Honest Question on the Tempering Debate

pretty much both.

Lets be honest, whenever blizzard nerfed stuff so far due to people crying over something. the game didnt really get better.

there are a few suggestions going that actually are quite nice. Urza for example got a nice one going for tempering.

Indeed when they killed the sorc in beta and almost neutered all classes in s1 the game didnt get better. You know when it did? When they normalized ND and made resistances work. We already have infinite enemy scaling with the pit, the game will NEVER become too easy, stop demanding it be turned into a slog to stroke you masochism fetish. With an audience of mostly 25+ I really wonder how many hours such individuals are willing to dedicate to a gameplay that hasnt changed in 15 years. Pretty much all H&S ARPGs are iterations of the same game that differ from each other about as much as chinese webnovels do.

That’s weird, since the game is way too easy right now.

Note that difficult does not mean it will take a long time.
You can have a difficult 1 hour game if you wanted to.

Patch 1.1 is still the best patch in D4 so far tbh.
Game did get better. It just also got worse the next second due to all kinds of power creep, Barber gems and what not.

Blizzard just need to nerf player power a lot more. Over and over, until we get back to sensible scaling that makes the game manageable for Blizzard in the future.

Of course you will if it’s a triple GA awesome item. Just go do a few NMD’s and temper it again. NBD

I keep spewing this across these tempering threads.

RNG is good, bricking is bad.

It’s not though. It’s another item with 3 of 5 stats you were looking for.

People need to stop looking at unfinished items as god tier or perfect.

A change in perspective is what is needed.

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The problem with Tempering is super simple, they keep this idea of making everything a finite/predetermined collection (instead of a loot drop)

Here’s an example:

Tempering manual (World resilience, or whatever the name was)

  • Armor %
  • HP
  • Dodge %

And that’s it, every single “finesse” will have these 3

Here’s an example of having Temper manuals being a loot piece:

Resilience package (1)

  • Life per hit
  • Barrier generation
  • Armor %
  • Damage reduction while injured X%
    ** Rolls: 3

Resilience pack (2)

  • Fortify % [10-15]%
  • Life per second [130-175]
  • Equipped aspect of Assimilation gains [25-50]% additional Fortify generation
    **Rolls: 2

Resilience pack (3)

  • Fortify % [20-30]
  • Life per second [75-125]
  • Bonus fortify generated by Bash [15-25]%
    **Rolls: 7

Resilience pack (3)

  • Armor % [5-12]
  • Max HP [800-1200]
  • Dodge % [6-8]
    **Rolls: 1


Like, it would’ve been way more playful, and when a “Godlike” one occurs like for example:

Destruction package (1):

  • Basic skills damage increase [33-70]%
  • Mastery skills damage increase x[25-40]%
  • Critical hit chance [7-12]%
  • Conceited Aspect gains [75-125]% damage increase
    Rolls: 8

Perhaps people would consider a Trade with some of these (for example the last one => 4 out of 5 are borderline godlike and number of rolls is pretty high)… And can really end up playing with the numbers (both rolls of affix pool, their range, as well as attempt rolls in the manual), point being ?

The possibilities are ENDLESS, and so is the excitement/fun along with it :slight_smile:

This way as is ? (always same, always predetermined, everyone having the same possibilities, meh)

The game needs much more individualized impact of performance (but with a much better baseline balance between skills), rather than providing equal opportunities to everyone (while still being baseline near-broken)

That’s been a problem/theme for quite a while now tbh

Kind of a loaded question because you are going to get a lot of different answers, as everyone plays the game for different reasons, and they all play differently with different amount of knowledge.

D4 is at its base a very very simple game, its hard to mess up any build and gearing is very very easy compared to most ARPG’s I play, requires almost no thought. I enjoy it, and think its a fun change of pace from playing path of exile myself, but it will not keep me playing for long.

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I know this sounds really cool, but you end up with the same stash problem as you had with aspects. You find these manuals, but they have limited rolls and so you don’t want to use them
until you have that GG item to use them on.

Just adding stash tabs doesn’t really solve it because that massive stash becomes unwieldy and annoying to search through. My character in LE had this issue and I only had 2 tabs worth of stuff.

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That’s the whole point, now we have almost empty stashes (unless keeping GA items for rolls for Alts)

The problem with Aspects was much worse than this, mainly cause it was a Chore/Routine (check if duplicate, check if higher roll or lower, check if already equipped, check if item you want to equip aspect on has already been imprinted)

This is much more of a nuance/niche issue (especially considering Temper manuals could and probably should drop less often than Legendaries on Helltide for ex.) - would also break the “routine” of gameplay if they’re intended for something else (say completing a higher Pit level guarantees a couple of these, NMDs on completion could have a 33% chance to drop one, and random Helltide events that aren’t Ritual have a 5% chance to drop some)

And by those I mean Legendary Tempering manuals (regulars and rares can drop almost say as 1/10 as often as an item would)

