Horrible balance approaches: overnerfs, overbuffs or underbuffs between seasons

Stop making assumptions, i have a lvl 100 necro, sorc, and barb. You have to make assumptions just to try and make a point.

You’re clearly angry about barbs, and happy that blizzard is royally screwing that class, and the fan base.

I was considering playing season 5, now I’m definitely skipping, toxic F’ing trolls like you are just insufferable anymore.

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imho you can’t balance anything broken in a live service game 1 time in a season.

If players found some bugs/broken mechanics/glitchs/whatever it should be fixed ASAP or the season will be ruined.
Bash barb should be fixed on day 1. Imortal fb sorc should be fixed on day 1. Holy bolt elixir - day 1 and etc.

There is no point to discuss balance if they change it once in 3 month, literally no point.


and u clearly have hit your head. angry at a class from a video game? wtf
If i say its correct to do it, im angry? really whats going on in that head of urs? :smiley:

Go take a break if ur that emotional. Might be better for your health. there will always be ppl that have different oppinions about things, thats how the world works mate.

oh you can assume what i think, but i have no right to do my own assumptions? :stuck_out_tongue: Thats also rich

That’s rich coming from you. All i have to do is view your profile to see your a toxic troll lol. Pathetic.

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Take a break man. Dont even know whats ur problem is, ur far too emotional. And ive only said that its the right decisision to nerf barbs. You can have a different oppinion, which is fine, i dont judge.

Gaslighting won’t work once your this far in lol.

Ferguson, destroyed the eternal realm… by having a store, game pass and thus removing Runes and Set Pieces.

Had them items been added to the game, eternal realm would have meaning.

Every decision they make, is based on Greed… None for the gamer.

They needed far more classes at launch. This game is a snooze fest…

Fall asleep easy, play this game at night.

Game is lost, Ferguson is too blame.

Game is trash for allowing it to get here. In this current state. How many times will they rework the entire game.

Sheep, this is too keep you in their pasture longer.

No depth, no challenge in this game…

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Well i mean you’re going to every thread saying game is trash. Do you not play other games? Im sure they have there own fourms or are you just hanging around to support confirmation bias?

I bet he is trashing every game in their forums if its not up to his standarts :smiley:

Wonder why he picked me for his response tho, im very critcal about d4, but i havent givent up, and the barb nerfs as i said is the right move towards a overall better game balance imo. Sure its miles from perfect, but u gotta start somewhere.

Making a class totally unplayable is good for the game now?


Silly people do silly things.

If you are referring to me, you simply was the last post I read…

Gotta start from somewhere? This game was sold at full price a year ago and has gone now thru HOW many wholesale changes.

I am a member of a Forum of one game, Diablo, hence I am passionate about this franchise, well I was… Blizzard Greed has ruined this.

I do not think this game is moving in the proper direction, not when they are making it easier and easier and easier to obtain Max Level, then the boredom sits in.

Most of us, old heads had hope, but this been squashed. Over a year later of this MULTI BILLION Dollar organization and look at the updates for this Live Service Game.


which isnt true. Its just silly to assume this w/o playing the changes. But since u do cry in all threads, i just say deal with it. :rofl:

I prefer them nerf S-tiers down to bottom tier level and establish that as the baseline. Why should we bring everything up to the 5 or so S-tier builds, when it makes more sense to bring those 5 down to Earth where everyone else is? Less work

You suggesting having every season “flavor of season” so everyone and their dogs played that built? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)?
P.S. Meta “S” tier been available for preview like week before season started