I hope Poe 2 is the next big thing for you guys otherwise i will laugh so much
Nope. Not touching Path of spreadsheets ever again.
Diablo is where my home is!
I will never do that simply because i will leave long before POE 2 is out in 2024… i dont see myself playing more than 1 week of s1 if even that. Game will just have 1 new lego per class and some caged hearts that will be used on rings or neck to make you more powerful than armor gems ,but for what ? There is no competition… theres no proper pvp battlegrounds or anything fun . Get more powerful for the sake of it is absolutely meaningless to me and im sorry ,but im not the robot target audience neither many others, this game is just grind items for the sake of them to do NOTHING with them and participate in NOTHING after u get them . Ye well… not for me lmao. Dont even say " bro this is ARPG…" nope … this is the MOST EMPTY and dull arpg that is made with half mmo features without the QOL social and multiplayer features. Its neither arpg nor mmo … its just bad. period. I will admit thou , graphics are sick … but its only that much i can play a frustratingly boring game just for its graphics…
Why am i still on the forums ? Well hope dies last and i like many others will love to be proven wrong and read something exciting that change minds , but highly doubt that. Still … hope dies last hahah
I mean. I bought 2 copies of D4 to help create competition.
It’s like any other market. Intel when AMD came busting through the wall. Competition between two companies helps the consumer. It might not pay off but I did my part.
PoE has several philosophical problems that chris Wilson put in “the vision” and from all the public comments he’s made he just doubles down on the flaws.
I’ve seen how “pretty” PoE2 is but it isn’t enough to make me forget about its foundational problems.
You know Poe isn’t really any different than Diablo 4 build wise even if the skill tree is huge it’s just all classes can see all the skill nodes in the tree. Picture Diablo 4 with all the class nodes showing for all classes. 80 percent of poe’s tree is useless for most builds just like Diablo. Unless of course your talking spreadsheets to trade items. Even with crafting in Poe there is a website that most players use to tell them how to craft items.
Is PoE 2 free to play?
Will be - however you need to spend a few bucks ingame to have access to stuff like market tabs and some QoL stuff (at least if it is going to be like POE1)
The game is entirely free, but they’re really good at making you want to buy things.
Unique stash tab - stores all uniques you find
Currency tab - Stores all of your orbs/currency related items in one nice stack
Map tab, market tab etc…
But these things are like several dollars and add a huge amount of QoL. Very much worth it if you’re enjoying the game and plan to keep playing. Not needed to play any aspect of the game tho
Both, why would i play only one of them ?
I will not leave anything. I never signed a contract that I exclusively can only play one ARPG. I will play POE2 and Diablo 4 at the same time, depends on a season or whatever.
I didn’t like PoE 1, why would I play PoE 2?
It’s a game made exclusively for metagaming heinous helm wearers.
I however have a strong sense of aesthetics.
Any new upcoming game comes out and I am gone for sure. This company is all about lying to its customers. They havn’t told the truth since President Carter was in office. Maybe Microsoft will start making them tell the truth who knows.
PaxDei - Awesome looking MMORPG so cant wait for this one
Balders Gate 3 - Supposably this is what devs are calling an “anomoly” because its a good game
Starfield - Will be probably one of the best games of all time like D2 was in its era
Dark & Darker - Once they beat Nexus or whoever in court this game will be Amazing D&D loot PvP game. This is another one I cannot wait for.
PoE2 - I was looking forward to this but they are taking to long to release it and the hype is gone for most people. If they don’t give us some crazy new stuff it will probably floop. I believe thou GGG studios is 100x more competent than these AAA game companies that delivered us games like Diablo 3 & Diablo 4 with a bunch of Advertising and Paid Reviews to sell as many copies as they can.
Not me happy playing Last Epoch and D4
PoE Sucks and i’ll bet 2 will as well
… unless beautiful and awesome D4 competence centre Asmongold will stay.
POE was too much to get into. I’d rather just play older diablo games at this point.
It’s not an ‘or’ question. Nothing to stop you playing both.
Likelihood is I will leave D4 after the first season (already paid for) and not return.
But who knows, maybe they will remove the dreadful scaling, add an economy/auction, some real crafting, make seasons matter to the base game, and stop penalising solo over group, the endorsement of cheaters etc.
But I don’t have to ‘hold my breath’, because new POE league in August. Choice is good.
tried 30 mins of PoE got bored, uninstalled
This is what true gamers say: the more games to play the better!
My hope is to play both, but if PoE2 comes out while D4 has a lot of its current issues then I won’t return until D4 has its overhaul similar to how D3 development went.