How to get the best of Diablo II and Diablo III itemization in Diablo IV

This might work:

  • simplify affixes and move complex affixes to another Diablo IV game system (for example the paragon system)
  • improve blue items so they have higher rolls but less affixes than rare items and have a use even when your character is level 80+
  • move all Legendary Powers to the Codex of Power, including those currently in the Paragon Boards
  • let players activate for example up to 6 legendary powers from the Codex of Power
  • remove legendary items and imprinting from the game
  • add target farming so you can target farm unique items, like in Diablo II
  • drastically lower the drop rate of rare items and improve their rolls especially for really high monster levels

Then you’ll have normal, improved magic, rare and unique items. Legendary powers are activated in the Codex of Power.

The main advantage is that rare items supplement your unique items like in Diablo II.

The Codex of Power functions like the Kanai’s Cube from Diablo III where you can select Legendary Powers for your build, but with more options.

What powers belong in the skill tree and what powers belong in the codex of power can be decided after that.


I would like unique Glyphs at level 100. I would like us to have primervos (that emotion of a really good item), because 99
% of the ancestors that drop are useless. Uniques should be able to roll. I would like to eliminate useless affixes, damage when killing elite, cold damage, cold damage, damage after dodging, slow enemy damage, stunned…etc


When Uniques cannot be rerolled it will make rare items more important as you’ll need items to fill in the missing affixes like resistances, health and primary attribute. Also Unique Items will be more unique when you cannot reroll them.

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I dont think affixes should be simplified overall. A few affixes should be merged though, but that should just give room to add more other affixes.

Removing legendaries altogether is a tempting change tbh.
There should be room for legendaries in the game imo, but if Blizzard cant figure out to balance them without ruining Rare items, as is currently the case, as well as creating a bunch of items that are just required for builds, then removing legendaries might be the better approach.
At minimum, all legendaries and uniques that alter builds in such ways that make them needed for the builds to function should be moved to character progression (skill tree, paragon or OPs Codex idea). Placing build enablers behind random drops is a bad idea.

Still, I’d like to see a few attempts at making the game work with legendaries (through the aforementioned change + a buff to Rares and Magic items) before outright removing legendaries as an item type.

Focus on making Rares and even Blue items useful in endgame.
If legendaries just ended up being replaced by Uniques as the go to items, nothing would have been gained.


They can’t get the itemization from Diablo 3, only some systems. If they did that, most of us will just leave straight out, because collecting 1 set and destroying the game in the matter of few hours is the most boring thing after mobile games.

More realistic would be to take some of the better systems of Diablo 3.

Diablo 2’s itemization is extremely rich, and copy-pasted so much in all modern ARPGs, I think that devs trying to be original hurts them more than actually helps them.

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Currently Legendaries in Diablo IV are to put it bluntly nothing more than rare items with Legendary Powers on them. The main system for Legendary Powers in Diablo IV is the Codex of Power, although some Legendary Powers are in the Paragon Boards and you could argue that lots of Legendary Powers could just as fine be added to the Skill Tree.

Also, once your character becomes efficient in World Tier III (or higher) difficulty you’re currently absolutely flooded with Legendary Items and rare items that need checking. If you remove Legendary Item drops, improve rare item rolls, lower their drop rate and let unique items drop regardless of difficulty it will become a much more quality over quantity Diablo II like loot experience.

Note that you can also replace Legendary Item drops with Aspect drops that get automatically absorbed into your Codex of Power, max roll saved and Aspects you have maxed don’t drop anymore.

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D2 needs an AH, D3 had an AH… bring AH to D4 and save the bloody game.

D2 and D3 items are not combinable. They each approach gameplay modification in two overly different ways.

One seeks to directly modify the weapon damage used to calculate skill damage and defense while the other provides very minor increases in non weapon based skill damage.

I think itemisation will never be good unless there’s this sense of power spikes throughout the game. You know, when you suddenly feel that you made a step in increased power.

D2 has this.
D3 has it a lot less.
D4 is just one straight line of continuous tiny power increase that you do not even notice. I read people do not even bother picking up items for about 5 levels because they know it’s not worth the trouble.

What makes this difference per game?
Power increase comes from

  • level gains of your character (stats increase plus relative level to monsters is calculating in some games)
  • acquiring skills or skill levelling
  • systems like paragon, followers, whatever.
  • finding better loot.

Now D2 had a relatively small pool of possibilities in all of these compared to D4.
D4 therefore in my opinion will never ever give that feeling of increased power anymore. There are too many item slots, too much gear is dropping, there are too many affixes and suffixes with each very small increments per level, there are too many systems that also give you small power increases as you get the, like paragon.

