How I think poison imbuement actually works / scales - My findings

hey guys, I have also started some testing and came to some interesting conclusions.

  1. I can now confirm that the “Tracker” glyph has a bugged tooltip but is working as intended (does same dmg but 33% longer poison duration)

  2. tricks of the trade legendary node does NOT enhance poison imbue dmg as some people believe

  3. Suprising for me was this one: CUTTHROAT dmg from the “Closer” glyph also increases poison imbue dmg. For example 86% more cuthroat dmg leads into about 37% more poison tick dmg.

I will probably make a YouTube video about this topic and show my method and exact numbers from a small data sample.

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Well of course. But poison damage can tick on top of frozen enemies for short period of time when cycling the two imbuements to increase the tick damage.

fyi here is my video about poison scaling and testing

makes sense that tricks of the trade doesnt work given that it says ‘marksman / cutthroat’ skill. closer glyph cutthroat damage working seems like a bug, though.

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People on here don’t know what they are talking about. I run rapid fire and pen shot with cold and poison. Both my cold and poison wreck stuff about as hard as my vulnerability, and the only thing that can last more than a few seconds with all of those online is a world boss or the rare super pack of elites that have an army of minions or several supression domes, and that just buys them an extra few seconds while I position.

We talk about Uber lilith damage, and pushing 100tier NM dungeons.
RF with poisoning will never deal as much damage as TBs, unless its changed.

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I think Twisting blades is mostly better now because of the bursting venom / passive imbuement effect bug. It’s stacking in some weird way sometimes (maybe even applying 2 poison imbuement stacks at once), mentioned it in this thread, and there are many posts about it. You could still do bursting venom spam with rapid fire, though.

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Never made that claim, but people on here constantly act like rf is bad, especially with poison, when that’s just not the case. Whether tb is a bug or not, it’s a borderline op crutch equivalent to the type of dudes that drive big jacked up trucks. The skill operates like shiz, if it wasn’t meta-op virtually nobody would use it.

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The point of using imbuements basicaly is that you can get another like +150% crit damage with imbued skills.
When you use rf, poison adds lets say 10% dmg
When you use tbs, poison adds around 300% dmg.
Thats why i say that poison is usless on rf. There are better options, but you can still use it when you need every piece of dmg.

RF is ranged and applies poison 10 times per imbue still. I’m not saying it does more damage or that it’s better. It’s probably a bug tbh.

Isn’t stacking the name of the game with bursting venom?? It gives you no cooldown and unlimited charge, perhaps the higher the charge the more imbuement it can apply?? I don’t think that is a bug if that is the case.

poison imbuement does not add more damage on one skill vs the other. It affects the base damage the same amount.

Yes the name of the game is “abusing the bursting venom / poison imbuement bug”.

One thing to note that I didn’t see here is that Non-physical damage isn’t additive with poison damage, it’s multiplicative.

I’ve got a 21 Canny glyph equipped, along with various non-physical paragon nodes, giving me “+152% non-physical damage”. No poison damage currently equipped, so I’ve got 152% “damage with poison”.

I put on a +10% poison Broodmother’s stinger. My “damage with poison” increases to 177.2%.

This also applies with Shadow and Cold, FWIW.

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Try adding “Poison damage” from just gear and not paragons and see if it is additive or not, i believe the paragon board may be in a different bucket

The sample I gave had poison damage from gear only. No poison from paragon, only non-physical there.

I’m currently using a 840 Haunted Crossbow with max shadow damage(+42%). It increases my shadow damage by 105.9%.

seems like a bug to me. Non physical should not be [x] stat. Can you see if it’s actually doing 2.5x damage, with / without the canny glyph (or however much you lose)

Could be a character sheet bug, will test it out later in the afternoon. Going to test with Shadow Imbue, as I have a nice beefy roll for that one that would be very noticable.

even if it is a magic or rare paragon node giving you non-physical which is giving you poison on your stat page, i believe it may be in a different bucket since it’s simply the paragon board

this is why i’m asking you to try to remove all non-physical nodes from your paragon and only add it with gear

there is a video regarding a guy trying to figure out how and why resist are adding or multiplying with diminishing returns the way they do:

his finding was that the paragon board that give all resist is in a different bucket

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Quick results, without math. Methodology was to pick an enemy, and hit them with Shadow Imbued Penetrating Shot. Waited for the explosion to occur, and used that number. Repeated 5 times(could use more iterations obviously).

Character sheet shadow damage 257.9%
If it is additive, it should be 194%
Skill bar lists 21,236
Hits averaged around 22k

Haunted(No Canny)
Character sheet shadow damage 120.1%
If it is additive, it should be 97%
Skill bar lists 16,443
Hits averaged around 16k

Edit: For the sake of science, I performed one more test. I had an 837 Haunted Xbow in my storage. I rerolled it away from shadow damage(took damage to stunned). That’s as close to an apples to apples comparison that I can get. It’s a bit less base damage than the 840, but getting another 840 wouldn’t be easy…

Canny without Shadow damage:
Character sheet shadow damage: 152%
If it’s additive, it should be 152%.
Character sheet lists 18,936.
Hits averaged around 19k.

No Canny, no Shadow damage:
Character sheet shadow damage: 55%
If it’s additive, it should be 55%
Character sheet lists 14189.
Hits averaged around 14.5k.

To test any further, I’d have to respec out of non-physical in paragon, and that would suck(it’s early in my board setup).

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does bonus to physical damage from glyph Chip increase the base damage ? so it also increase the poison dot ?