How is Diablo IV still so fundamentally bad?

  1. The road to level 100 is still horribly boring mainly due to dungeons being plagued by weird enemy densities and placement, backtracking issues and repetitive objectives that don’t even need to exist. By now the only reason for forcing players to level every season is that you don’t have any substantial endgame available.
  2. Loot is so bad, you drop millions of useless items praying for at least three good stat rolls that let you enchant the fourth, there is no loot filter, so you’re just picking up garbage (I mean you can at least salvage it right?).
  3. Season of blood, more like season of incredibly short gated campaign that introduces you to new vampiric powers that you only touch for couple of hours max and then you forget that the season even exists.
  4. Crafting elixirs forces you to run around the world on your horse picking up flowers. I mean, who came up with this? No one in their right mind wants to do this.
  5. Helltides on timer… Blizzard, you realize that this require players to either play the game the whole day checking the map or rely on 3rd party website with timers.
  6. Uberbosses tied to Helltides, I mean this paired with the point above is just baffling to me. Just imagine you need to farm Duriel, like how many Helltides do you have to do to test your RNG luck on an uber boss.
  7. I can’t fathom how this game is worse in every aspect than Diablo III, you literally had to take what works and implement it here…
  8. Implicits on weapons, Blizz you have transmogs in this game, many of them tied to shop purchases, yet you basically force people to wear optimal weapons/off-hands due to implicits that are tied to weapon/off-hand type. I mean what? Just let us pick the implicits freely, doesn’t change anything.

And these are only the fundamental flaws. This doesn’t even scratch builds or interface.


About point one, there will never be a decent endgame in a Diablo game. Only fillers. Pseudo-endgame activities like Duriel, which is nothing more than another boss, but with extra steps (keys), so you have the false sense that it is the peak of progression.

The same people who want to do content with their fully fleshed-out characters to test their stellar builds also want a hard reset after two months.

Diablo will always have horizontal instead of vertical progression at the end of the road. That is why the endgame does not and will never feel exciting.

Your endgame here is testing new available and volatile mechanics every two months and seeing their interactions with your class. Welcome to an ARPG.

Are you doing dungeons that are not A or S tier in the list?

Because i have not seen any backtracking yet.

Usually just straight line to the boss.

i am enjoying it. honestly most of your complaints are pretty meh. i will agree with helltides not being 24/7 like blood harvest. that could change. the rest is trolling


If you have a rating system for dungeons then there are clearly dungeons present that have issues. The complaint is valid and the solution should not be to ignore 80% of content but to fix it. They talked about this and they will most likely adapt their layouts to the ones better received.

Obviously by ignoring the content you do your part in giving the Devs the needed data to adapt.

  1. Yes,however it is a lot better then it was glyphs etc need tweaking now though
    2.Yes, i myself seem to spend more time going through loot then i do playing the freaking game
    3.I didn’t play S1 so i cant comment,but it seems “ok”
    4.1000000000000% Hoooooooly!
    5.Indifferent to this so no comment
    6.Yeah uber bosses suck…especially lilith
    7.i 50% agree i used to 100% agree but they have made improvements,BUT there is so much basics missing
    8.huh lol

Because the game is made by a bunch of talentless hacks. Seriously it’s like they have only barely heard about arpgs, but never played one and only had some basic experience of how MMO’s worked back in the early 2000’s. So they made a fraken game that mixed these two genres and failed miserably at both.
It doesn’t help that it’s clearly a cash grab based on name recognition with a predatory cash shop bolted on.
For Blizzard’s leadership the game is probably a mild success, it sold a lot of copies, battle passes and cash shop gear and that is all that matters.


Here’s the spreadsheet with tier lists and such

Or if you just want the dungeons in a picture

Avoid any thing that is below A rank, just insta salvage


Not what i asked for but thanks.

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This is relevant. Most and huge problem D4.
I can live with rest, not a big deal.
But terrible itemization is really a problem.


