Hey, Blizzard. We still haven't forgotten

The real issue here is that most people are not going to want to do seasons over and over. Some of us enjoy PVP in the fields of hate and these uber drops give a massive unfair advantage in PVP.


It was not an exploit. Blizz done goofed end if story.

Especially that the game is made for people above 35 that do not have much time to play. I cant think of a singular reason of making such extreme content difficulty before even introducing any real endgame. Which is fine in this timeframe of developement, but these items should be quite common. Like every 10 people who reached level 100 should get one of these 6 for them to drop. Which mean optimized level 100 build if he continue to play he could get one every couple of days.

I expected rarity of mageblood/headhunter, but unfortunately its not the game for that. Each poe league im getting mageblood and/or hh on HCSSF. And to my understanding for almost any poe player it seems impossible. But when We look at current drop weightings …

In other words, I completely agree with You. I was looking for a game that will fill my niche of slowing down and get a little casual since I cant play 2 hours per day even, but looks like HCSSF in POE will give me much better casual experience than the game “designed” for me. Which is unfortunate.

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Let the people have fun its only 142 of them and who cares, if you had a shako you wouldnt be telling blizz to delete them. One of the best eras of D2 was duping and occy rings lmao. Its not that serious

I really hope they don’t. And it seems that I will get my way :smiley:

If you feel that way why would you continue to pay them money and support them? At least have some courage of your convictions.

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Same reason your mom still lets you live in the basement rent free, why not money anit no thang. But my time was wasted. Single digit iq game.

I think the majority of players probably forgot… maybe just not you and like 54 others.

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I’d like to forget, but a handful of raving lunatics won’t let me.

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I’m sure all 142 of those drops are stalking people on the Fields of Hate at this very moment :roll_eyes:

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Stopped playing on eternal as there is no value in the drops after this, thats how I feel.

i will play seasons but that is it.

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Was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Tho, more of a bowling ball. I have no interest in playing a game where the devs are so disinterested in a level playing field, especially for something as pinnacle as the best and rarest item ever made in any game. To just hand them out like candy because of a bug. Might as well have P2W.


Don’t worry, everyone. I’m still here to spread the word!

Take away the uber uniques that were unfairly gained through a bugged event!