I just did a bit of Helltide and noticed that hardly any shards dropped. Did 2 events and killed everything in between the 2 events which included a bunch of elites, a spawned helltide elite and a red glowing effigy. The events had loads of mobs yet the count of my shards after those 2 events including reward chest was 40.
I read through the patchnotes and there’s mention of the mystery chest that cost more, mobs are higher level and interactable objects that can give shards but there’s no mention of the droprate on monster going down
This is why I submit this report as I think this may have been an unintended side effect.
Same. I hope it is a bug and not intentional.
I did 3 events, got ~10 shards per event, several larger groups with atleast 1-2 Elities, got 1-3 shards per group.
Totaled out at about 45 all said and done. Pre patch that route got me between 100-125 shards.
It’s amazing how Blizzard makes their game unplayable with each new “patch”. Few mobs and poor drops in helltide happened to me as well this morning…what a joke…got 5 shards after killing 3 mobs with at least 1 Elite in each mob. Who wants to grind ~1 hour in helltide and not get enough resources to open a chest? I’ve noticed the drops in helltide have been changing noticeably since launched and now totally nerfed to being useless to do helltides. I used to be able to run helltide, and get enough resources to open two mystery chests and a 75-100 chest.