while they play the game in the foreground.

And I think that Blizzard knows this - they don’t care whether people actually watch streams; they just want a high viewer count for D4 as a whole.

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PS5, I’d have to burn up my phone or go find/kick my son off his PC…And he won’t do that…Cuz he plans on playing to ‘so’ he says…

hah, maybe once he gets his you’ll have to log on your twitch in the background.

One more step after Opt-In. Once you are notified through the opt-in, you were linked to a google doc where you had to answer two questions, your channel name and if you are a affiliate or partner.

I am a daily active streamer(Uberkull), 460 followers, affiliate and was not on the list. But, I only expected under 10 streamers to be chosen and knew I wouldn’t have a chance to get chosen based on what I thought was a low follow count.

But now i look at this list,and review some channels, and I agree…it’s a joke.

BTW, that was my post on Reddit that was considered a ‘leak’ on WoWhead. Not really sure it was much of a ‘leak’ since the CM responded to the thread and seemed fine with it. But maybe they ‘disqualified’ my channel cause of it. IDK, and don’t really care. After thinking through how I would have to tell my followers, or even new viewers, that to get the horse mount you need to sub…twice. That can surely frustrate any viewers or your followers you are trying to hold. Not great for small streamers.

As aggressive as Blizzard is with marketing on Diablo 4, this makes sense. More streams, more eyes, and throw a bone to streamers to get some sub revenue.


K, that’s why I didn’t get an Invite…

Not Affiliate cuz I don’t sit there on my couch talking trash while I play…

I just play on the console and answer questions if asked…


Right? One will just complain about everything if its not like D2/R, one will just scream into your ears all day long, and the other is just an azz.

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To be fair, I got affiliate 6 years ago when it was simplified. Now Twitch is saturated with non-gaming sections and trying to grow your channel is near impossible.

Like I said, I wouldn’t care too much about not getting picked, cause the replies I got on my Reddit post from the Wowhead article were not kind towards Twitch or Streamers. Again, pretty hard to convince a new viewer or even current followers to sub just to get a mount. That’s just a recipe for a unpleasant interaction for small streamers and their chat.