How Do You Play Non-Summoner Build without Lidless Wall?

I remember Season 2. It was my first Ancestral Unique item and have used the exact same item to NM100’s with PentaDoT, Blood Lance and Bone Spear Build. There were many Lidless Wall drops on me but the first one was the best rolled.

That was all on Season 2. On Season 3, I have never got one yet. Exquisite Blood is hard to get and Lord Zir hasnt dropped the shield yet for me. But I’ve beaten NM100 already without it… on a non-Summoner build. I am still on Temerity.

Simple response: As long as you have the needed damage midigation you can survive anything.

Depending on builds:
DR while fortified.
DR while enemy is Effected by shadow (always pretty solid most builds run some type fo darkness skill)
PURE DR (thats alwasy good)
and very very important (IMO) are these two
DR from distant AT LEAST1 high roll on one piece of gear
DR while Injured i like the highest roll on boots if your getting your resist from other pieces.
As long as some mixture of the above is mixed in with ARMOR CAP and RESIST CAP, you will be able to survive t80+.

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honestly in my experience, this feels like a wasted stat to me. I feel like I just dodge distant attacks more often than not. Not getting hit by a distant attack is 100% damage mitigation after all. If I dodge 80% of distant attacks like projectiles, then that’s 80% damage mitigation right there without wasting any gear slots.

I just have my Seneschal Pet on Autodefense on me… shooting down enemy projectiles to cover myself from distant enemies. And have the Pet Slow everything thru Tempest and no melee mobs can just get to me… while I shoot down everything from the distance with Blood Lance.

I just have Temerity so I wont get one-shot killed by anything.

But I missed the the Aspect of Shielding Storm shielding me while I have infinite Bonestorms.

I might not get the Lidless Wall the whole Season 3. At least I can manage NM100 without the shield… so far with perfect timing of tendrils with Ring Sacrilegious Soul, Bloodmist and Temerity barrier just like how I can manage not getting killed in NM100 as Summoner who cant wear Lidless Wall.

-I have not done tier 100 on my necro this season because I don’t want to and have already unlocked that achievement BUT I have done 92 and regularly farm high 70s without Lidless Wall.

-Also admit, this is the first time I have played Necro since season 1 and I just don’t have the necro smarts like I do for Sorc, which I usually play.

-I wasn’t very creative. I basically followed a corpse explosion/black river build from p4nyhoff or whatever his name is and although I keep Lidless wall in my inventory, I have not had to use it.

-SO it IS possible since as stated, I don’t have necro-smarts any more but seem to do just fine. If you’re not great at necro build-crafting, maybe try him?

To answer your question- LW IS a crutch…If you know how to build a good build LW IS Not needed at all. To make necro tanky you need one Stat in particular that IS Dr while injured. Couple that with pants that give Barrier while injured and you got yourself a very reliable safty net to Not die…to prevent one-shots you want Dr from Distant AS Well on Pants and chest. For best survivability you dont want any unique pants or chest… especially Not temerity AS ITS stats are horrible and the Barrier IT gives isnt AS good AS IT Looks on paper. Protecting your health Pool IS more valuable then Just upping IT without Dr to protect IT…

It looks fine on me… 80% of Max Life as Barrier. And it’s not one time, it’s continuous everytime I heal beyond 100% of my Life, the Barrier keeps on returning back. I got the one with 39% chance to drop potions… littering the area with potions. In addition, my build supports producing/littering the area with Blood Orbs… Tendril produce orbs, also 9% Chance Blood skill to produce Blood Orbs from Lucky Hits and I am at 60% lucky hits when Temerity Barrier is up… Blood Lance is about 40% lucky hit… I should be 100% lucky hit when blood lancing. And Embalmer aspect with 30% chance to drop blood orbs when consuming corpses thru Corpse Explosions. And I dont need to pick up blood orbs, Gore quills auto-picks it up and send blood lance from it towards enemy mobs. Corpse Explosions that consume Corpses is done by my Black River which is a Scythe… it has Life on Kill… bring life again on every death mobs. It seems my Temerity Barrier would always be up.

