No it doesn’t you are just a questionable personality. Go farm more. Maybe you will get it and finally shut up
OP’s first topic here and you think you are smart to bash on him?
A vast majority of people are unhappy with it, if any, you are a minority here
Lmao no cry more.
I won’t even consider reinstalling Diablo 4 until Blizzard deletes the uber uniques that were exploited/dropped. I’m okay with not banning the players who cheated but their ubers absolutely must go before some trust is regained with Blizzard.
Otherwise I’m afraid the game will continue to bleed players who care only about fairness and maintaining the integrity of data/items on Eternal Realm. Seasons will also inevitably fail as many simply do not return due to distrust.
Imagine crying over other random people getting item 2 weeks before the eternal realm is irrelevant and doesn’t even have a leaderboard so other players progress doesn’t impact you.
Quit crying lol
Many of the ex-players* haven’t forgotten
“I’m too dumb to understand that the eternal realm is where people do long term min/maxing and pvp duels. You know, exactly where having a super rare OP item would matter”
Ah yes, another worshiper, is it really he doesn’t like CC’s or is it that every mob CC’s and they scatter? If you aren’t in WIIII you don’t know how it is. Every thing CC’s and I mean everything. Then I can go to PoE and there is CC but it’s not egregious and you can totally prevent it and not destroy your character.
Where are the paragon nodes to reduce Stuns and other CC’s by X%? They should be all over, I haven’t seen one yet. If they were on the Paragon board people would take them.
Maybe i confuse him with that other guy who constantly spams the forum with this crap. If so, sorry for that.
But that doesn’t changes the fact that this is a none existing issue. Not the glitch. But the case that Blizz doesn’t care if people keep the items or not. Who cares.
And you would just love if you were the majority.
Please show me a video of you “dueling” any of the 142 accounts out of 10 million other accounts.
You have a better chance of one dropping than you do running into those people. Hard pill to swallow, you guys just enjoy complaining about stuff and wont admit it.
That’s part of the fun of POE is solving the problem of cc and ailments, of which there are many different routes to do it. That’s how ARPGs are supposed to work, there’s problems you need to solve (stun resist/immunity, getting enough resists, ailment resist/removal/immunity, etc.), while also trying to maximize your DPS. The tension of needing different defensive and offensive stats and how to balance them on a build to make it viable is the core game in ARPGs.
Don’t bother with these…they desperately trying to find anything they can use against people they disagree with. That only shows too how petty they are.
I’m totally fine with people bashing me or attacking me. As long as I bring situational awareness to a problem that hasn’t been resolved and to me, feels like is being swept under a rug. I want this game to succeed. I love the diablo franchise but accountability for poor decisions needs to be addressed. Players that have supported this franchise since its inception, deserve better!
There…there you made the big point. The factual truth…:
To you!!!
I haven’t forgotten!
I’m happy those players got to get some GG items and play with them. I hope they have a lot of fun with them and I’m not remotely salty about not being one of the lucky ones to find one. Bugs happen.
Please go outside and touch some grass, OP.
People still crying about this?
Correct! Then they could have uber items that totally negates a form of CC and you get all those paragon nodes back. I can’t believe Blizzard did this bad of a job. I have said in the past “Blizzard just steals everyone else idea’s but does them better”. Well, not this time, not even close.
You know how dueling and leaderboards work yes? People compete and have rankings, and so if someone has a huge advantage they rise to the top? Are you braindead?
Would I need to explain that if you had a marathon with 10M people and 150 of them only had to run 10 miles instead of 26 miles that would still be a problem for everyone and undermine the integrity of the whole race? Sure there would be casual runners like you who just want to finish and are happy with their mediocrity, but anyone trying to compete on any level would obviously have a problem with it.
Yeah, show me the official D4 leader boards.
Also if you think one items is going to give some major advantage then you didn’t play D3. Plenty of full Primal Ancient people got beat on the leader boards by people with less Primal Ancients.
Once again, you just enjoy complaining.
The players who cheated to get the uber uniques are also the type you’d encounter more often in PvP. They were > level 85, some had alt barb or sorc > 85 and they are tryhard exploiting for advantages. They follow around streamers and play Diablo 4 more than most. They’ll be sitting in Fields of Hatred to show off their power more than most. They’ll have their exploited Shako giving them a massive edge on the average player which kills any sense of a fair fight/lowers participation in the end game and D4 in general.