Horrible balance approaches: overnerfs, overbuffs or underbuffs between seasons

take your own advice than. move to another game. Have you thought of that? Diablo has always been a meta type of game since they made it seasonal. I don’t think it is ever going to change. So, let the ppl who enjoy that type play it and you can move on to those games you say you played and are enjoyable with a good balance all over the places.

Who says I dont enjoy this game? Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? If I want to play the game I will. If I want to leave my feedback about things I don’t like about the game I will. Just like you leave feedback about things you want changed/fixed.

In case you didn’t know, the devs actually ask for our feedback.

Rediculous statement from a spike typer player mentality from MTG. If everything is balanced freedom to choose your preferred build is boring? Like wut in the wut wut???


I havent heard any sorcs complain about that in months, lol. It was a bug, thats all. It got fixed as an unintended effect. Sorc hasnt been strong relative to other classes since then.

Flame shield is a different story though, and while i dont agree with the methods, the intent behind the adjustment is correct. Never should have had perma uptime.

well. this is how things works when they are balancing things.
This is the main problem: They released an unfinished game.

I hope you understand I was talking about the same class not equality between the classes. Class equality i think is what everybody wants, but build equality for the same class, yes that is game killing.
And please refrain yourself from attacking me on personal level. It just proves you’re feeling butthurt because someone doesn’t agree with your approach.

Another flawed approach. That’s exactly what they do.
If they had made changes immediately and maintained the main power at some level, then this situation would not have happened.
It turns out that you support what was happening. And by the way, it would be nice if they explained and described the changes they were making.
A good example is ball lightning. 2 shadow nerfs and a set speed limit. As a result, the skill is reduced to almost useless.

Tends to happen when you have devs not playing the game they are developing. When class balance developer is so out of touch in his feelings about abstract concepts instead of just playing the game.

No it is not.

Being forced until certain builds is what kills the game.

It is redicilous statement that equality kills the fun. Opposite is the truth


Most of them don’t play it. That’s for sure. But let me ask you this - when you finish work and go home, do you do more of it as a hobby until you go to bed?

No, maxroll (since OP mentioned it) tier list is based on how well a build performs against what the game throws at it (i.e. the contents). It’s not based on power difference between builds. Wudijo did say that theoretically all builds could be in the S tier category.

Your either joking, trolling, or delusional from anger at others having fun, that’s sad.

It is absolutely a terrible thing that they are nuking barbs. This will shrink the playerbase, i guarantee it.

Depends on the job don’t you think?

It’s their job. First, management should have time put aside for them to play the game and do it in a meaningful way. Second, developing a game is not the same as playing the game. Third, the way they should be doing this is to have a dedicated QA team that actually know what the game is, how to play it properly. And it should be more than one former youtuber who is just as out of touch as them.

How hard is it to find some people willing to play the game and provide feedback my God they make it seem like it’s rocket science. It’s really not that complicated. They are trying to make it sound like it’s this crazy stuff that your normal player is not capable to understand, the depth and complexities.

In reality, when players logged in the S5 PTR, 99% of us immediately understood how bad the new seasonal mechanic is, where it’s lacking, what’s bad about it etc. You don’t need mr. streamer or mr. developer man to understand simple failures. They just need some actual players with no vested interest like mr. streamer is, and let them play and test.

It’s not hard, they are making it hard on purpose to mask their incompetence.

This I agree with. However, they most certainly don’t have a QA team and the reason for that is because they can exploit the streamers and the no-lifers to discover the bugs for them for free. Why would you spend money on QA team when players can do the same job for free…

I’ve been saying this for a long time and everyone always has to talk around it.

There is no reason, it’s not hard, to adjust the Classes.

Trust me. I’ve seen many time people go in and adjust things in their games. Why Blizzard does this every Season to Diablo 4 is beyond me.

Well then that’s the crux of the matter is it not? As long as there’s not a team dedicated to QA mechanics, rewards, itemization etc. they are always going to have a bad game.

It’s crazy though, considering they have a huge team. What do all those people do? But to be honest after the poor showing last night with their reveal stream, I’m no longer invested in the game.

Everyone involved with making decisions for D4 are completely out of touch. How do you have an hour long stream with 50 minutes of people just talking and showing pretty pictures and maybe 10 minutes of gameplay. That’s just crazy to me.

What bothers me more is the restriction to level 30 of the spiritborn. Last time they did this was in the beta up to level 20 or 25. And we all know the reason for that now - they didn’t have ANY end-game. So, they didn’t want players to see that. Restricting the spiritborn gameplay to level 30 very likely means that they are trying to hide something yet again. I start to think more and more that I made a good decision in not pre-ordering yet. Will wait for the full release and watch the streamers, then I will decide.

I did pre-order. I thought that they did a decent enough job with the S4 update and they didn’t needlessly nerf Barbs back then so I thought, okay this ship may still be saved.

S5 PTR and the barb nukes news, thanks to mr. streamer who of course knows more than us mere peasants, woke me back to reality.

In the words of the resident in chief, anyway.

i can gurantee you im not joking or trolling. And after watching the spiritborn reveal from some of the streamers u should get a good grasp that they brought the whole game down to earth levels with a statsquish. So ur fun is now gone forever, since u cant do Billions anymore for a couple of season probably :smiley:

Sad to see ppl only getting fun from dmg numbers and not engaging gameplay, tinkering with builds, doing activities in the correct style and not 1shotting everything. But you do you, im just smiling that the game evolves toward a better gameplay experience for all. Not what u want i guess.

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