Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

They are letting every class feel what it’s like to be a sorcerer with this patch. Its fun isnt it!

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100% I don’t get the hate towards Adam when he’s just the messenger.

But thankfully he’s more the capable of understanding that everyone’s pissed at the team and not him.

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Theres also an issue with Sorcerors. They suck. Have the team look at that please.

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man who f* cares about casual players. Game should be a passion. Leveling is too fast already. D3 was a failure, please don’t try to make D4 totally D3-like. You can always play your favorite D3.

Yeah! Now your choices of characters are
Sorc, Sorc, Sorc, or Sorc!
I wish they had a 5th class

This is now confirmed as a bug and we have a fix in our first Hotfix that we will be rolling out.


I have an other Bug confirmed… when you recruit mmo andy devs for ARPG game… things wont go well

Yo Rod have some dignity and leave


Which I assume will be held back until you discover another bug which helps the players, which you will rush out to fix as fast as possible.


awesome, thanks for the heads up!

any word on when the real patch notes are dropping? this out of season april fool’s joke was fun but I think it’s run its course


Looking forward to the hotfix in season 3! :clown_face:


the issue with them is that you’re now getting dunked on for that change. Nice PR try

Which part is the bug; the cost, the drop rate, or both?

Now the $100 question (which many here have paid).
Was there a problem with chests and you reduced the ability to open them, or did you create this problem? Created on purpose or by chance?
You have half the game work not over your head. For example, I wonder why armor gives more protection against elemental damage than protection against elemental damage itself? And yet you care more about chests than specific problems?
You can basically not answer. Because you have nothing to say anyway.


People are losing it over crap balance and this is the concern they have LOL!

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Unpaid beta tester here, apparently there’s a bug where the patch has nerfed everyone? Can we hotfix that?


What is the second hotfix? Reverse patch?


Can you fix the rest of problems with the patch?

Ya know…like the entire thing?


Glad blizzard decided to be blizzard again. Nerf the fun. Don’t bother running helltides anymore.


Oh, okay as long as the ciders have a fix coming. SMH. Still doesn’t change the fact every class got a shaft in this patch. Nice to know Blizzard doesn’t care about the longevity of their game until they are nearly dead. Sad that D4 is already moving toward death before the first season. Nerf, Nerf and oh yeah more nerfs.


The game released with MANY things not even working properly.
Keystones (for example, fire sorc that were using combustion literally was not getting any bonus for the entire time they were playing D4 and they just didn’t know it)
you’re only point out a new bug but there are maaaaaaaaany SO many that have not been addressed