💀 How to literally one shot Uber Lilith on Necro (not Bonespear)

I too like to spend 50 minutes of prep for 1 fight rofl.

It was definitely humorous to be seen, and one of the most impractical things I have ever seen as well.

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This will be nerfed Im sure coming up on 18th

Nerf inc

If one posts blizz will nerf if they don’t like.
Keep secerts to your self.

This test is meaningles lol… he’s being boosted by group members… and doing overstacking on a bugged mob?

This situation is’nt reality lol

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This needs an immediate nerf top priority

This reminds me of the paladin stacking reckoning infinitely back in vanilla WoW. Proceeds to one-shot bosses.


No player can achieve minus the guy with a video, but it doesn’t need to be maxed anyways since it’s already an over kill, but I doubt most peole are gonna complain even if it was a 2-3-4 shot with less gear.

It’s relatively easy to get gear on the discord if you have the gold. So come on now.

Also as he stated I posted this before the video was watched you don’t actually need gear you could have dog water.

Yeah this is very similar to reckoning tbh, it’s like the Kazaak one shots.

There’s no gear needed other than blood artisan, which is very common. If you have better gear it just takes less time to set up, worse gear more time stacking orbs.

Necro is by far the worst class in D3. Watch the video if you did you would see that he didn’t actually kill her legit, he loads blood orbs with a separate skill before starting the fight

Which problem are Necro Blood Orbs causing, exactly?

I suspect there is confusion on what is going on in the “One shot Lilith with Blood Orb Necromancer” video. That player is using a Bone Spirit build. They just stumbled on a clever way to generate an armada of Bone Spirits all at once to nuke a boss. By tacking on a Blood skill to spawn orbs and leveraging an obvious oversight related to Blood Artisan Cuirass.

I’d also reiterate the player is running a Bone Spirit build. Nuking stuff with mega burst damage is pretty much what the Bone Spirit skill does. If such a build were geared out well and timing was on point it would have no trouble slapping Lilith silly to rapidly phase her and bypass mechanics.

If Blood Orbs were nerfed over this it’s probably just going to screw over Blood Necromancer players. They don’t need or deserve such treatment. Leave those poor, brave souls alone.

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That not every class is intended to do? Then there should be a boss for each class that represents a similar level if challenge for each class. What it is currently is just terrible design.

So you were arguing with me last night that it wasn’t a 1 shot, then u went and made a post about how its OP and a 1 shot. Nice

I am hardly suggesting a nerf. I am saying that nothing should infinitely scale. I fail to see how preventing an infinite build-up is a nerf. Whirlwind previously could build up and store an infinite damage release with Gohr’s which not only got fixed, but also nerfed. I am not saying that anything needs to be nerfed, just fixed. Nobody should be able to one-shot Uber Lilith, it is clearly not working as intended - even if it takes over an hour of prepping.

You don’t UNDERSTAND, scaling is part of Necromancer’s identity. Without it we’d be forced to play minion build, which we all know is completely unusable. When barbarians had infinite scaling, it was obviously a bug that was unintentional. Thats why theirs was FIX but your "suggestions" are actually a NERF!

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Those are certainly fair points.

What I was trying to get across is for this very specific example the blood artisan cuirass is what makes the train chug along. The item has no limitations on the number of bone spirits it can spawn within a given time period. If it had a 15-30s CD after spawning one spirit before it could spawn another this particular Lilith burn strat wouldn’t work.

Blood orbs could be adjusted to prevent the approach, sure. That has much wider balance implications vs adjusting the item though. It stands to reason adjusting the item would be a much better choice. And in my opinion blood orbs are in a reasonable spot outside this very specific interaction.

In terms of Uber Lilith burn strats in general… This encounter is simply not well constructed. She has too many phase transitions, they take too long to develop and all of them are attached to a health threshold. The end result, the boss can be trapped in these transitions until she’s dead if DPS is high enough.

If Blizzard doesn’t want people zerging their pinnacle bosses they should put more thought into both how high damage can scale and their boss design.