How many of you will leave D4 for POE2 when it drops?

Just interested in seeing how many people will be doing what i will be doing…


probably 80% of player base


Not me.
Nor is this a usefull post.
The ppl on these forums are just 1% of all the ppl.


Isn’t PoE2 still like a year away?

If they haven’t made meaningful changes to D4, I’ll be gone long before that. I like the game, but I can’t ignore that fact that it’s just plain boring after level 70-80.


Who is Poe2?

20 chars

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Played PoE since beta but you know what I think would be really cool.

Having two long term ARPGs to play.


I’m gone if they don’t fix itemization first.

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POE is too bloated for my taste now. As a filthy boomer casual, I simply cannot keep up with all the detail required for all the mechanics of the game.

POE2 isn’t a sequel either. I’ll no doubt give the new campaign a go and see how it feels, but highly unlikely it’ll become my main.


Well PoE will be better, cuz core mechanics of the game is just better i guess anyway time will tell. But if we are talking about “todays” D4 i left already and i don’t even need poe, game is just bad even w/o competitors.

Poe2 will be free even tho im not a poe andy definitely I ll check it out

I’ll go back and forth depending on which has the better season/league. Because let me tell you Crucible League in PoE? Straight garbage. So if the Diablo 4 season is better I’ll go there. Lake of Kalandra was garbage. I had hopes for it at first but I hated it.
But if it is something like Delve or Heist? D4 had better start stepping it up.

Honestly both of them will probably get me for something like 6 weeks or so. Maybe two months at most. So I am happy to go back and forth to see what state the games are in and then I also might take some time off for a few months and try other games. The great thing about seasons is you can take all the time off you want and then jump right back in whenever a new season starts.

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I don’t really find it bloated. It just makes no effort to explain anything to players in-game.

My buddy came back and was trying the most recent end-game loop and laughing about how much is unexplained. For instance. Nothing tells you Uber Elder and Maven have Atlas Stones.

You can be crazy theory crafting or just pick a decent skill and build around it. I’ve done both. It works perfectly fine either way. Some choices in PoE “Is all an Illusion Exile” because they catered to Zoom Tek play styles.

I’ve been secretly hoping PoE2 is a bait switch taking away some of that because the community catches fire anytime GGG tries to make healthy changes to the game. “Mah Power Fantasy!”

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I think most people will play both. A person does not have to pigeon hole themselves into one game. If I am having fun playing POE I will play POE or vice versa. Diablo 4 is a good game and so is POE.

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PoE2 has my attention for sure. It depends on if AB will start to support multiplayer including chat system and stuff and depends on the vision and fixes they put out for D4.

So yeah, I see myself in my evergreen-games and maybe in PoE2 or D4 for short breaks.

14k average daily players in POE acording to Steam Charts, and losing players each month. Only better graphics like PoE 2 can save a dying game

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It’s dying because since they announced PoE2 they have interns working on the current game design. Literally nothing has gone core for over a year now and they game relies on that to stay fresh.

They’re just putting all their eggs in the PoE2 basket right now.

You don’t have to pick one or the other.

POE2 until D4 Has new content, D4 Until POE2 has new content.

Why are people looking for the ”Forever game” instead of just jumping between the 2 based on which is more interesting at the time


I will not play POE. Happy?


Not I sir, maybe in a few years. I’m enjoying D4 !! Take a break and check back in a few seasons.

Edited the word chrck

I would love to play both.
PoE league keep me engaged for about 50 days ish.
D4, will keep me engaged for about a week maybe 2 in its current core state.

As long as they dont overlap the league starts i will play both. If they somehow mess up and do overlap i will play PoE.