The only time I would be pwned is when elites ganked me after I got hit by their CC. But Sacrilegious Ring can sometimes save me while I am CC’d, it auto-detonate a Rank 8 Corpse Explosion, hope it kills them. It also auto-tendril them buying me time to get back. Also I have the option to Blood Mist when CC’d.

I find it sturdy but I was used to Shielding storm of Lidless Wall from last Season.

Short answer, build for suitable survivability and don’t facetank mechanics. It’s what every build unable to achieve borderline immortality does for higher tier content.

What temerity IS lacking IS any Kind of Dr…18000 health with lets say 50% Dr IS way more effective health than 18000 without any Kind of Dr… temerity only expands the health Pool but does nothing to protect IT…thats why i Said “Looks good on paper”…your Barrier also gains effectiveness from Dr… In fact you loose DPS (scythe) and Dr to make temerity Work and you are still weaker cause you got nothing to protect your Barrier (Just another health Pool)…to BE clear- temerity IS a Bad unique. Using IT actively weakens you…If you wanna still use IT, do IT, but your Char wont BE AS Strong AS IT could BE…effective health IS what you want, Not Just max health possible

I have 19k hp. 80% of Max Life as Barrier is 15.2k hp as if I am walking at 34.2k hp. It’s just hp.

Other protections are Armor, Resistances and Fortify… and my CC. Mobs cant hurt me if they are stunned. Melee mobs cant hurt me when they are distant and slowed. Distant mobs cant hurt me when my seneschal pet shots down their projectiles.

DR stats are so bloated. It has DR while Injured, DR to close enemies, DR to distant enemies, DR to mobs under Shadow DoT and DR while Fortified. I cant stack each of them. I dunno but Armor and Max Life is easier to stack.

I have decent Max Life. I can take advantage of Temerity. I dont think I would fall down easily even at NM100 especially if I am doing cc on all the mobs.

Armor only mitigates physical…damage reduction rolls Work on everything, thats why they are so valuable…you need Armor and Résistance capped but that IS only half of the truth…10k health with 90% Dr- enemy Attack does 1k damage-you Take 100 reducing your health to 9.9k after that Hit…10k health with 50% dr- enemy does 1k damage- you Take 500 of that reducing your health to 9.5k after that Hit…10k health with 10% dr-enemy does 1k damage…you Take 900 of that reducing your health to 9.1k after that Hit…WHO has more effective health after one Hit of one enemy? rarely fight one enemy only doing 1k damage in nm100…whats more important- upping your health or reducing incoming damage to make your health more effective? Thats why decretify IS so good, IT reduces enemy damage before mitigation, making every mitigation Stat you have way more effective…in the end you can still Play your temerity but you are making yourself way more squishy than you need to BE…but AS Aoz IS gone These min max stuff hardly Matters anymore AS content IS way too easy outside Aoz… everyone can and should clear nm100 even with unoptimized builds…i only wanted to Show you how optimized Dr Tech works…in the end you Play what you Like and what feels good for you and thats totally fine

It’s easy on paper but in reality, you get CC’d and CC’d again and again and you get ganked fast by massive elites/mobs. No matter how much DR you have, you would die if you do nothing.

Also in reality, you cant easily get all DR’s as many Uniques dont have DR’s. Yeah you could avoid Uniques and get DR’s instead that makes you hard to kill but you would have a boring build as you missed the fun powers of Uniques.

Temerity is just an option instead of nothing. I dont have a Lidless Wall. I dont have stacked DR’s. It’s just a way of protection to destroy NM100’s.

Tibault is an option on that slot but we dont have metamorphosis anymore and we cant do damage while on Unstoppable Bloodmist. And another option is Blood Moon Breeches which has not much DR. Maybe when I get enough DR’s on other slots which may not happen to me. And last option, a plain Leg Armor that has high DR which is good only when I have other DR’s on other slots. While with not much DR’s, I woud just settle with Temerity which is better than nothing.

