Hiding other players names

I want an option to only show other players names only on hover. Its killing my immersion if the game forces me to read all those stupid names ppl choose for themselves


You cant be serious Tomyris :see_no_evil:

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Its open world live game. Go play offline SOLO game.

Next time read the fine print or play the demo/open beta before buying a game.

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But it’s fun! Once in a while you’ll also see a funny title. :wink:

You can also poke your eyes out but…

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Agree, may I demand for option to put nail polish on my sorc too !!!

Blizzard have no respect for beauty.

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i can see chinese, korean and japanese fonts on names but no tamil and arabic fonts, why? blizzard didn’t support those?

I can’t remember, but doesn’t the end user have to have those installed on their systems?
I remember in other games seeing because I did not have the fonts and i’m not chewing up space installing them.

I want an option for an alarm in diablo whenever the baby cries.


This is a total nonsense reply, and hostile to boot.

A player’s UI is customizable in about 200 different ways. “Show/hide player names” is a basic UI function that’s simply not in the game yet - requesting it has nothing to do with reading fine print (whatever that means). And as if a beta has any bearing on the final product, even (which is another irrelevant parallel).

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lots of people log in to play game, others log in to cry and you are one of those, i fell so sad for you, what else are you going to cry over next ?

…I just had a character name idea…

S0 dint choose good names deleted
S1 SpinTooWin (WW barb with fren named SpinToWin)
S2 BallSmurf (ball lightning)
S3 dint choose good names deleted
S4 Frostitoot (Frozen Orb winterglass before it was cool)
S5 AxialRose (chain lightning spear hybrid based on axial conduit)
S6 ??? Might make 2 char. Another sorc because sorc and 1 spirit born.

Name idea for Season 6?

BallGag for lightning ball

Chlamydia for fire sorc.

Gelato for frost sorc.

I’m thinking of making a new Sorc:

(The Explorer)

I’ll give her a backpack and a basic staff (read: walking stick) transmog.

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See… a lot of examples of simple minded ppl that cant take their mind out of the gutter, giving their characters “fun” names. Thank you guys for prooving my point.

If you dont want the option, the solution is quite simple: dont use it if we should ever get it. Until then: I simply dont find your so-called humorous names funny and they distract me from enjoying the world the game presents.

same, thatd be a huge QoL improvement