đŸ’„ Hilarious YouTube Video About Diablo IV is 100% Accurate! - D4 Issues, Upcoming Update and More!

July 30, 2023 -

Re: Upcoming D4 Update, Feedback and Suggestions for Diablo IV
and Hilarious YouTube Video About Diablo IV - 100% Accurate!

Please Note: This is NOT an Anti-Diablo IV post - Just the facts and hoping Blizzard actually fixes and improves the game for all players. Read to the end so you understand everything clearly.

Attention: Blizzard D4 Team Management and D4 Community / Players

Activision Blizzard – Diablo IV Team sold D4 players a “Fantasy Game” where all players XP, skills and gear have been mass nerfed, leaving players to grind more XP in a boring, repetitive, and slow game, Diablo IV, that is also buggy, broken and still in BETA! It’s awful and very disappointing! I am hoping these awful issues and problems with D4 changes sooner than later.

Even the cool Mounts in D4 suck so badly and stutter across the entire game, which clearly shows how poorly Diablo IV was made, given that the Blizzard D4 Team had six (6) years to make this epic fail of a game. The only good and fun experience in Diablo IV is the short-lived Campaign, story line and cinematics, which was the only good part of the game, that’s it! There is NO real end game, or rewarding fun challenges in Diablo IV after the campaign, and even Season game play is no different!

After a player finishes the main story and campaign in Diablo IV, the game is just a dull, repetitive, boring and slow hell grind that is broken and buggy in so many ways, and the same goes for the first Season of Diablo IV. It’s just awful, especially after Blizzard nerfed everything and screwed over all D4 players! This is one of the main reasons why the majority, if not all, D4 players are very pissed off at the Blizzard D4 Team and Management. Who wouldn’t be!

And for Blizzard D4 programmers not to know how to properly code and simply add more than one (1) extra Stash tab says a lot about how messed up Diablo IV is right now! It’s just very disappointing! Blizzard realizes just how much of an epic fail Diablo IV has been, and continues to be after their last awful D4 game patch. And now, Blizzard is looking to hire a new Diablo 4 Season Lead Designer after experiencing Season 1 major backlash from the majority of players, especially after the Blizzard D4 Team did a mass nerf in the game from their last patch in D4, which only made the game worse for all players.

Blizzard’s D4 Team recent Campfire chat shows just how off the Blizzard D4 Team is when it comes to addressing the most important issues in Diablo IV to improve and fix the game, and to make D4 at least fun and more rewarding for all D4 players, vs the awful disaster the game is in now.

However, in all due fairness to the Blizzard D4 Team, their good faith efforts are appreciated and welcome. There seems to be some good improvements and fixes coming August 8th, 2023, which is the first good news coming from Blizzard for Diablo IV. Let’s see if they deliver!

On a side note: Here’s a very funny YouTube video that is one hundred percent (100%) accurate when it comes to Diablo IV and the stuttering buggy mount in the game, which already has over 600K views. Blizzard D4 Community Manager Adam Fletcher even mentioned this video in their recent D4 Campfire chat. It is hilarious, but also very true! Lol!

:100: Video Link: Horses Are The BEST | Diablo 4 [Ep 5] - YouTube

While many improvement(s) in Diablo IV are seriously needed, and would be very welcome by all players who paid for this broken, buggy beta game, it seems Blizzard has a long way to go, and it looks like Blizzard is moving toward addressing the game’s issues and overall problems, which is a good thing. And, especially after Blizzard’s mass nerf in the game that screwed over all players, and making Diablo IV worse, and more slow and grindy, it is good to see Blizzard making an effort to correct itself in regards to Diablo IV.

But the fact remains that Diablo IV Leveling Experience (XP) for all D4 Players is the worst in any Blizzard game in history, which also ruins most of the fun in D4 in so many ways after players finish the Campaign by level 50. It is one of the biggest issues players are unhappy with in D4, myself included, aside from all of the games current bugs and issues.

Some Suggestions that can make the Game Experience a lot more fun and rewarding for all D4 Players:

Diablo IV Player XP needs to be boosted to double the amount of XP across the board, that is much more rewarding and fun for all D4 players to enjoy, since this is after all a Fantasy Game! The D4 Team needs to BOOST XP soon so that all players can have a smooth leveling experience, which would motivate players to try out other classes in the game minus the boring, repetitive XP hell grind the game has now! Blizzard D4 Team should add a Leaderboard and some fun, and rewarding achievements and quests, and allow players to fight epic known bosses for greater loot for additional challenges and rewards at max level for all players to enjoy! And once a player reaches level 70, the Blizzard D4 Team should also add Mercenaries / Companions to aid players in their D4 journey, where players can gear up their mercenary companions, making the XP hell grind at least more fun for all players. It would be awesome to have these things added to the game, big time, because right now there is none of this in Diablo IV, unfortunately.

Diablo 3 on the other hand, has all of this good, fun stuff for players to enjoy. So I believe Diablo IV should have these fun things added too and even more! The Player XP and leveling does not have to be as fast as D3, but definitely better than it is now, which is awful in D4.

So please BOOST and Improve Player Leveling and Experience (XP) in Diablo IV. It will make D4 much better, Blizzard D4 Team!

On the existing D4 issues, the mass nerf across the board in the last patch in D4 was a disaster! It made Helltides more tedious and less rewarding, player XP and leveling grind is even worse and more boring, player gear strength and skills are weaker, and the already-weak and lousy gear, and near impossible drops for uber unique gear, combined with all of the annoying and unresolved bugs in D4, and then taking away 2 months of progress from all players who took the time to build up their characters, only ruined Diablo IV further, outraging all players in the process! Instead of really fixing and improving the game, Blizzard just made it worse!

