HC PVP and what it should be

So I’ve been talking to a few people, and seems there is one unknown factor about HC PvP and that’s if there will be perma death in PvP in HC. Seems a lot of people are also split on this. Some feel it should be, others feel it’s too harsh. I’m in the middle I think should be both.

If it’s too harsh you will not have any inexperienced PvPers (noobs) join in because they will be too afraid. This will leave only a handful of people willing to go in and that will kill off PvP pretty fast as there will be no new people coming and going.

On the other hand it is HC, so having pure SC like PvP is not what a lot of people in HC want to see (myself included). People love to have the chance to absolutely wreck someone’s day at the risk of their own day getting wrecked.

This is how I propose both can be done.

you have 3 different rewards for PvP throughout the season, this will also keep pvp active throughout the season.

  1. 1/3 of the season have the first PvP reward be some sort of singled out cosmetic like a cape or something. Now during this part of the season there is no perma death in PvP. It’s basically identical to SC

  2. 2/3 of the season the cosmetic could be for your horse or something like that. during this phase of HC PvP you lose your character on death BUT your gear is sent to a temp tab or something of that sort so you aren’t at a complete loss.

  3. 3/3 of the season is the full on set you originally intended to release, but the PvP is full loss, char and gear.

This will allow people to experience PvP without having to roll on another mode try to farm everything to copy your character just to see if it’s something you want to PvP with. You have a chance to try some PvP builds in your current mode with all your findings, then you slowly easy into an HC like fashion until it is actual PvP for the best rewards as it should be.

Try them on SC then use them on HC. No one is gonna want 3 tiers of seasons within seasons. No one goes into HC without knowing what’s at stake and we’re all starting fresh and only a handful know endgame capabilities. Gear drops like candy and leveling will take a couple days or a rush once we figure out how that works. It’s a non-issue.

I’d be okay with an opt-in before you make your character.

Normal mode
Hardcore mode (not PvP)
Hardcore more (including PvP)

It could be fun having mini ladders where you have a week or two to build up before some kind of competition brackets. To encourage people to use this mode, maybe you can unlock some cosmetics by winning a competition, and those cosmetics can be put non-HC characters.

Be gentle, this is what I thought of immediately after seeing this post. I was writing as I was reading.

Maybe you get a necklace cosmetic, and with each win, there’s an ear on it. That wouldn’t be something you can appreciate in-game, though. Maybe you can see it on your character’s profile or something.

ARPG “PvP” lol good joke.

It already is opt-in. There are pvp zones that you have to flag yourself to be allowed to enter. So there is no ganking or what not in normal world play.

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in HC if you die you are dead end of story, what else is the point?

If you wanna risk everything flagging yourself in PvP and have huge adrenaline, well you gotta risk everything. Its the only way.

And I’m not gonna play this game HC for years, you know how easy it is to die in tier 4? HC in diablo 3 will be easy mode comparatively.

That’s the issue could take you weeks to make the same character on SC, that’s a lot more annoying than participating in some actual gameplay that is meaningful

I didn’t know that was a thing! I’ve tried my best to avoid any and all videos about this game. Diablo II is one of my favorite games of all time and I was really let down by D3. I went in virtually blind, I also didn’t look up any guide videos. It was a lot of fun to experiment.

Barb was a 5/10 for me. It got much better toward the end.
Necro was beyond OP! I didn’t like the cartoony skeletons, though. 6/10
Druid was insane! I got a legendary super early and it turned me into a god. I finished the game in like 5-6 hours. I was a glass cannon. I don’t think I’d have liked it at all without that extra help. I’d say 3/10 for Druid. 7/10 with that specific item.

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The pvp wasn’t available at all for beta, but it’s been a pretty hot topic amongst some of the HC players, since no one knows what they have planned for it. But seems most people I talk to are split between no penalty or harshest penalty. But for the health of HC + PvP I feel one or the other just doesn’t fit. So a mix of both is like a happy compromise.

lol yea I loved D2 back in the day. D3 was a let down for me as well. But so far I am loving D4! I am pumped for release. PvP in d2 was a lot of fun for me too. and it was harsh then lol. I think if you can’t force pvp (which my understanding is that it can NOT be forced) then they need a way for people to ease into it without playing the game from scratch (on SC). Otherwise most will just be too afraid of loosing their stuff and avoid it all together… If it’s like SC then it’s just no fun knowing there is no real punishment for killing the other guy on HC.

I’m glad you loved the beta man. I went in knowing only a little and it blew my mind. Way better than what I was expecting from blizz!

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