Here's why content creators and streamers are in panic mode

OP is a D3 andy. There’s another post of theirs floating around dumpstering the game and how D3 was so much better.

Best to ignore him for what he is rather than take anything he says seriously.


I enjoy loot progression, and D3 handed you everything you needed on a silver platter with season journeys and cube recipes. Then it became a stat progression game, loot was unrewarding for the rest of the season. It didn’t help that sets were mandatory and pre determined your build before character creation.

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100% fake news.

You have taken suggestions to improve the game and lied about the intent of content creators.

In truth these content creators have spent a week saying what they liked and 30 min - 1hr saying what they don’t… Most say “Diablo IV is an amazing game, but here are some things I think should be changed”. That is a far cry from the fake news your spreading.

The game is like 10 days old. I hope they start suspending people who keep purposefully lying about the intent of content creators just to scare people in to abandoning the game. Zizaran gave the game a 6.5 out of 10, but he also said that was very high marks for any game he reviews, and said PoE is currently a 8 or 9 in his mind, a 10 year old game.

So stop lying about the intent of content creators.

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Look another post about a subject we all knew months ago… and yet they still got the game… weird huh.

100% this. In fact, testosterone levels are 100% lower these days compared to 1960. A 20-year-old today has the testosterone level of a 60-year-old in the 60s.

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This is why people are saying it doesn’t have longevity. This grind to reach 100 and fill out the paragon board will not hold the interest of anyone that isn’t a hardcore fan of D4.

We’ve got several several big titles coming out this year. FF16, Armored Core 6, Elden Ring’s first expansion, possibly CP2077’s expansion, and a few others that I’m forgetting. This tedious slog of a grind post-50 in D4 isn’t going to compete with those other games. Even without those games coming out this year, the grind isn’t fun because the content just isn’t engaging enough to hold players’ interest long term.

I think level scaling is great. If there was no leveling scaling, we’d all be running through low level mobs to get to our nightmare dungeons. That would be pretty boring.

I do, however, agree that our characters feel extraordinarily weak. They nerfed all the good builds and now we languish until they decide to buff us again. As things stand, the power fantasy is gone.

I just think that once you finish a dungeon, you should be able to click on the dungeon icon to enter it like a fast travel. I’m not having fun constantly running to every nightmare dungeon, especially when there’s no waypoints near them. They also seriously need to stop spreading out the game mechanic NPCs so far away in town. They should be more centralized like in D3. Running back and forth is getting a bit ridiculous when you’re salvaging, pulling things out of the chest, pulling out aspects, imprinting, etc…

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Beta point of view? You a bada&$ alpha everyone should fear? Doubt it neckbeard

Are you ok? Why are you worried about me? The beta thing really triggered you, huh? Wonder why?

No i just think your dumb asf and not an alpha

Lol, so butt-hurt. Worry more about me.

“Content Creators” which everyone is these days… love to play this social game of follow the leader. One “content creator” with a massive viewing states one opinion and about 200-300 smaller ones latch on to that opinion and hope that the larger one will notice them or they will gain a following from it. It’s just a massive echo chamber of “notice me”.

Content Creators and Streamers are essentially the same. Might as well say Intel PC Diablo Gamers and AMD Diablo Gamers or Comp Diablo Gamers vs Console Diablo Gamers. I mean why?

Calling for the firing of a staff member seems like over kill. Can we call for your firing from the forums with how many issues there are in your post? Do you see the insanity in that? You don’t like something or disagree with something so someone should lose their livelihood and put themselves and their families at financial risk. Big Brain Move.

Just like all games, a lot of “content creators” which are variety streamers will get bored and switch games. It happens with every single new game that comes out. No one, in the slightest should be shocked by that. Those that plan on staying and making Diablo IV content will find their niche and vibe. Story, PvP, seasons, hardcore, chill min maxing there is a lot that can be done.


People trying to justify their 120 dollar purchases with copium about everything is hilarious.


panic mode? all i seen are 99% of videos blindly praising the game

or has the talk shifted in the last day or two?

Blizzard killed all the cool quality of life things in name of a live service open world that they could sell cosmetics in. After all, sales would be lower if you couldn’t see a random whale with cool armor!

That creates a lot slower gameplay, a lot more running around and a lot less action. That’s what’s really going to kill viewership of content. At least in a livestream setting. Perhaps YouTube will be fine since you’re only watching highlights.

Combine this with the fact there is a definitive end to characters now reaching 100 and full paragon, but leveling alts is a chore with the map not being revealed, etc.

The game is decent in it’s own right, but it won’t have the longevity people think. And that’s how content creators will suffer.


As much as I don’t like it, it’s, sadly, been with the franchise a long, long time. At least since Diablo II. One game was fine, but D3 doing it, too? And now D4? It’s a little predictable and boring to me. Sure, there’s not a ton of depth to the game’s gameplay mechanics, and that’s fine. I just personally get tired of mob after mob rushing me every 5 seconds, almost literally.

I know it’s part of the franchise’s pedigree now, to spawn random mobs that swarm you every 5 seconds, but I really wish they’d try more creative things with the mob attacks.

It’s a bit like GTA and RDR games. The devs are afraid to deviate from any base game mechanic because the franchises are so popular. So, we get to button mash the “X” button to run for every Rockstar game. Game, after game, after game, after game. At some point, you’d think they’d want to help prevent repetitive motion injuries… but they seem to afraid to change even this low-hanging fruit QoL feature.

So, we get Diablos doing the same thing over and over and over again with its base gameplay. They sell so much that they’re afraid to deviate from this highly simplistic, predictable, and repetitive base formula. And maybe the vast majority of players like the constant spawns of 20 creatures over and over again.

I think it’d be great for Blizzard to make a Diablo spinoff or Diablo-inspired game that tries a few new things that they’re afraid to try in the main franchise. They’re really close to hitting on all cylinders for me, but the constant mindless mobs have been wearing thin on me since the opening moments of D3.

I ain’t reading all that

I’m happy for you tho

or sorry that happened.

People generally just make things up to suit what they want to believe. Sad stuff.

Was that a haiku? Well done, Gald!

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