This is an issue with many aRPGs to come I fear, because all this variety is seen as content and the more the better.
While the real sensation while playing becomes a boring trip to max level.

Sigh. Please shed some positive light here :slight_smile:

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I ask that you eliminate these useless affixes, for everything that is most sacred in this life. It is not possible that someone within the bliizard finds it interesting to have 20% more damage for 4 seconds after killing an elite. And the damage from cold, frozen, cold , slow, poison, poisoned, stun etc. I play them for 3 hours and the best thing that drops is an item that I sell on discord. Make me feel emotional in a drop, 90% of the items I use are bought, whoever plays The game without trading is dead. Put first ones now, or something to farm fun, or items above 800 shine, different. Reduce the number of ancestral drops and improve their qualities. Has anyone from Blizard reached level 100? Have you already They rolled an attribute that cost 16 million? Why isn’t there a damage formula? Does it exist? Do you know the direction you’re taking? I see you’re a bit lost. 100. Do you think it’s fun to have 10 thousand armor with the potion, good reductions and die to a crossbow shot that isn’t on screen? Why does this ghost do so much damage? I never died to the dungeon bosses, they were designed for that ?In the entire game, the enemy I’m most afraid of is the wasp that sends those little green flies, that hurts. Can you fix that?

It’s true, you struggle to have good items, and the combat glypho gives you 100% critical. So it doesn’t matter if you have 30% critical on the item or 40% critical. In the end there will be little difference. In other words, just evolve your glyphs that you will be strong. Take your build and put a bad weapon, without anything good, you will still do millions of damage, Mainly due to the multipliers and the barber.

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Strip away the Abundance of irrelevant affixes. Increase the amounts of uniques, sucks I can’t farm uniques for a different class cause they do not drop as the class im playing unless they are deemed universal.

Honestly, I’d like to see requirements back on gear. Such as needing x Strength to weild, or Dex, and Int. But in D4 you are literally locked into set weapon categories, Barb can use alot of weapons, nearly every single 1 handed weapon but cant use a dagger? Rogues can’t use 1 handed maces or axes or 1 handed sickle? Why does a Necro get to use a shield but other classes cannot? Shall i go on?

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What in the world…

The what?

This makes more sense.

So where does that previous clown get all the D2 “richness” from? Runewords?

Lol, yes.

What is the point of complaining about this?

What a baller priority.

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I dont think hard requirements should return. But yeah, all classes should be able to use all item types.
It is a disgrace to release an A-RPG where everyone cant equip a shield.

One thing that could be done is to have the efficiency of items scale with different attributes however. Like you can block better with a shield if you have more strength, and a wand is more powerful if you have more int, etc. The scaling should not be massive, to the point where you can only realistically use these if you focus on the scaling attribute, but should be enough that it makes a difference.

Smart Loot is a joke in an A-RPG imo.
Since it wont disappear, at least Blizzard should add a toggle.
Get Smart Loot for your class, OR get more loot (to compensate), but randomly from all classes. In endgame you might switch between the two depending on whether you were farming for your current character, or for new characters.

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Yeah, the smart loot should be toggled because how many people would want to start playing with a one class and they are like okay okay i’d like to try out another one. But in doing so you are starting back with 0 gear. With the toggle we’d be able to find stuff for all.

Sadly its going to be here to stay.

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Yeah I think a toggle would help a lot as well as removal of level restrictions on certain rolls of legendaries and uniques.

One of the best things about POE is that after you level your first character at the start of the league, you can farm or trade for twink gear / leveling uniques that vastly improve the campaign experience for any alts you want.

Instead of starting on the beach with nothing but a grey wand you can run the unique movement speed boots, the unique 6 link white chest, the onslaught leveling helmet, and numerous other leveling uniques that are good depending on what build you’re planning. Somewhat similar to heirlooms in WoW, but they don’t boost your EXP directly, just give you a major power and speed boost at early levels.

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  • you hardly have to balance affixes on your gear
  • you have lots and lots of affixes which do (close to) nothing for your build

Proposed changes fix this.

Great idea! :+1:

The Paragon Board needs to be nerfed, this is a big problem in the game. The board today gives me 600% damage, the critical damage alone is 220%, what relevance will my weapon have if it gives 15% or 20% critical if I already have it? 350%. This 5% increase gives me a real increase of 1.4%. Will I be able to make 100 nm with this?

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