Here's why content creators and streamers are in panic mode

keep on dreaming all blizzard is doing is working on DLC to milk another 70 bucks. Who really thinks Season gonna be better ?lol

the stash tab space is a reflection of how blizzard thinks its all about milking not creating a good game that last long.

its better to create a g ame that dies as fast as possible they already got all money so now they can work on diablo 5 in the background already and repeat the process of giga milking

d4 is worse than d2 and worse than d3 and even worse than diablo immortal

face it

  1. No World Chat
  2. Small Stash Tabs
  3. No Trading
  4. Bad Balanced open world pvp
  5. Latency Spikes to 300 ms during pvp
  6. Horse gets stuck on every corner
  7. Low Build Diversity.
  8. No Endgame
  9. Bad designed Stat System
  10. Bad UI
  11. No Matchmaking, No Dungeon Finger, No group Finder, No Playerinteractions
  12. Gems way too fast maxed out
    13.Vendors Sell magic items for 500k Gold + totally useless
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That is such a non-issue. Is your stash full? You’re hoarding too much. There’s no other way to say it - the loot in there is bad. Salvage or sell it.

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Another D3 fanboy that hates previous Diablo titles okay we get you. Game not for you.

D3 was so bad small indie game Path of Exile took over entire genre.

Maybe in your opinion but so far I think the entire game is a joke, you have mediocre combat, events being pointless and boring due to high levels running in and wiping it instantly, half baked character advancement. I could go on and on with the little bit of time I’ve played. This game is at least 10 years behind in almost every aspect. Now end game I can only go off comments but when you create a game with not real endgame well there goes the replayability. All in all I wouldn’t give it a 0 but strong 1 to 2, I mean the cut scenes are nice and it might occupy my time for a few days before I get bored with it and go back to an actual finished game.

At an objective level, makes sense. But when it’s a beloved franchise that only comes out once per decade, if lucky, with no true direct competition or equal in terms of setting, graphics, audio, vibe, aesthetic, etc., then there’s, obviously, going to be some passionate comments by some for “what could have been” or what they feel “should not have done.”

Sure, don’t play the game. “Hope it meets your expectations in 2034!”

Easier said than done

Oh boy, OP, you fell for the “scandalised streamer syndrome,” where they post a goofy thumbnail and complain but are secretly loving both the game and the clicks they’re getting from brain-dead viewers who live on their every word. Not saying that’s you but you sure aren’t making a strong case for yourself with this post.

That’s just like your opinion man.

Bruh, one of the most popular ARPG content creators literally got world first HC lvl 100 with his team. Another one of the most popular content creators from D3 got world first HC kill of the most hard version of Diablo pre nerfed. Both of them share the same ideas what is bad about the Diablo 4:

  • Level scaling.
  • Chain CC.
  • Small storage without any meaningful QoL and overall interface functionality.
  • Useless stats like resistance.
  • And many small issues like map auto reset on DC or relog or luck of previous Diablo features like leaderboard.

Noone actually says Diablo 4 is bad and “panic” like OP says. The game “has a great potential” but this issues should probably addressed first.

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Speak for yourself. My brother and I have been playing Diablo since 1999. We both agreed this is the best one yet and are excited to dump countless hours of fun into it.

The game is an absolute visual and audio gem.

Also, the elite glowing comment. I actually don’t mind it the way it is honestly. If anything they could allow an option to highlight the elite in your choice of color just like you can highlight your own character.

But hey you are entitled to you’re own opinion on the game.

Yeah Blizzard completely botched the endgame. What made them think people wanted D3 all over again? That game is dead for a reason. They should have took inspiration from the modern ARPGs on the market not D3.

What is your defination of dead? How many video games can we consider “dead” because it reached the end of it’s lifecycle.

D3 was played for many years and was still being played up until the point of D4 release.

D4 will have many years of players logging on and enjoying Sanctuary. If you are not one of them, then by all means, go play another game.

D3 has never been close to being dead lol. The only 2 similarities D4 has to D3 is obol farming aka bloodshards and Grim Favor farming aka bounties.

The only 2 similarities D4 has to D3 is obol farming aka bloodshards and Grim Favor farming aka bounties.

So you don’t see similarities between Tree of Whispers and Bounties, Nightmare Dungeons and Rifts.

What is your defination of dead? How many video games can we consider “dead” because it reached the end of it’s lifecycle.

Dead compared to other ARPGs like PoE that basically have created a standard what Season for ARPG means.

I like D4 very much but I hope it is not just Rifts all over again.

This is so beyond accurate and hysterical I wish I could crown you king of this forum.

Grim favors=Tree of whispers. The only similarities that that GR/Rifts share with NM dungeons is the sigil upgrading after you complete them aka legendary gem up grades from D3. Aside from that they are completely different.

So what it is the difference?

Rifts/GR’s you just kill demons to fill up a progress bar, NM dungeons you do annoying objectives that get in your way of the killing demons part. To be clear I’m not praising either system, they are both equally as terrible.

I don’t like PoE. I find it incredibly boring. I like D3.

Rhykker has left the chat.


they are mostly paid and can be bought easily to spew flowers out of their mouth but in long term it will ruin their reputation. then they’ll decline, then they’ll fade away.