HDR is washed out, hazy look

If any game needs blacker blacks, Diablo is it! The blacks are terrible on my Series X and LG OLED–it is just all washed out lame grey.

We need it to be more black!

“It’s like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none — none more black.” -Nigel Tufnel


Yes the HDR on the Xbox Series X looks horrible blacks are completly white washed, and the tuning settings dont help at all, even just default shouldnt look like this, HDR looks great on all my other games. Black should be black.

Using LG C2 OLED

Please fix before release.

Yeah, noticed this since day 1. It looks really awful. I tried turning off HDR, but it still looks as bad

using LG C9 on PC, looks like they are outputting HDR as limited range RGB when the GPU is set to output in Full range RGB. Switching my TV to expect limited fixed it, everything looks way better. For now i set my PC and TV to limited, and when i open Diablo 4 i switch the PC to output Full range in nvidia control panel, and everything is good.

They do need to fix this though. It’s worrisome that it’s like this, because to me it means they didnt really calibrate devs monitors properly when mastering content for HDR. (if they even bothered to test in HDR at all?)

edit: crap i posted this in console, must have switched me here when i searched for HDR topics lol


Thanks for the detailed info, PC or Console, makes no difference as your information might help them figure out the issue.

Least we have their attention through Blue response.

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I use an Alienware DWF on PC with Windows 11 auto-hdr. Using a Nvidia 10 bit color profile with 165hz.

The black are washed out, there’s nothing I can do to improve.

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Are there any contrast, or even sharpness, filters in the Nvidia settings that can offset the haze? I know it doesn’t help on console, but maybe it will help resolve it for release.

cant say i noticed this at all on my ps5 with samsung tv. looked good to me and im very picky about that stuff.

Guess you did not have a look into it for the open Beta.
The game - even on title screen - is really washed out and grey on OLED (PS5).
As mentioned in the video, I set the fine tuning to -25 and it looked as it should. But as the TV does not differentiate between games, I set it back to 0.

It‘s a shame that a game coming out these days is not capable of real HDR settings and HDR.

And @notyourbody: We are talking about OLEDs. Don‘t know if your Samsung is an OLED, but most likely not. :wink:

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If you get gray blacks in D3 when HDR is on at console level then there’s something wrong with HDR calibration on your console. Have you even done that? Or it could be Sony’s implementation of “auto HDR” because it just increases brightness of entire image to get those bright highlights.

Not saying Xbox’s Auto HDR is better. After all it’s just SDR image with highlights determined by AI.

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I just want to note that I am on PS5 & it does not look like your screenshot that you posted on reddit. I see your on xbox one so it may be an xbox issue. I did notice during the close beta how the graphics were low res & fixed in the open beta.

I do however sometimes see the hazy look when running outside of town. I thought that was happening from loading new areas after you walk out of town because the hazy look never happened in town so I thought it was a snow effect at first till I saw it happening in loading other open areas & side caves. So there must be a HDR issue at different levels for each console platform.

I woke up to this problem Sunday morning after playing last weekend on Saturday and Sunday as.well as Friday and Saturday this weekend. Not sure whant the issue is but for me once it started it persisted between games and even on another console. The only fix I could get to work was turn off HDR altogether, which sucks.


ps5 here with lg c2 oled. diablo 4 beta black are way to high. my other games look perfect. when i played in sdr it was much better but hdr has a problem right now

PSA - There is a dev Twitter reply to a PC HDR compliant. They mentioned that there are multiple HDR improvements already implemented that were not in the beta build but would be there at release.

Basically that’s where we are at.

@Ace, I have the same problem on Xbox Series.
What worked for me in Overwatch 2 is this article;
www . hdrgamer . com / 2022 / 10 / overwatch-2-hdr-settings . html

It has to do with two things mainly;

  • One is the TV settings, if you have any kind of modifier like colour improvement on (even the lowest setting) or any black level improvement settings, this will make it problematic. These settings are importent though for SDR content like videos, movies and games that don’t support HDR.

  • Secondly because not all TV’s are made equally with the same standard HDR requirements for display luminance levels (nits), you need to determine the max range from your TV panel. You’ll need to look up what that is for your TV or monitor.

For example;
My Sony TV in my theater setup has over 1100 nits, but my main gaming (smaller) Philips TV has only around 430 nits. (in 10% window)

I hope this helps you understand a little why it’s difficult to have a good HDR solution for modern games. That’s why I’m not a huge fan of HDR for games atm and even prefer SDR setting.


I have a ps5 with a samsung S95B (OLED) and it looked great on my tv.

I know you guys are busy with a lot of stuff, and HDR might seem like a small thing; but I don’t think I’m alone in saying while there are more important things, of course (like server stability, or performance issues), HDR is not a small thing to me.

Especially in a game like Diablo 4; well implemented HDR has the ability to drastically amplify immersion and atmosphere. The washed out look was very off-putting, and immersion-breaking. Sure, we can just play in SDR, but then very expensive display technology is just going to waste, in a game where it could make a huge difference and really increase enjoyment and immersion.

I know this post says the team is looking into it, but can we please get a follow up response? Has the team found the issues? Replicated our reported problems? Identified the causes? Planned any fixes?

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I’d love to hear a bit more detail on how this is going, before the launch.


I have issues with HDR on all games on my series X. I also turned it off. Tried it on my Sharp and Samsung TV’s and the games just look horrible. SDR looks much better.

I was tweaking setting again last night to give HDR another chance and it went from completely awful to slightly less bad. Not really an improvement in my book.

Giving up on HDR until microsoft can figure out how to integrate it into their flagship console. I don’t think it’s a developer issue so much as a hardware issue.

Using HGIG makes the image much better. It makes the blacks very deep and makes color pop. Try this over Dynamic Tone mapping.

As it’s great to share advice of TV adjustments, we as the consumer shouldn’t have to adjust our TVs for a game. I have many games that do HDR correctly (ESO is one, but took years to get it right) and I don’t touch my TV settings.

Blizzard acknowledged they had additional HDR work and tweaks that weren’t in the beta, so hopefully they will have it right at launch.