Having to fight a boss without dying is not fun

Act 2 complete at level 11.

I’m not a streamer but I think I’ve proven my point.


You’re supposed to be playing with your friend!!! :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Gotta love how anti-lvl-scale people rush content so fast so that it’s easier :smiley:

Welcome to melee classes. :hugs:

How the hell are people that deep in the story without leveling? Are people skipping all other content? Is that the most efficient way to play?

He has already decided to quit the game because of Hard CC spam by some bosses.

I did it to prove a point.

It depends on what you want to do. If you want to complete the main story line? Probably. It’s definitely not hard at all, you just run past everything.

Die? In a boss fight? As druid the bosses are just sponges and I never get close to dying

Already beat Act 4 at level 15. Please go on! Tell me how level scaling isn’t the reason it’s so easy.

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Agreed, they should add a minimum cap at areas that are actual act progression


Please dont make the game any more casual friendly than it already is christ. Get good!

Mate, is this your first game ever? Other than D2, what game doesn’t do this?

Many games don’t do that or do you only play MMORPG games where if you walk 10 feet from an enemy it runs back to it’s leashed zone and full heals?

Good rule of thumb: don’t rely on those NPCs. I just ignored Neyrelle and took out those node monsters to wipe her off. Since I’m a Rogue, it’s all about the build. I use a combination of Dark Shroud, Shadow and focus mainly with poison imbuement in penetrating shots (lethal, especially with the Combo applied). It’s all about hit and run on my end. Having gear to help with the multipliers also helps- (I didn’t have any Aspects in play). Mine wasn’t designed to be a melee.
Regardless of what class you play, it’s all about your build. We want a strong offense and defense.

I will never understand why people come in here thinking I am asking for help playing the game. I get you have good intentions but that’s not what this thread is about.

Thats not exactly hard fight, try to work on positioning and avoid her projectiles. You can also gain few levels elsewhere so you over level her.

Edit: I Just read your last post, sorry :joy:

It’s a harder fight when you are under geared and equal level at level 21.

I beat her with a level 6 character. I think the minimum level is 5.

Wait wait wait you can’t possibly mean you want the boss to stay injured and not Regen after you die? That would be crazy fail if that’s how it was you could have level 1s kill the end boss… Actually POE has what you want and it’s like the one major thing I don’t like about that game

They have points where they can be considered check points and the bosses should change tactics and become increasingly difficult. Just because you can get her down to 1/3 hp doesn’t mean you will be able to do the last leg of the fight.

But just because you die doesn’t mean you should have to do the fight from the beginning.

Also, your lvl 1’s killing the end boss is moot as I am level 15 in act 5. I didn’t want to level up but quests give xp so…

That’s exactly what it means! If you die then start the fight over and watch the boss and figure out how to win.

With no gear on? A totally unrealistic test you mean. Frankly any fight should absolutely be hard with no gear on. Gearing up is half the game here.

Did you switch to T1? I’ve noticed a couple of overtuned boss so far, just switch and kill if a boss is causing too much trouble.