No problem, It’s better if everyone is aware.

As for the other stuff you wrote.

The devs can see these spreadsheets as much as any one else.

They can also talk to the people that made them, Because those people have tested all the dungeons to come up with these rankings.

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This is what you get with a bunch of fresh out of school never made a game before hires.

A bad game.


Whole UI is terrible. This should be rebuild completely. Pop-up item statistics windows covering key character information, access to some windows only using keyboard shortcuts, terrible map colors, where the selected quest differs from the unselected one in a minimal shade of color (map circles), no centering the map on the selected quest, some notifications appear on left side of screen, when all other textual information are on right etc. This is a UX nightmare.

  • Glyphs being shown 1 row and a second one partialy. No way to actually see what is what only with hovering over them.
  • Paragon board not searchable in its entirety until you played it.
  • Not being able to properly see what is skilled and what not.
  • hovering over a glyph should highlight all relevant nodes that are needed for it.
  • zig zag shaped skilltree that’s to big for a single screen.
  • disenchanting sigil doesn’t open the sigil menu.
  • Nmd sigils don’t show which one you still have a codex reward for.
  • items on ground don’t have a preview. You first have to pick them up.

the list is endless.

Some complete noobs designed this.


Many people don’t want anything from D3 to make it to D4. I agree on other points in regards to how things were implemented tho for sure.

#1: I’d disagree here. Since the road to 100 is basically just the same as 100 itself the enjoyment of it comes down to the combat mechanics and loop. For this I’d say the game is “fine” right now. Special? Not even close and I’m not even sure if I’d describe it as close to good but it is at least an okay base to hopefully expand off of come the expansion… I don’t have a ton of hope it’ll be greatly changed prior to this

#2: Filters would be great

#3: Ehhh… I felt lkek the campaign for Season of Blood was pretty okay - much better than the garbage that was season 1. Not sure how you’d “forget the season exists” when the Vampiric powers are pretty crazy and then one of the fastest ways to grab Whispers is through the Blood Harvests.

#4: For specific ones sure and I get the idea personally as they wanted to make the world have stuff we’d care about. If you just want the elixir for the XP buff then Helltide Chests do the trick.

#5:/#6 I do hope they change these to “always on” but at least we have

#7: Disagree heavily here but to each their wn

#8: Yeah, the implicit was a very bad design idea.

The road to level 70 or so is not bad though. It is just the last part that is not very good. Did it improve over season 1? It is faster, that’s about it. Just too hard to find a piece of gear that is an actual upgrade post level 70.

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My biggest problem with the game is the number of attributes that are just obtuse and are just there that 99% of people don’t gear towards.

Looking at you, Overpower and Lucky Hit.

Too many rares drop, with garbage combos, with far too big a range between item levels.

WAAAAAAY too few Uniques that benefit different skills and enable alternate builds for people to ‘play your way.’

Nobody and I repeat NOBODY. Not one soul. Literally no one on this entire earth wants “Increased shrine duration” on any piece of their gear, at all. Much less thorns. Who’s running a remotely successful thorns build? Anyone? …anybody?..Bueller?

Gems are still so boring. Is it so much of a pain in the a** to give us gems that DIRECTLY increase crit chance, crit damage, lucky hit chance, or overpower chance? Where’s “Perfect” gems???

Or hell, at least Ruby should increase fire damage, sapphire should increase cold damage, , emerald poison, topaz lightning, diamond physical, amethyst shadow. Skull should directly increase minion damage.

This team needs to spend a good deal of time playing Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, Titan Quest, and some PoE.


I agree with all of your points except the title and #7. I think that season 2 fixed an immense amount of quality of life issues as well as making the game actually playable post 100. The new Uber bosses are a great addition, although Lilith is still far to difficult for the casual player.

I think its a great game and its getting better with every season. Other than that, your dead on with your suggestions/complaints.