Well it’s a trade-off to have. Either have a routine-first (like predetermined by “pattern” gameplay, or have a more nuanced/enriched one but having to take a few more stops in town to double-check if something may have been amiss)

I think the latter is much better, (ofcourse there are nuances to this as well) but pretty sure you’d agree that the game is already too much Blood Maiden co-op rounds tbh (perhaps can dial down a bit on that)

they problably dont know its a near impossible odd

getting a 3GA, for your build, with all 3 affixes right so it dont become a 2GA after enchanting is already a huge amount of RNG

casually playing wont get you enough of these to call your char “finished” for the season

some will say, “you arent supposed to finish one char in one season”
yeah, not even one char, less than one spec in 3 months

It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t so many duplicate rolls. Doesn’t help that many of these dupe rolls aren’t even a skill you use! If I had it my way, I’d fire my blacksmith immediately! :rofl:

I always, always stop on the first roll with an affix I’m looking for. I don’t press for perfection, that’s when more dupes (of irrelevant affixes) occur. :roll_eyes:

I think there are ways to get the depth without the tedium. It’s definitely a tradeoff, but that doesn’t mean it’s fine to just introduce a thousand individual items you have to pick up and hang onto.

Perhaps, took me a while to think about this but the more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion:

  • It is IMPOSSIBLE to make the gameplay live and vivid and all the systems in it work as intended while HOLDING ON to a state of maximum conveniences

Really have to dial down on the “convenience” bits to make the game finally work (it is better to be engaged/annoyed at one thing at a time rather than delay that until the game finally gets in a state of total exhaustion)

I like the risk in tempering, but personally I don’t even care what the devs decide to do with it. It’s not that big of a deal for me. There are so many other things I want to see fixed or added to the game.

Prevserve the system and prevent bricking. You can still loot hunt for the roll you prefer but you can no longer make completely useless items.

Players only raise the opinions to the Devs, but whether they change or not is up to them. But I still keep my opinion that tempering system without a return point is bad.

That completely kills your luck when you picked or bought an item with 3 GA before and then became trash in the hands of the Blacksmith…

I think this is the main difference between the two camps.

One camp think people should work for rewards in a game, and many of them would argue that if you didn’t work for something, it wouldn’t feel as rewarding.

The other think games should be entertaining and rewarding, and it shouldn’t be “work”. You should have fun in the process and naturally get rewarded.

The reason the debates get heated and inevitably people start throwing insults around, is because the two attitudes towards gaming is simply incompatible.

People who play 40 hours a week and has already masterworked their gear in the first week feel “this game is too easy”, and think any attempt to eliminating bricking items via tempering and “soft-bricking” via enchanting to be lazy people “wanting things handed to them on a plate.”

People who play 3-5 hours a week and get maybe 1 or 2 usable items they take into tempering and bricking feel like the game has wasted their valuable weekened night.

The two groups of players are incompatible and we’ve known it ever since online gaming became a thing.

In MMOs, the solution taken has generally been to reserve the most difficult endgame content to the heavily invested players, while “handing things out on a plate” to the more casual players.

But with the tempering and enchanting system, both groups of players are subject to the same experience, and that experience is too harsh for one, while at the same time being too generous to the other.

There will never be a happy resolution until the devs realize the obvious truth of the world: it’s not possible to please everybody.

The only solution to this problem would be to have two sets of rules for two realms.

People playing on the casual realm gets pitty systems, lower enchanting cost caps, infinite tempering attempts, and more plentiful material drops.

People playing on the pro realm gets harsher RNG, heavier enchanting cost ramp-ups, even lower tempering attempts, and even less material and gold drops.

It’s an obvious solution that has, in other forms, been proven to work for other games. The Diablo team is just known for not learning from past mistakes and always designing things in a vacuum thinking that players will gulp up whatever they produce and be happy about it.

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RPG builds are about min maxing. Freedom of build only exist in low tier. Theres no such as thing as difficult content in D2, hence it has biggest freedom in the Diablo franchaise although D2 is actually a pigeon holed game. Non of Diablo games are really free to build. If you push 130 - 140+ or farm 110-120+ , selection of items and affixes are very pigeon holed and specific. You can not build around what you have found. D4 affixes doesnt support mix and match like other RPG games.

RNG in RPG is CRUCIAL. We do not want to be fed with pit 200 calibre gears 10 mins staring into a season, but that doesnt mean a system w.o safety net features on ultra rare loot, that requires expensive materials to reset, such as x amount of resplendant sparks, stygian stones. Not even gold, unless in billions is expensive enough for these resets. We dont want bricked resets for EVERY item, we want to find (not buy) from drops hence the reset should be used very cautiously.

Atm i have 60 respledant sparks and over 150 stygian stones. I am happy to use 100 sparks + 200 stygian stones for such resets on one of my bricked amulet which brings 10 tiers of pit increase, from 125 - 136+