💀 How to literally one shot Uber Lilith on Necro (not Bonespear)

Maybe you can get it down to half an hour with max cooldown reduction gear.

It has nothing to do with CDR.

It has to do with how much each bone spirit hits for. Bone spirit can hit for 59 million. His was only hitting for 10-12 mil.

The damage numbers shown are really not that bad. My well geared lvl 100 tw-rogue does 200.000 damage aswell sometimes :crazy_face:

Ah, I missed that bit, so you can get it down to a few/several minutes with both CDR and higher dmg on BS.

Dude had to stack all in on CD reduction then still spend over 1 hour standing still spamming Blood Wave 75 times just to get enough orb stacks to fight. Maybe only a one tap to kill but a pita to set up.

It’s not like waltzing in with a completely broken build and popping a single ability to one shot her. Maybe they can cap orb stack damage but I wouldn’t really call this a one-shot build because you are repeatedly casting abilities for an extended period of time, just to buff yourself than hit her directly


All I can see is how shafted Sorcs get with a Unique that has a 10% chance to cast a Nova on crackling energy pickup vs 100% chance for a bone spirit on blood orb pickup

Nah there’s a 2 min kill from a barb, but it’s a build that can’t survive in t100 and would probably only be able to do t70-ish content at max in NMD, so it’s kind of a glass cannon. It’s also using the hota exploit of course, because how else…

Three can play at that game:

Don’t skip the text either, I dare you.

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New patch notes tomorrow: Blood orbs amd temporary player buffs now disappear when engaging bosses.

PLEASE please please don’t nerf necro! It’s working as intended. You can nerf barb all you want, don’t touch my necro that’s the class I want to roll in S1 :frowning:

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Indeed, these people don’t know the context behind the video and just calls it OP.

This is how we got our weak & pointless minions, because people cried during the beta.

These people just want to ruin the class.


It’s the same thing with the Rend build Rob showed in his clickbait video, lots of time to build up those numbers, but one short clip to show the number he did and the internet is going crazy.

Lots of things are broken and scale infinitely. Barbarian Gohrs/Whirlwind (fixed and nerfed), Berserk Ripping (still broken), Blood Orb etc. Pretty easy fix to this, Blood Orbs disappear after a while.

Soo… if you have the perfect chest piece at 5 blood orbs instead of 10 and spend an hr prepping you can make thsi work. Good luck finding that gear. I have over 10 of those chest pieces and didn’t find a 5. I did get a 7.

Necos aren’t OP. Streamers with nothing better to do are.

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How to kill uber lilith:

Get blood artisan’s cuirass (most common unique in the game for necro)
Go to boss arena
Turn on movie of your choice
Spam blood wave to make blood orbs in several piles while watching movie for a few hours (helps if you have CDR so you can make blood orbs faster)
Start encounter
Cast bone prison to vuln lilith and turn on bonestorm for crit bonus
Walk onto blood orb pile 1 to shoot 12930123 bone spirits at lilith → instakill → phase 2
Phase 2: wait for platforms then walk onto another blood orb pile to shoot 12930123 more bone spirits at lilith
Congrats playboy you beat the game

If this doesn’t work…watch a longer movie and make more blood orbs. LOTR extended edition movies will do.


You “fix” that by slapping an internal CD on the Blood Artisan Cuirass proc effect. Adjusting Blood Orbs to prevent that approach would be silly.

Or just make it so on player death the boss area resets

Patch notes:
After seeing necromancers doing unintended amounts of damage we have decided to reduce barbarian’s hota damage by 100%, WW damage by 30%, and remove rend from the game.


Why should Blood Orbs last for longer than a minute on the ground? Stacking Orbs with Cuirass isn’t a problem, it being infinitely scaling is. There shouldn’t be any mechanic that infinitely scales. This is why Gohr’s and Berserk Ripping got changed then nerfed. Rend will be fixed also.

Takes like an hour to set up with blood orbs before the fight even begins

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In addition all Barbarians who were able to clear NM 100 are banned for exploiting, as this was never intended.