Of course you need to prioritize…a full unique build doesnt work…and you need to prioritize which Stat gains you Most bang for your buck…AS a i dont want to die Stat “Dr while injured” IS insanly Strong…you can Stack Up to 130% percent on Boots,pants, Amulett. This coupled with a pant that gives Barrier while injured makes you virtually unkillable…AS IT also strengstens your Barrier…thats basically the Tech sorcs used to Push Aoz past t15…you dont have perma Barrier but you get a Barrier when you need IT which IS way Stronger than any 80% temerity without Dr can be…you can also Roll max Life, and int on a regular pant improving your damage AS Well AS your Résistance alongside the same health temerity offers…and with These 3 stats you still can get a 4th defensive Stat temerity doesnt offer…Barrier only makes Sense with good dr

My general question is why don’t you have multiple DRs on other slots? In general as a necro, I want DR while injured on my boots, 2 or 3 DR stats on my armor and 2 or 3 DR stats on my pants. Plus depending on build, I’ll naturally path through some DR stuff in my paragon or you get natural DR from say the might aspect or shaco if you’re lucky enough to have it.

Temerity is a viable option if you can consistently keep up a high amount of heal AND if you can make sure you don’t get one shot. If you have 15k health and 12.5k barrier from temerity but elites are hitting you for 30k damage, then temerity makes no sense. The general consensus is that the investment it takes to make temerity a viable defensive option is higher than the investment it takes to just stack a couple DRs on a normal pair of pants and free up another aspect slot.

Thats what i am trying to explain to him…thx

And even worse-conceited aspect doesnt Work with temerity, so you cant even use IT AS a DPS Booster…Bad unique… sadly but thats what IT is

Just a point of reference but these do not stack additively. Obviously 130% means you would take 0 damage while injured making you unkillable. They apply multiplicative to the inverse. Meaning if you have 40% DR, you take 0.6 of the incoming damage. Then a second 40% DR means you take .6 of the .6 or .36 of the incoming damage (64% total DR). Then another 40% would be .36 x .6 = .216 incoming damage or 78.4% total damage reduction while injured.

You are totally correct…was my Bad for giving Out false information…every Dr IS multiplicative…in the Heat of the Moment mistakes Sometimes happen…thx for correcting me on this

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This is where I am at. Constant amount of heal. In addition, I litter orbs around me and the orbs boosts my damage. I am on Blood specs… not Shadow.

Mobs can put away my Barrier but I can put it back very fast. Every little mob that dies from a pack brings back my barrier. Also when the elite dies, everything that dies would bring back my barrier thru Life on Kill. Every corpses I consume would litter an orb. All mobs got hit by lances would litter an orb. When I press the Blood Lance button, gore quills would sip all the orbs in the area and it buffs me and it brings back my barrier. Blood is the best build to play those orbs. May not be the best DPS, but decent enough to destroy NM100.

And I dont need Conceited as I have no space for it… we have tons of Aspects to use for Overpower.

And it’s just Temerity. Still looking for Lidless Wall. I’ve never seen Blood destroying NM100 without Lidless Wall. I am making it work with what I have.

How about those with Bone Spears with no Lidless Wall? How are they coping? They rely much on the Seneschal Pet. Who doesnt? Just plain DR and stand toe to toe with every packs in NM100? Nope. They would be on a Barrier or run/hide like a chicken like Infinimist no matter what.

Lidless ist a good Item but actually a crutch. If you need lidless for your build to Work, your build IS in Trouble…Like i Said, use the advice to your liking. If you wanna keep your build AS is ITS fine If you want to Experiment some, you now got some Potential Path you can follow…my comments arent meant AS a critique ITS meant as a alternative way to achieve what you wanna achieve…in the end ITS your gaming experience Not mine, Play what suits you best, everyone plays different…my bonespear doesnt use lidless at all as i prefer a 2h…Same for my bloodlance build… Bloodlance doesnt need lidless at all to clap nm100 If build right, Same goes for bone Spear…