Here's why content creators and streamers are in panic mode

If you’ve been on Youtube lately searching for any type of relevant D4 news, you’ve seen all the new videos. Every single video is a content creator spending minutes sometimes hours going over everything wrong with this game.

They are quickly realizing this game has no longevity. There’s no way any casual player is going to want to play horsey navigation for an errandboy-style Nightmare Dungeon for 200 hours to get to level 90.

There are also so many aspects of this game that destroy the fantasy of being powerful. No need to even say much about level scaling, we all know it’s one of the worst mechanics we’ve seen to date in any game.

Random flocks of demons popping out of nowhere with several of them charging you isn’t pleasing. Whether they are easy to kill or not, it’s just a power-immersion breaking situation. You know what feels powerful? Seeing a giant mob of glowing elites with a huge swarm in a room, and approaching them on your own terms. That’s power. You’re probably getting a little jolt of adrenaline just from reading it.

The same power fantasy destroyer applies to these mechanics. “You know what makes me feel powerful? Having to be an errandboy, picking up a ___ on one side of a dungeon, receiving nothing for it, and walking it back to the other side”. Your testosterone just dropped by 50 percent just reading that. Now go do it.

“You know what makes me feel powerful. Randomly and with no control whatsoever having to sit in the same place for 25 seconds while the game throws poorly spawned mobs around my character, with several of them having CC or charge abilities. I love not being in control of any aspect. After this I plan to dance in traffic to feel so powerful”.

PS: Whichever devs agreed that Elites shouldn’t look any different from regular mobs except with a tiny icon next to them, needs to be fired immediately. Why would they take out something that made D2 and D3 especially so special. Even if you weren’t getting good loot and you were already geared, you’re lying if you say killing a bunch of giant glowing trees or brutes wasn’t fun. Now they make you a mouse cursor errandboy. Essentially forcing us to say “excuse me Mr.Monster. I…I…sorry for bothering you sir but I was wondering if maybe possibly you were an elite sir. Again, so sorry. Here, take up 25 seconds of my time since you guys spawned in a weird hallway angle again behind an obstacle. Thank you so much sir. After this I can’t wait to move another object to a chalice holder”


I don’t know man sounds like a L take.


They’re not in panic mode. They’re loving this. They’re getting so many more clicks and likes than they’ve ever gotten before from this. All of this non-controversy over the game is like ARPG streamer heaven right now.


Elites are like 3 times the size of normal enemies. They also have a border around their health bar and have many icons underneath their name. No human being who is semi-functional has hard time picking them out. Most of us don’t need a blue or yellow tint.


sounds like a lack of testosterone with all this whining


Zero star reviews from who?? Who did what in the game before posting it?? There is no universe that exists where Diablo IV is a “zero star game”. Anyone who posts one shouldn’t be taken seriously on any opinion they have on anything.


I mean the endgame is similar to D3 to mean, ok different activities but same kind of concept. Nightmare Dungeons are Greater Rifts, Glyphs are the new Legendary Gems, Tree of Whispers are bounties and also kind of Neph Rift for sigils which are keystones.

And D3 still was being played pretty heavily before the D4 Launch in my opinion and content creators and streaming were still making a living from it.

Is the endgame all I wanted it to be for D4, no not at all, but they have said they plan expansions so it very well could and should improve with expansions. Its already better than D3 was at launch, D3 didn’t even have a endgame to start with really, D4 at least already has an albeit basic endgame to start with.


This felt random to read. What does that have to do with the OP?


Nightmare Dungeons might be a problem as a replacement for rifts if there was like, idk, 30 of them. There are a 115. I’ll take that and the Tree of Whispers over clicking on a obelisk in town and having Tyrael standing by every waypoint consistently telling us how hungry he is and about the expedition to the Skovos Isles.


I absolutely DESPISE content creators and streamers. I don’t watch them and from my experience they are terrible compared to most of the actual BEST players but people listen to them more than players that routinely make them look bad just because they have “Followers”. Then those “watchers” complain when the streamers build worked subpar for them personally.


Oh no… a bunch of people whose job it is to get views on social media are posting content to get views on social media for income…
They’re in it for themselves, not the well-being of the game.
Who cares what they think.


He smirked, as he reached over his ponderous crumb-dusted belly and snatched up a tendie. Maybe if he yelled loud enough, his mother would come down into the basement and bring mountain dew… perhaps should could wash his body pillow while she was at it.


Ok, I lol’ed at that more than I should have, probably

This is a key point I disagree with in the style.
First, you essentially “level” every quarter of a level because of how they spread Paragon out but, the main thing, is that as another review I saw stated (and how I feel as well) this game isn’t currently designed to grind on well.

For someone with 1-2 hours a day to play the game provide a few options, you knock the option out, and then go do other stuff. As the reviewer said (paraphrasing):

“D4 is not designed for the hardcore gamer. It seems to be designed for the former hardcore gamer who now, due to life, has 1-2 hour to game while having a drink. They want to relive a favorite franchise or genre on a much shorter schedule.”

They’ll probably need to tweak some stuff if that is their target demographic but as being a member of that demographic I think it hits pretty well of being a 10pm to midnight-ish game for me.

I’d again disagree but I could very well be in the minority as I’m someone who plays D2 sp-hc at high ./playersX to force a challenge. So I can admit I might be in a minority in liking the fact that I can’t necessarily steam roll the game constantly. It hasn’t been very difficult though since mid-30s w/ Werewolf Druid (now mid-50s SC Druid and low 20s HC Necro)

Some of the side quests are bad (rofl on this testosterone affixation you have, especially in a relatively non-PvP game) but some are good stories that help develop the world some. I do think there are too many, I’ll agree there, but a good number added nice (really, dark or tragic) stories into the world


In D2 the look on elites isn’t extremely different and rarely causes any adrenaline rush even in HC because of how basic the elites are.

Do they look different in D3? I honestly can’t remember any elites looking different unless their movement speed was glitched. Elites in D3, at least so far, were a lot more dangerous at higher levels when in packs but that also has something to do with the ridiculous high-end damage scaling that the game eventually had.

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But we never freaking actually heard what happened to the expedition, like the least they could have done was add in another freaking conversation with the outcome of that damned journey.

You seem weirdly fascinated with being “powerful” in a little video game. I play games for fun, not to live out some weird fantasy. Quite a beta point of view youve got there. Im guessing in real life something is really lacking.


I don’t think they’re panicking. More that the reality of this being a terrible game is slowly setting in. They’ll have plenty of outrage content to farm when the general base catches up.


weird rant. they arent in panic mode. they are a parasite, like locusts. the next big release will be soon and theyll just go play that, since they are just in it for themselves and views

they dont care about the games, never have. they want the money, and have lowered their stations in life to be living advertisements, sold their dignity and potential value to the LOWEST bidder…



its interesting how all the reviewers went wild with the glazing but less than a week later all the actual non-paid reviews are bad :wink:

blizz be paying under the table or something lol


“Non-paid reviews” = “randos posting zero star reviews on Metacritic”.

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