In addition, the so-called “Fantasy Game (D4)” intended to be fun, epic and rewarding for all Diablo IV players, which Blizzard sold us, is far worse now than ever before. Even the new Season is an epic fail and filled with bug issues! Diablo IV Season game play is pretty much the same thing as standard game play. Boring, buggy, dull and a repetitive hell grind for some lousy rewards, achievements, cosmetics and currency that fails to deliver anything worth while in the game.

Blizzard failed pretty badly with Diablo IV, more than any other Blizzard game in history! I been a Blizzard customer for over 18 years and I never saw anything like this epic fail with any Blizzard game. I just hope that the Blizzard D4 Team and Management actually hire solid programmers and a better, more capable team, to work with the existing D4 Team to fix and improve Diablo IV, sooner than later, especially after taking players money for a game Blizzard knew to be flawed, buggy, and very unfinished, despite the fact it took Blizzard over 6 years to make Diablo IV. Don’t get me wrong, I like Diablo IV, minus all of the bugs and problems with the game. D4 has a lot of potential and it can be a very fun, epic and rewarding game for all players! Blizzard just needs to make it happen, and they can do it if they really want to!

Nevertheless, at least Blizzard is starting to make some real efforts to fix and improve the game with their upcoming patch 1.1.1 coming out August 8th, 2023. The Blizzard D4 Team is even cutting the cost to re-spec gear to 40% which is good, but it should be more like 60%, but at least it’s better than nothing. Gear is also expected to be much better, and more rewarding for all players, and finally the Treasure Goblin will 100% drop at least one Legendary gear item after being killed, which is also good. After the new patch goes live it will finally be worth chasing the Treasure Goblin
 Lol, and getting some potentially good legendary loot starting at level 15 and up for all players.

This upcoming update is a good start for the D4 Team to fix and improve the game for all D4 players, and although much more work is needed to fix and improve Diablo IV, this is good to see and shows the D4 Team is listening to players. So, despite how unhappy many players are with Diablo IV, myself included, I sincerely appreciate Blizzard’s efforts to fix and improve Diablo IV for all players.

Keep at it Blizzard Team! You can make Diablo IV truly fun, epic and rewarding for all players, and if you succeed in doing so, we players will be happy to continue giving D4 our love and support! So chop-chop, Blizzard D4 Team! You can do it!

Lastly, I really hope Blizzard improves and fixes D4 big time, so that Diablo IV becomes the epic, fun and rewarding game every D4 player expected and paid for, soon! I also believe the Blizzard D4 Team and Management can do much better, and hope they do the right thing for all Players, who paid for this game.

That is all for now on my latest feedback on Diablo IV. I hope everyone is well and enjoying their weekend!


  • JJ –


Seems like hyperbole to me.


Oh dear, shots fired

Get a life. 20 char.

Nope! Just the facts, Blizzard Troll. :wink:

You’re calling me the troll, even though you wrote multiple pages of whining. Okay guy.



Why say lot word when few do trick?


They need to take all the QoL things away give everyone a 1-2 dmg white weapon, a pair of huggies, 3 fat rolls, and thats all you get the whole game.

TL;DR. That’s the reason I never read ‘War and Peace’.

Funny how some people are bothered by the facts. Lol
 Happy Sunday!

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It’s weird how the word “fact” has lost all meaning in the last few years


covid and the internal “woke” crap at blizz when they were having their internal whistleblower complaints damaged this game beyond repair.

Needed at least 2 more dev years but they released it anyway so I don’t have any sympathy at this point, since that was not a good decision to release this in this state.

Don’t released products that aren’t finished. This game has no loot, and everything else is sub-par at best.

How are you gonna fix something that needs 2 or more YEARS in development (or more)?

I mean come on.


It’s actually pretty sad how the facts and truth have lost all meaning. In my opinion, Humanity can do a lot better. Cheers!


I laughed at the video, very funny and spot on.

PS The horse issue must be an engineering issue!

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Weirder is the word ‘fun’ has lost all meaning as well.

 The video is very funny indeed. I couldn’t stop laughing! Lol! The Blizzard D4 Team said they are going to address the issue with the horse mount to allow it to break through barriers, which is great, but they need to make the mount a lot more stable and smooth.

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and yet you are going absolutely ham on anyone who disagrees with any tiny thing in your post.

move along people. nothing to see here but a try-hard troll.

and before you say im a shill or simp or whatever else, i hate d4. but i think your post is idiotic beyond any post i have seen on these forums so far.

Wow! So rude and offensive. You must be a loner mega troll with nothin better to do than to insult people that post something factual in this forum community. If it bothers you so much, ignore and move on! What a sad person you are. You can be much better than this you know.

While they were wrong to call you a troll, you cannot devalue or make their opinion in validated or inconsequential. They did bring up several valid points. While you and I may be having fun, many are not at the same time. Balance is an absurd thing to achieve with the simple mind sets of these days.
Everyone wants that false sense of grandeur and the ability to posture (like a simple minded gorilla pounding it’s chest “I’m king in this jungle!”) but we play with so very many flaws. We have been conditioned to think that it’s acceptable. If you order a steak cooked medium rare (as steaks should be for maximum flavor) and you get a piece of burnt charcoal; would you not ask for another properly cooked steak as you had ordered?


yea thats a troll response if I ever saw one

lmfao get a load of this try-hard