Here is a fact for you

I want to ignore these players / posters but their profile is hidden, so not sure if there’s another way?

It is really too bad they just didnt sell the current d4 as an early access game for $50 as it would have met more or less everyone’s expectations.

7 days has gotten away with it for the last 10 years

SCUM for 5 years

To get the money they asked they couldnt say it was EA, but by them telling us how long it will take to " fix " it, it plays like an EA game.

can show up in the NMD.

most ppl who are min/maxing xp/farming they arent gonna waste time killign random stuff they are gonna run optimal NMD for most kills per hour.

should it be like that? prolyl not, but it is best way to do it currently.

pointless view.

every loot drop is RNG.

you do events for obols. (you dont expect any good loot saem as a dungeon)

dragging it out wont make it better.

only difference between doing open world vs dungeon is the xp u get an hr & the loot amount you get.

no end game still exists regardless of what you pick to do.

but game has no journey is the issue.

hopefully its fixed in future but current game has no end goal.

there is no journey as theres no end goal.

and again you can walk to dungeon if u like. fast travel is not required to do them. (so what others want doesnt effect you especially when the ppl wont interact wiuth you even if they had run there)

you win


There is a way, but it is convoluted. That is another weapon they can use by “privatizing” their account. And it a flaw the forum should correct. A simple block or ignore button be available when you click their forum name.

I never seen a post or heard any streamers or anything saying this game is to hard, nothing about it was hard lol.

there are more people in this world than streamers. nearly every day there were several threads for 3 months straight since BETA launch crying about level scaling

so to say youve never seen a post about it, after 2600 posts on this board, is a flat out lie.

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Constructive criticisms is good, and I always encourage players to keep at it.

I think as forum members what I do and what generally everyone should do is just not post in the “D4 is bad/I quit/BG3/POE” post and and make an effort to bump up the constructive posts.

it is, but unfortunately out patience is wearing very thin because they never even acknowledge there is a god damn problem

its like we are talking to a brick wall

Anyone remember the various Ashava threads during Server Slam claiming she’s apparently unbeatable and world bosses are too hard? Man those posts aged like milk…

Re post one for us then? Because that was never an issue of mine or anyone I played with.

Buffing nmd didn’t kill the open world. Blizz did that when they literally level squished the open world lol

Yes we both agree that people should provide details on what it is they don’t like. Without the details, I have no idea because I’m having fun in the game.

Are you kidding me with these rewards? The primary issue is difficulty, not rewards. You can still get better items in the open world, and guaranteed legendaries. How are you people just as dumb as the Blizzard minds behind this game? NMDs allow you to challenge yourself whereas the open world does not. Now, some of you are only nominally different from the brain-dead and perhaps you can be contented playing the open world in a vegetative state on an ironic power trip but that is a bad general recipe for gaming. Why is this so hard to understand?

comin in a lil hot here arent we ?

IMO your more likely to get attacked rather than an answer, but you do you i guess.

Too often the things people tend to focus on are marginal.

lazy child, go to the search option and just type in “level scaling”

the first thread that appears is from Mar 17

Wait I’m confused level scaling in still in the game they just made it weaker not sure what that is supposed to help. Again no one asked for a nerf of the whole open world, getting rid of level scaling would mean there would be max level spots still in the open world. All they did was lower the scaling and nerf xp and loot.

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I agree. But giving details can still be a complaint it’s just they bothered to complain in a civil and and adult manner instead of giving no input and being vulgar and belligerent.

It’s literally the difference between an educated, polite Karen wanting to speak to a manager and that drunk lady screaming slurs at someone trying to prove a point.