Hot take, move CLASS DEFINING abilities into the talent tree (90 druid pov)

I have been dreaming of a werewolf build since the concept of starting the druid, i’m level 90, I have 4 glyphs level 15+, done multiple helltides rolling every helmet and mysterious chest i see, spent more obols than i’m willing to admit on helmets until realizing it’s likely not something you can get from obols at all. Tempest roar just simply does not seem to exist for me. So what if we took the CLASS DEFINING UNIQUES*, which no other class really has, and moved it onto the talent tree so people could actually play what they’ve been dreaming of for over a week of pure grinding. I think the unique(s) that define a form you can play under, ie vasily’s for bear, and tempest roar for werewolf, should absolutely be a talent you can pickup and play. I think the helmets if they were to still exist and give the other benefits they had, plus maybe something a little more would still make them massive for people playing those builds, but at least then people would be playing those builds.


RNG is RNG… i have 6 tempest roars…

What I’m personally missing from my werewolf build is Melted Heart of Selig.

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That’s not a hot take
That’s a no brainer
So no idea how anyone at blizzard couldn’t come up with that


Thank you for this valued response, i will treasure it.
You missed the plot entirely as this is more of an issue with the fundamentals of druid than it is about not getting a drop.

And you missed the point.


Please actually treasure that valued response. It’s the only relevant one.

“Imma gate your build behind RNG. Gonna make you feel good about engaging a game in a genre about building charactesrs.”

I’m waiting for tempest roar too. I’ve got plenty of Barbarian weapon uniques. If I get one more I’m just gonna stop playing for a while. It’s so aggravating.

I would prefer them to make a t3 and a t4 drop where t3 stats are low but drops more frequently.

10 mother’s rings, 20 bear head uniques, 30 barbarian uniques, and 0 tempest roars.

best RNG system ever

Whoever the hell decided to take Diablo from a focused Boss item farm option to ‘full world random drop goodluck RNG’ and then also lock Druid’s ability to use skills with its basic forms behind a 0.0001% unique drop, needs to be taken out back and shot. Kthx.